fungus amongus?

  • Thread starter summitoker
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I would agree with that to some extent. I have seen grows that made me feel like I needed to take a shower after being around. But most conscience grow operations control these problems.


putembk said:
I have seen grows that made me feel like I needed to take a shower after being around.

Yea I have to say I think this is a bit of a problem.

Actually - I'm sort of the only clean grower I know.

I don't really understand this - I think it is a lot of the holdover from the 2009 - 2010 green rush where so many people who didn't really care about pot in the first place plunked down fuck knows what on grow-ops that they then barely had the desire to maintain. This is typically what I've seen.

I had this guy - spent $4000 on grow shit at a fucking crack - I mean really stepped up - but then 6 months later he's got 2 inches of dead leaves on this grow room floor and he looks at me, exasperated as hell cuz I'm bitching at him pretty good about it - and he says, real flip like he think's he's making a point - "What does the plant care?"

summitoker said:
. I would like to see what this study actually found, powdery mildew, black mold, what?

Well it's not like you can't go read it.

The methodology looks pretty decent.


I think the study is pretty legit. I think many growers - especially sloppy folks with dollar signs in the eyes and not much talent in the brain - really don't know what the fuck they are doing and - especially when it is a for profit type of thing - don't really care either. If the end result is commerical grade @ 160-ish/oz - then the whole process of cleaning and spending real money on filters and exhaust and what-not is really a lot of work for a pothead whose in this to 'grow money' . . . .

I can tell you if that doctor came to my grow he'd have much different results.


Unknown farmer
Clean is great but your not gonna grow anything alive indoors sterile.........never.....and every house will test positive for bad mold in the right me i know molds I grew lots a shrooms......I will say every long term grower I know has some damage to the house from growing but nothing a responsible farmer cant repair....I know I've fucked up some drywall and I'm not clean I got leaves on my floor in my rooms but I'm not growing in unsafe or unsanitary conditions compared to what OUTSIDE? what happened to Organic man....ya know hippies n SHIT....literally.....

Trust me I provide compassion for a lot of people ready to die and I've had buds tested and the toxic mold thing is propaganda......poisons n fungicides are the concern I'd be worried about in these indoor hydro store reccomends floramite first defense to wanna bees non stop.....

I can take a PIECE A BREAD outta a fridge of a non growing house too and 9/10 tested will grow mold just as toxic or worse than you'll find in any grow room.
we grow mushrooms as well...and like you said my house also has mold...amazingly we have not had many contams in the mushroom grows can ignore just had to throw that in


moioxii said:
Clean is great but your not gonna grow anything alive indoors sterile.........never.....and every house will test positive for bad mold in the right hands

Huh? You are saying that any given grow house will produce mold and other garbage as long as a lazy grower who doesn't get humidity and ventilation is the operator?

What are you saying here?

moioxii said:
I know I've fucked up some drywall and I'm not clean I got leaves on my floor in my rooms but I'm not growing in unsafe or unsanitary conditions compared to what OUTSIDE

Um. I'm really not sure where to start with this - you are saying that an outdoor grow is inherently less 'sanitary' than an indoor grow by virtue of it being outside?

I could dismantle this assertion for like 3000 words. Seriously.

The study argues, very effectively in my view, that mold and fungal counts are increased indoors due to increased humidity and lack of proper ventilation/exhaust. This, combined with the modification of water heaters for co2 production and poorly done wiring jobs for electric service, produces very unsafe conditions for any residential dwelling.

All of this is true, intuitive, and well supported by the paper and authors' methodology.

moioxii said:
Trust me I provide compassion for a lot of people ready to die and I've had buds tested and the toxic mold thing is propaganda

What? Are you even talking about? The argument isn't "toxic mold" the argument is "mold at levels that are 10x higher than a given outdoor concentration has long-term health consequences for those individuals exposed to that environment"

- there is a world of difference between the two.

Mold isn't inherently toxic, of course. Mold slathered into an individual's respiratory system at unnaturally high concentrations over months and months - well - this is a very different concept.

moioxii said:
I'd be worried about in these indoor hydro store reccomends floramite first defense to wanna bees non stop.....

A shotgun-cum-flyswatter if you ask me. Clearly very poor advice.

This sort of advice is idiocy of the highest magnitude - and somewhat akin to moronic doctors prescribing levaquin for a fucking respiratory cough.

And, lastly,

I'm not clean I got leaves on my floor in my rooms but I'm not growing in unsafe or unsanitary conditions

If you have more than a single cycle of leaves on your floor, then you are, by definition, "growing in unsafe or unsanitary conditions" - seriously - vacuum your floor dude. vac-


Question: I grow in a tent and keep everything clean enough that you can eat off of the floor. I have no dry wall around the tent and the basement never gets over 50%. The tent has excellent ventilation in both vet and flower. With that said do I need to worry about mold in excessive amounts?


The system in CO is completely F'ed.

Vertical integration creates a potential conflict of interest between the grow and the retail outlet. The retail outlet should be able to test for and not sell any mmj that is contaminated with mold or pesticides, but because of vertical integration, the retail outlet is completely dependent on it's associated grows and is likelt to fail if it's grow fails.

The MMED has also completely failed it's customers, the mmj patients of Colorado. I have not heard of the MMED doing ANY testing for the safety of the product sold by MMCs. IMO, someone should be held CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT for the MMED failing to enforce it's own rules and protect the patients of Colorado.

As I said, this is completely f'ed... the weed MMCs sell has the potential to make sick people even sicker and the MMED just cut it's staff while not following through on it's obligations to Colorado citizens.
sky high

sky high

Like I said in another thread...MMED had 37 officers at the start and are now down to 12.

and no..they haven't stopped issuing licenses for grows that they cannot regulate.

so, like you say Dorje...the system has failed/is completely fucked up.... yet some here STILL support it and believe that we are better off for it.


Like I said in another thread...MMED had 37 officers at the start and are now down to 12.

and no..they haven't stopped issuing licenses for grows that they cannot regulate.

so, like you say Dorje...the system has failed/is completely fucked up.... yet some here STILL support it and believe that we are better off for it.

I wish it would have turned out different, but we got what we got... a $hit sandwich that is geared toward commercial production that is of questionable quality and safety. Not the best result for the patient IMO.
Bud Spleefman

Bud Spleefman

Premium Member
Well, that article is bullshit, but on the subject of the best wall material for a grow room, I have converted both my bloom rooms from drywall, to 1/2" plywood painted with mold-proof interior paint. We used that Behr stuff, 150 bucks for 5 gallons at the Depot, and I tell you what, that shit washes like tile! Plus, I can hang fans, tack wire to walls, hand plastic, etc..... ANYWHERE I WANT. We even did the ceilings, plus got the ceiling R value up to like 25 and have the walls ar R-19...... drywall is a poor choice for a grow room.

Tents, I can't think of anything wrong with a tent, as far as mold goes, wash that thing with bleach water after every cycle, you should be good.
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