is the Obama administration spraying fusarium wilt over northern California

  • Thread starter Luni
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I found a newspaper article indicating that chemicals including Fusarium wilt were sprayed over Northern California on May 14th. I'm having numerous issues with my garden this year and am now reading recent articles showing that eradication of MJ plants are at an all time low. Down nearly 80% from over 7million in 2009 to only 1 million this year.

To makes sense.....i just hope its not true

Am i on the right track to believe that the Obama administration is using chemicals to completely eradicate MJ from parts if not all of the planet?


I spoke with a lot of farmers this year who agree something's not right. I've also heard that Nevada city and grass valley are being hit hard with fusarium wilt as well.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Seems like farmers of other plants like wine grapes might have issues but I've been hearing record harvests are coming this year from vintners...


Keep in mind fusarium wilt is a smart/ weaponized plant disease. There's over 100 variations of fusarium. The variation that targets marijuana is Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cannabis'.

Ive also noticed that delivery/ dump trucks hauling the soil aren't cleaning out their beds and possibly a carrier


The answer, very plainly, is no. They are not spraying--willy nilly--organisms all over the goddamn place.

That is crazy talk and would be illegal as shit.

Fusarium is a naturally occurring organism which is extremely resilient and easy to spread--using any number of vectors to do this. Saying something like this without any type of evidence except for a bunch of amateurs with agar is probably one of the more hyperbolic things I've seen said about Obama that ddn't compare him to Marx or Stalin.

Hell no the government is not dropping fungal spores into the sky. Are you high?

Fusarium, in almost all of its forms (including oxysporum) have had a wonderful year this year in terms of conditions--in fact I just attended a seminar last week discussing this very thing (fusarium has been doing a number on the maize harvest in this area).

No, no, never, no.
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Squiggly, to out-right say the government wouldn't do that is a bit naive. All I have to say about that is paraquat. Also I highly doubt Pro-Lab is hiring amateurs.

Now that is not to say I even remotely believe this was some government conspiracy. What really happened I cannot not even begin to infer. But whatever did take place is very strange.


The lab test results don't lie. What about the chem-trails i see all over the sky and constant reports about samples being tested that carry toxins, metals and other things harmful? Have you ever searched terns on google such as weaponized fusarium, bioengineering and the like. There's tens of thousands of results where right here in our own country companies, state governments and colleges are refining it. In fact there's plenty of results and studies where its being used in south America

Can you elaborate a little more on what your learned about this years fungal increases.
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Luni, you are correct that the lab test proved there were fungi in the "rain" and high level of metals. But we have seen increases in metals in rain for years now. Our rain is far more acidic than other times in history very much due to higher carbon emissions and other pollutants being pumped into our atmosphere. Freak occurrences of nature have been recorded in most all of human history, adding one more to the list is nothing new. For you to associate this even with the government is totally unfounded. There is no actual evidence that links Obama or any government agency with this event. The internet is far from a reliable source for information. I can easily start a site that puts up "research" and "evidence" and get it to the top of Google searches. So if you can find proper studies that state the government is involved I will listen, and so will others.


Citrus Heights attorney Joseph H. Marman will soon file a lawsuit against the Shasta County Air Quality Management District in California for failing to ensure good air quality, on behalf of those injured by pollutants used in persistent jet contrails, popularly known as chemtrails.
The type of damage can vary – from reduced agricultural output and reduced solar energy capture, to damaged soils and water systems, to human health problems.
He reported to Food Freedom that he now has enough plaintiffs to pursue the case, but must first file an Administrative claim.
“Typically after I file a government claim, then we have six months in which to file the complaint,” he said.
Depending on what’s loaded in the spray, as well as particle size, aerial spraying impacts health in a variety of ways. Once inhaled or absorbed through the skin, particles can impede gastrointestinal, respiratory, autoimmunity, neurological and cognitive functions.Chemical, Biological Experiments and Geoengineering
In the wake of spraying in Kitchener, Ontario several years ago, Thomas noticed “1-800 numbers posted which ask you to call in to become part of medical studies,” with the qualification that specific symptoms were contracted “within a certain area within a specific time frame.” He notes, “That sounds like biological warfare tracking to me.”
Could be. Most sources believe, though, that aerosol spraying of chemicals and biologicals is done to modify the weather (via humidity or solar radiation management) or to mitigate industrial accidents. Tracking health effects may be secondary to climate control or bioremediation activity.
During my research for Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails last year, [33] I discovered that under 50 USC §§ 1512 and 1520, the U.S. government claims authority to conduct open air testing of chemical and biological weapons on civilian populations, without prior and informed consent.
This clearly violates human rights and constitutes a war crime under International Criminal Court statutes, the Chemical Weapons Convention and/or the Biological Weapons Convention, depending on what's being sprayed. [34]
It is no surprise, then, that the U.S. refused to sign the 2010 UN call for an end to geoengineering activities, defined as, “any technologies that deliberately reduce solar insolation or increase carbon sequestration from the atmosphere on a large scale that may affect biodiversity.” [35]
Former crop disease inspector, Rosalind Peterson (who founded Agricultural Defense Coalition) [36], has “great concerns about persistent jet contrails,” she said in an email. She’s been researching and writing about the subject for nine years. In 2009, she wrote, “What we do know and can prove has broad implications for human health, agriculture crop production, the health of the earth’s pollinators … and climate change.” [37]

Previous Success in California Lawsuits

Given the chance, a lawsuit’s discovery process might produce further confirmation that aerosol spraying of toxic and dangerously small substances is linked to human health problems, as well as crop loss and aquatic degradation. But a loss means plaintiffs bear the cost of suit, including defense costs.
In considering legal action, Peterson is cautious. “Being a Plaintiff in any lawsuit subjects the Plaintiffs to all court costs, depositions, filings, and other court costs that may be accrued during the course of a trial,” she said. “And if the plaintiffs lose they may have to pay the costs that the defendants incurred in defending themselves.”
Indeed, she “lost” a case filed a couple decades ago to ban Glyphosate and Diquat, along with 2,4-D (“half of Agent Orange”), from being sprayed near waterways, for having filed too late.
Though officials “agreed not to spray these chemicals near the drinking water intakes of all water systems” in Contra Costa County, Ca., she faced paying “the $10,000 bond and also hundreds of thousands of dollars of their costs.” All of that was waived after agreeing not to appeal the case, she said.
Likewise, for the California chemtrail suit, Marman advises, “We will always have the option to dismiss our case for a waiver of Shasta County pursuing costs if we determine that we will be unable to win the case.”
He is serving pro bono, but will accept donations to defray costs, which “could range from $2,000 to a maximum of $20,000.” If the plaintiffs lose, they will be responsible for defense costs, but not likely defense counsel fees, he said.
Two high profile cases in California successfully stopped the California Dept. of Food and Agriculture from toxic spraying regimes. Malathion, sprayed in 1994, caused visual and respiratory problems, while aggravating other health problems, leading to that program’s shut down. [38] After a spraying plan for the light brown apple moth was announced in 2007, though its damage to crops was never documented, legal action and administrative proceedings defeated it. [39]
Success in an action like the one Marman will pursue would be bolstered by broad public and media support, especially if like-minded public officials became involved. The information such a case could yield is tremendous – something any litigant should weigh against costs – when deciding how high to reach in defending their health and the environment.
Government officials and NGOs continue to deny the existence of geoengineering experiments in the U.S., much like they deny that biotech foods cause harm, or that the Fukushima nuclear disaster has radiated the Northern Hemisphere at unsafe levels.
As a result, the global movement to document the nefarious clouds continues to grow. Recently, filmmaker G. Edward Griffin developed a method of data collection to build the body of evidence, seeking 50-100 volunteers over the next month. [40]
Such evidence could be used to support any litigation pursuing the halt to such programs.
Rady Ananda specializes in Natural Resources and administers the sites Food Freedom and COTO Report.
The fully referenced version of this article can be obtained directly from the author. Details here.


Light Brown Apple Moth spraying in California was halted after residents got pissed off.

In Texas they are aerial spraying all over the place because of the "Dreaded West Nile Virus."

A bit more about Mount Shasta's snow/water run-off loaded with off-the-wall levels of aluminum. Guess what the main component of Geoengineering is? Aluminum.

I could go on and on. And BTW, it has NOTHING to do with Obama. He's just a puppet. He doesn't even have a clue to what is going on.


Im mentality and physically exhausted by all of this. In my heart of hearts know somethings a miss. Some people are having great years while me and about 25% of the others are having dismal years. I could be looking for a scape goat but its just tooooo odddddd that CAMP is dead.....1/7 if the number of plant are being eradicated yet the same amount of fly time is necessary. I had a personal battle going on with my plant's so i decided to look online and it came to me. Its more than quincidence........its a living fungal nightmare.


Don't get me wrong kolah--I'm not denying that stuff get's sprayed in the air--but generally speaking it's not been the government doing it. The pointer finger goes more towards big agrobusiness on this one.

I really want to see how this rain is being collected. If it is at any point open to exposed air after dropping--it could easily be picking spores up. There are ALWAYS fungal spores floating around in the air. Either way, as someone mentioned--there is nothing to tie Obama or the government to this.

The government HAS done shit like this before and I think its smart to keep your eyes open--but I just don't see this being something that's on the radar of higher up government officials right now--if it is happening "on their watch" I very highly doubt its with their approval.

The fungus stuff is a bit far fetched--the mineral stuff is a bit more concerning.


Look at the energy being used on the dispensaries. Why not at the source.

It said plain as day how the samples were collected if u read it
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Look at the energy being used on the dispensaries. Why not at the source.

I lived in San Diego for several years, it was possibly the most unfriendly place to be an MMJ patient. It was the county government that was bringing raids, charges and general chaos to the dispensaries and patients. It was not the federal government, although DEA and ATF were often brought in. But San Diego has major offices for many of these government agencies, so having someone within the local government (DA and sheriff) go to the feds was the way this one worked. And while there were often people in DEA jackets more often than not they were local enforcement and the charges were not often at the federal level. So again, you have fail to make an actual connection to the federal government and the situations at hand.
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

government and corporations are one in the same....and add in the military.

Thus the term Military Industrial Complex.

This is not really true. There are lots of corporations that are not at all in the pocket of government and visa versa. Its just that there are some really large corporations that do seem to be running the government and benefiting from specialized laws created for them. To just lump all corporations into the same boat is just unfair.
sky high

sky high

Remember, you were all warned not to eat the brown acid.


Tin foil hat 2

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