Relocating to CO

  • Thread starter CasanovaGrower
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Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
The funny thing is, all the people I know are growers, like minds flock together I guess and that all sounds good till ya gotta couple lbs and don't know one single pure smoker or consumer, next thing ya know you and all your buddies are sittin around with 3 or 4 lbs each trying to figure out what to do with it, oh and ya gotta room comin down in a week...tradin each other back and forth gets old quick

A grower with college kids in the loop, thats a

sky high

sky high

<<<<sighs........ remembers when just fuckin around and doin it on the side was a >really< good gig...

As long as peeps think we need "stores" and we need to make it uber-easy to get weed THAT way....the >real< money is gone for 99.9% of us. Yeah...a bag here..a bag there...but we are returning to the day when the guys who grow are gonna be doing so because they LOVE TO GROW...not because it's easy cash and a way to skip the 9-5.

On top of what Classic is sayin about bills and rent and all of those other steady/constant costs.... folks need to think about their financial future. There's no 401K here that you put into every 2 weeks with funds from yer savings IRA. I know from playing that the more you make the more you will BLOW...cus when you have the Bens they tend to just go faster. Bottom line...THERE IS NO GUARANTEE of income in the future as this all opens up wider and wider and pot becomes more like any other produce that is widely available.

But hey...whatever. Never banked on it before...won't bank on it in the future.

good luck folks! Stay safe.

s h


Hope that doesn't happen. Don't think it will. I believe retail outlets will be limited if any at all. Then the lawmakers want to limit potency. Would anybody in their right mind open a store with shitty pot? Black market high grade will always be in demand. I wouldn't come here after reading this thread as well. Cost of living is high and we are saturated with growers now. The ones that come will be headed home in a short time and prices will stabilize. In three months this will all blow over and it will be business as usual. Come to think of it...haven't seen any difference at all so far except is sure gives us a lot to talk about on this site. lol


Assuming 5% of adult Colorado residents use cannabis, at an average of 5 grams of weed a week, about 3 million people, I figure that’s 86,000 pounds a year. Seems like a lot but If I judged by people I know 70% of the population burns through over 10 grams a week. Lol. Most of them grow.
Sales to tourist could be half of that, zero, twice as much, who knows. Sitting here wondering how big the herb business could be. Pot shops on every corner, smoke rooms in restaurants, spas, resorts. Coffee Clubs. Greet the tourist with open arms, 80,000 could become 300,000 pounds. If politicians start seeing the dollar signs they could really open this up.


Funny how this thread consists of a handful of CO growers trying to scare off people from moving to CO.There are some good points raised though.If a person is planning to relocate to CO,and try and cut into the local market,that person has to be very naive and stupid.But if youre already established where youre already at,and plan to relocate CO,but still enjoy your non-CO home prices then its a win/win situation.Yea 64 only allow a 3/3 plant count,but you could still be a "caregiver".Also even if your underground in CO,it would be way more safer than growing in a non med/legal "police-state".Where Im at right now,Im on the front line of the drug war so to speak.So best believe I will be relocating to CO very soon,but not without plenty of research and finances.I have no kids,or close family.So nothing to keep me in this Ass backwards police state.I have a real passion for growing.So Imnot afraid of the hard work,long hours,cold weather,high cost of living,grizzly bears,mountain lions,or anything else yall can try and scare me with!!!!!! lmao!!! But trust me I wont be stepping on anyones toes.Yall can keep yall $2800/pack sales.Im gettin $4500 easy.And Im not just moving to grow.Ive been to Co several times.The 1st time was over 20 years ago.Way before MMJ.Damn Im gettin old.But Co is a very beautiful place.The most beautiful place Ive been.Love the hunting,fishing,hiking,people,snow,mountains etc.The only thing I dont like about Colorado is the fact that Im not there RIGHT NOW!!!!

I do have one question.Im looking for a place in the South.I need a quick "skate ouuta state".I know that even though 64 passed,Some cities/counties are more mj friendly than others.anybody have any recs for me.You can send a pm if ya like.

Let the HATING begin!! lol



IG @delae_632
LOL, delae. I can imagine your movin here and enjoying the cold would be like me moving there and trying to breathe what SoCal calls "air". Holy fuck. That shit is nasty 24/7/365.

Either way..if you aren't invested in where you are beyond the dollars that can be made probably >IS< gonna suck no matter where you happen to be.

happy trails, all!

I don't mind the cold and the snow at all, It's just not conducive to my sport of choice. Contrary to popular belief, SoCal isn't covered in smog Sky...LA, yes...everywhere else, not so much. Keep in mind that we're on the ocean here. While climbing the Flat Irons in CO, looking out over the plains, Denver often looked JUST like smoggy LA man. We have snow and cold weather here too! I know it sounds crazy. haha I've lived all over Cali including high altitude towns that get a lot of snow.

Just sayin' ;)

Ummm, I don't know. The word 'you' is not in my post, and I swear on all the nugs in my jar I did not edit it to remove the word you. I was just playing, really. I love it here, even if you are to much of a pussy to go ice climbing. JUST TEASING. I'm way to much of a pussy to go ice climbing.

For the record, I LOVE Cali, and will never hesitate to crown CA the epicenter of weed culture. It's just not where I'd choose to live.


I was quoting Tropic Thunder not you. Just pokin' fun dude! Ice climbing IS for pussies btw.;) I climb in the snow every fall, winter and spring even in Cali. The options are just much more limited in Co vs Ca in that aspect.

All puns and pokes intended fellas. I love Co and I'm out there 3 or 4 times a year.



What a great diversity of viewpoints just in this thread. So many perspectives...

Regarding the 'scaring people away from Colorado' thing- if you're scared because of a few posts on this site, man, you better stay home! It's kind of like Hollywood that way; you HAVE to want it. BAD. Like in the marrow of your bones, can't see yourself doing anything else kind of bad. Anything less than a total commitment and you'll fail.

And yet, that's how it is in a lot of businesses- legal or not, glamorous or not. If you get in with the attitude of growing a better product and selling it at a competitive price, and you're willing to put in the time and effort it takes to do that- YEARS, don't let the hydrostore boys fool you- then you've got the basic approach necessary to succeed. That's the same in so many industries out there- especially service oriented gigs like business consulting.

If you're careful with your expenses, don't blow all your spare change on partying, pizza, girls and gear, you can ake a good living growing. If you work hard at building a great production process, large or small, you can end up comfortable. IF you're lucky. The hard part isn't growing, it's finding people willing to kick down cash in a state literally drowning in weed.

$200 an ounce?! Shit, people I know are happy to get $160 for dank right now, and the price is showing no signs of a rebound. If you want to make real money and you want to use realistic calculations, then work your numbers around $100-$120 a zip and $1200 elbows, because in a few years, that's what the price will be. Get efficient or get a job...

What that means is that if you're getting less than 1gpw then you're leaving money on the table. If your setup isn't sealed, CO2 augmented, fully automated for basics like water, nutes and light, then you're well behind the curve.


IG @delae_632
What a great diversity of viewpoints just in this thread. So many perspectives...

Regarding the 'scaring people away from Colorado' thing- if you're scared because of a few posts on this site, man, you better stay home! It's kind of like Hollywood that way; you HAVE to want it. BAD. Like in the marrow of your bones, can't see yourself doing anything else kind of bad. Anything less than a total commitment and you'll fail.

And yet, that's how it is in a lot of businesses- legal or not, glamorous or not. If you get in with the attitude of growing a better product and selling it at a competitive price, and you're willing to put in the time and effort it takes to do that- YEARS, don't let the hydrostore boys fool you- then you've got the basic approach necessary to succeed. That's the same in so many industries out there- especially service oriented gigs like business consulting.

If you're careful with your expenses, don't blow all your spare change on partying, pizza, girls and gear, you can ake a good living growing. If you work hard at building a great production process, large or small, you can end up comfortable. IF you're lucky. The hard part isn't growing, it's finding people willing to kick down cash in a state literally drowning in weed.

$200 an ounce?! Shit, people I know are happy to get $160 for dank right now, and the price is showing no signs of a rebound. If you want to make real money and you want to use realistic calculations, then work your numbers around $100-$120 a zip and $1200 elbows, because in a few years, that's what the price will be. Get efficient or get a job...

What that means is that if you're getting less than 1gpw then you're leaving money on the table. If your setup isn't sealed, CO2 augmented, fully automated for basics like water, nutes and light, then you're well behind the curve.

Very well said and spot on. Great advise


Happy to get $160/oz???Wow¡!! Im gettin nothing less than $350.And that is for huge yielding non kush strains.My lil bro sell my kush for $30/gram no prob.Shit I would buy some real dank for $2600/lb All day!!! I might have to buy a couple packs if I cant keep up with the demand back home:)


I love good weed. Anyone who wants to come here cuz they love weed n wanna enjoy growing good weed is welcome. And if your herbs is truelly competitive honestly you'll find a niche anywhere on earth ya choose to live. Just be happy with enough please n respect my/our is beautiful......theres so much more here than weed wars n the god damn dope show so respect that. What imo we dont need is more negative bad vibes put on our lovely lil plant for money n greed. We got plenty that here trust me been here n gettin worse real quick too. Its gotten a lot more dangerous cuz a snitches/thieves n big business men's money n cartels n dea to get into anything more than a good personal grow. Even then keep your head REAL low cuz fish stories local even will get ya snitched n make your life a paranoid miserable hell without even ever paying ya shit.....especially IF ya really grow the best around no matter itty bitty..... On top of all that a lot more people know n want the money from MJ than are or can grow it and with this economy I keep hearing of more n more people getting robbed at gunpoint just for med gardens. Within the last year three disabled families I know of were robbed n ransacked at gunpoint for less than 2k bloomin...I've been robbed couple times just because my hobby lucky I had no kids or wives for them to sucks....thats is not why we want MJ to proliferate.

All true!!


Ski towns are where its at. Tourists, out of staters working on the hill for the winter, they need cannabis. I couldn't see moving to denver and being able to sell shit.
sky high

sky high

Same here as Cali, delae. Front Range has dirty air/too many peeps. That's why I never considered living there when I moved here 30 years ago. Headed straight for the hills/Western Slope....and go to Denver about 2X a year....if forced to. LOL. Cities are cities...and they ALL suck large dick, IMO. No fuckin way I could live in town again. (grew up in the city) Fuck that.
No air pollution up here....and lots fewer people...than the FR or Cali.'s cold. Seperates the wheat, from the chaff....

be well... s h


Maybe us Coloradans should accept applications and do in-depth interviews which would only allow state residency to certain people who have something valuable to offer to the state. ;)

I'm a transplant from back East but that was about 14 years I am "grandfathered" in.
Heh heh.

For those of you thinking of coming here? Shit, there are some great prices on used indoor grow equipment by the tons,and it's everywhere and anywhere. It's left over from all the Green Dreamers who went belly up. :eek:

and yeah Denver stinks to high heaven and gets an ugly orange smog in summer. I avoid it like the the people drive like fucking shit....and the cops are trigger happy roid ragers. And if you work construction, forget about getting a job here as they are all farmed out to illegals...that goes for road construction work as well. Unless of course you are too lazy and decide to grow pot and suck off the welfare bennies.


Premium Member
We really dont need anymore outsiders commin here to cash in thinkng 4500 lb. If its so good where you are then stay home.
Now if you wish to come here and actualy contrubute something besides growing pot then I welcome you.
We moved to a rural area, been here 12 years and still consider myself a new commer. Tread lightly, your still a guest till you prove youself to be worthy. Maybe 2o years then your a regular...
We choose to contribute our efforts and labor to constructive ideals, organic farming, teaching what we learn, sharing what we have, making our lives and our community a better place.
We have a lot of rednecks,hearabouts compared to the city, hippies, old folks, lots of racists, hardly ever see any black folk, but were all pretty friendly and its a great place to live.
Last thing we need is a bunch of pot growers comming here and blowing it up so they can fuck it up for us old timers who have worked to establish a good life thru many years of hard work and enjoy our hobby and take care of folks who actually benefit from MMJ.
I get more satisfaction giving handfuls of pot to a friend who is in his final days suffering from MS than I would selling a hundred lbs for $4500..
So much more to life than pot and making a profit.
Its not totaly safe only a fool believes this is paradise for growing and selling pot.
My paradise is right outside my backdoor and we worked our asses off to get where we are today and it didnot come from growing pot....
Stay home, with your 4500 $ elbows, we dont need any more greed...


shit I saw this the other day. wtf??? :confused:

Col543298 404778302939955 127747694 n


Ya we don't want any more greedy fuckers in our state!!! and we don't need more people polluting our air!:mad: ...................sorry hadda get my piece in.

Take it easy :)
sky high

sky high

Kinda sad to see the misunderstanding present when folks talk about coming here to blow it up so they can then transport it back "home" and sell it for if Colorado passed this law FOR THEIR BENEFIT or as if this law will protect them from such criminal activities. It won't. Folks should hit the NORML page and check the penalties for their state for over an oz and for cultivation...then check CO's penalties for larger scale possessions/grows/transports.
If that isn't enough....check Utah, KS, Nebraska, Oklahoma/Texas, wyoming and NM laws for transport/possession/intent laws.... (some scary stuff in there)

Anyone with doubt or who thinks we are all talking shit/using scare tactics to (somehow) keep folks from moving here needs to pull their head outta their ass and pay attention to what TK is sayin' in his posts.
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