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How big of a pot should I transplant into?

Selecting the appropriate pot size for your plants is crucial for their growth and overall health. Various factors can influence the decision, including the plant's height, grow room size, light intensity, growth cycle, and whether you're growing from seed or clone. In this article, we'll explore each of these factors in detail and provide guidelines for choosing the perfect pot size for your plants.

Height-to-Gallon Ratio​

A general rule of thumb for determining pot size is to allow 12 inches of height per gallon. When transplanting, it's advisable to double the size of your existing pot. However, this is just a basic guideline, and other factors should be considered as well.

Grow Room Area Size​

The size of your grow room can greatly influence the choice of pot size. If horizontal space is limited, consider using BOG's (Bushy Older Grower) doubling potting method. This involves placing your existing pot on top of another pot with a slightly larger diameter, giving your plants more vertical root volume and less horizontal volume.

Light Intensity and Duration​

The amount and intensity of light that your plants receive can also impact their growth and pot size requirements. Plants under low-wattage lights (70-250 watts) tend to grow slower and smaller compared to those under high-wattage lights (400-1000 watts). Additionally, the growth rate can be affected by the light cycle (24/0 or 18/6), which may impact repotting sizes.

Growth Cycle​

On average, growers need to repot their plants every two weeks during the vegetative (veg) cycle. This involves moving from a 1-1.5 gallon pot to a 2-3 gallon pot in the third/fourth week of the veg cycle, and then to a 4-5 gallon pot in the 5-6 week of the veg cycle. It's best to repot 1-2 weeks before switching to the 12/12 flowering cycle, allowing plants to finish in the last transplanted pot size.

Seed or Clone​

Whether you're growing from seed or clone can make a significant difference in pot size requirements. Plants grown from seed require 4-6 weeks of veg time to mature, while cloned plants need only 1-3 weeks, which can greatly reduce the pot size necessary for cloned plants.

Frequently Asked Questions​

  1. How often should I repot my plants? The average grower should repot their plants every two weeks during the vegetative cycle.
  2. What is the difference between growing from seed and clone? Plants grown from seed require 4-6 weeks of vegetative time to mature, while cloned plants need only 1-3 weeks. This difference can impact the pot size needed for your plants.
  3. How does light intensity affect pot size? Plants under low-wattage lights tend to grow slower and smaller than those under high-wattage lights, which can influence the appropriate pot size for your plants.
  4. What is BOG's doubling potting method? This method involves placing your existing pot on top of another pot with a slightly larger diameter, providing your plants with more vertical root volume and less horizontal volume.
  5. Are these pot size guidelines rigid? No, these guidelines are not set in stone. All growing environments are different and will produce varying growth and repotting rates. Use these guidelines as a basic outline and adapt them to your specific situation.
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