Droopy Yellow Leaves Please Help!

  • Thread starter Mogabie
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My plant, out of the blue started to droop like this and I noticed a yellow leaf on the bottom. It one of the first leaves that came out so IDK if that is supposed to happen.

Droopy yellow leaves please help
Droopy yellow leaves please help 2

I'm feeding her the flora line from general hydroponics. She is on her second week and I'm giving her 2.5 ml Micro, 2.5 ml Grow, and 1.0 of Bloom. All these measurements are per gallon and I'm using a 5gallon hydroponics bucket with 4 gallons in it.


I should note that I also did her transfer from the humidity dome to the bucket today cause she outgrew the cube and the roots were poking out the bottom. The PH levels on the waters are 5.5 - 6. The light is about 23'' from the canape. The temperature is 77.8 and humidity is at 15% in the growing tent.

Droopy yellow leaves please help 5

Thank you for the help.
Droopy yellow leaves please help 3
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My plant, out of the blue started to droop like this and I noticed a yellow leaf on the bottom. It one of the first leaves that came out so IDK if that is supposed to happen.

View attachment 1088739View attachment 1088740

I'm feeding her the flora line from general hydroponics. She is on her second week and I'm giving her 2.5 ml Micro, 2.5 ml Grow, and 1.0 of Bloom. All these measurements are per gallon and I'm using a 5gallon hydroponics bucket with 4 gallons in it.

View attachment 1088743

I should note that I also did her transfer from the humidity dome to the bucket today cause she outgrew the cube and the roots were poking out the bottom. The PH levels on the waters are 5.5 - 6. The light is about 23'' from the canape. The temperature is 77.8 and humidity is at 15% in the growing tent.

View attachment 1088744

Thank you for the help.
15% humidity seems extremely low especially for young plants.
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New,Gwan the keeper of the trees...available soon.
My plant, out of the blue started to droop like this and I noticed a yellow leaf on the bottom. It one of the first leaves that came out so IDK if that is supposed to happen.

View attachment 1088739View attachment 1088740

I'm feeding her the flora line from . She is on her second week and I'm giving her 2.5 ml Micro, 2.5 ml Grow, and 1.0 of Bloom. All these measurements are per gallon and I'm using a 5gallon hydroponics bucket with 4 gallons in it.

View attachment 1088743

I should note that I also did her transfer from the humidity dome to the bucket today cause she outgrew the cube and the roots were poking out the bottom. The PH levels on the waters are 5.5 - 6. The light is about 23'' from the canape. The temperature is 77.8 and humidity is at 15% in the growing tent.

View attachment 1088744

Thank you for the help.
well your first problem is its not omri or cali organics.
second is why not grow soil organics
3rd hydro will never contend with soil...
4th its auto and your a noob
5th YouTube like was said before, its like an Easter egg hunt...
6th my first few auto didnt auto well...2grams maybe tween the 2 rest of the harvest dank buds
general hydroponics
general hydroponics
general hydroponics
general hydroponics
general hydroponics
general hydroponics
As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.


What is the temp of the water it's in?

I'm assuming that the temp in the water is the same as the temp in the tent. I haven't taken the temperature, per see. Should I and what's the best temp to have the water on, in the case is not the same as the temp in the tent? BTW, the temp on the tent is 78.9 °F right now. It varies between 75 °F and 80 °F.

Ps. thnx for the reply :)


I’d guess it’s just showing a bit of transplant shock. I think you’re feeding it enough. As said above, humidity is a bit low. Most plants need to slowly be “hardened” when transferred to a new environment. It’s just a matter of slowly introducing the plant to the new environment and watching the leaves for changes. If it’s still yellowing in 3-5 days, start looking at bumping up the cal mag and npk. Nitrogen being the main culprit. Are you chilling the water? Solution temps are a huge issues in buckets. Adding insulation around the buckets can help maintain the temp. The ph flux is good, just don’t let it happen too quickly. Autos are a great way to learn some basic about growing. No shame in growing them when you first start. When you’re confident, move up to a photoperiod seed. Auto flower strains are crossed with ruderelis, aka “ditch weed”. It’s not as potent. You won’t yield as much. Learn from what you have growing now and move on. Keep reading. 🤙🏽 Best of luck man.


I’d guess it’s just showing a bit of transplant shock. I think you’re feeding it enough. As said above, humidity is a bit low. Most plants need to slowly be “hardened” when transferred to a new environment. It’s just a matter of slowly introducing the plant to the new environment and watching the leaves for changes. If it’s still yellowing in 3-5 days, start looking at bumping up the cal mag and npk. Nitrogen being the main culprit. Are you chilling the water? Solution temps are a huge issues in buckets. Adding insulation around the buckets can help maintain the temp. The ph flux is good, just don’t let it happen too quickly. Autos are a great way to learn some basic about growing. No shame in growing them when you first start. When you’re confident, move up to a photoperiod seed. Auto flower strains are crossed with ruderelis, aka “ditch weed”. It’s not as potent. You won’t yield as much. Learn from what you have growing now and move on. Keep reading. 🤙🏽 Best of luck man.

Thnx for the info, man! I ordered the Calmag and it should be here tomorrow. IDK what npk is. Mind telling me and what is it for? I got the humidifier today but I think I got the wrong one. On the picture on Amazon looked WAY BIGGER but when I got it in the mail today, this is what I got...

20210206 190927

I really don't think this is going to get the humidity where it needs to be. After doing some more reading, the recommended humidity for an auto flower is 85 - 90% humidity (no wonder you guys said 15% was too low) but I doubt this little thing is going to get my 32"X32"X63" tent that humid. BTW, CSG is doing really good today. I think she is over the shock and I can see new leaves on top.



Grow for life🌱
If you thought the hummy off Amazon was gunna be bigger. I’m a little worried about your preparedness for this grow.


Thnx for the info, man! I ordered the Calmag and it should be here tomorrow. IDK what npk is. Mind telling me and what is it for? I got the humidifier today but I think I got the wrong one. On the picture on Amazon looked WAY BIGGER but when I got it in the mail today, this is what I got...

I really don't think this is going to get the humidity where it needs to be. After doing some more reading, the recommended humidity for an auto flower is 85 - 90% humidity (no wonder you guys said 15% was too low) but I doubt this little thing is going to get my 32"X32"X63" tent that humid. BTW, CSG is doing really good today. I think she is over the shock and I can see new leaves on top.

NPK explained
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Worrying doesn't really help the issue here. How about some advice instead?

Hey Mogabie, my first time here, nice to meet you.
Im quite surprised how many are going for you with no real reason. Take no notice m8 people got too much time with flu.

Everyone starts somewhere and it's hard to know what direction to take unless you have a weed guru living next door. Autos in hydro is ambitious but if you stick with it ...to learn quicker I'd break it down to each system and tackle them individually.

The yellowing in leaves can be a few things such as over or under watering but usually nitrogen issues.
The chlorophyll that creates the green colours in the plant is being affected by a lack of nitrogen. That turns them pale and stunts growth.

To fix it anything with high nitrogen (N) might help (the N in NPK).
Some suggest using bat guano, used coffee or planting other plants like peas in with them but before you try any of these do plenty research and be 100% sure it's right for your set up.
..NPK means the amount of
Nitrogen (N),
Phosphorus (P)
Potassium (K)
It's the ratio of each in whatever you are using. ...if you have a pale leaf issue your plants need more N.

I'm not qualified to say what's best for you to try and I've got no experience with hydros as I've always grown in soil but with mine it always starts with the roots as they uptake the nutrients.
As a suggestion you could try anything with fish mulch and foliar spray it along side whatever treatment you go for to stimulate more growth on top but stop foliar spraying when they start flowering or it could create mould on your buds.

I think your problem probably started with the RH being so low.

Have you heard of Inkbird controllers?
They are little dual relay controllers for heat, cooling, humidifiers and dehumidifiers. One that monitors temp and another for RH. Check them out on Amazon they might be just what you need.

...the humidifier and dehumidifier you got would plug into the inkbirds and turn on and off to the number you set.

That way a smaller humidifier is better because it fits in your grow space easier. A tiny one would quickly humidity a 4x4 tent and yours is a little bigger than those by your pic so don't worry,
Having a mid range one like yours means you won't have to constantly keep re filling it as you would with a smaller one ..
If it has a setting for cool mist put it on that and it won't effect temp Control.

I use the inkbirds in my set up and they control the tent environment well.

Anyway hope that helps a bit. :)


Hey Mogabie, my first time here, nice to meet you.
Im quite surprised how many are going for you with no real reason. Take no notice m8 people got too much time with flu.

Everyone starts somewhere and it's hard to know what direction to take unless you have a weed guru living next door. Autos in hydro is ambitious but if you stick with it ...to learn quicker I'd break it down to each system and tackle them individually.

The yellowing in leaves can be a few things such as over or under watering but usually nitrogen issues.
The chlorophyll that creates the green colours in the plant is being affected by a lack of nitrogen. That turns them pale and stunts growth.

To fix it anything with high nitrogen (N) might help (the N in NPK).
Some suggest using bat guano, used coffee or planting other plants like peas in with them but before you try any of these do plenty research and be 100% sure it's right for your set up.
..NPK means the amount of
Nitrogen (N),
Phosphorus (P)
Potassium (K)
It's the ratio of each in whatever you are using. ...if you have a pale leaf issue your plants need more N.

I'm not qualified to say what's best for you to try and I've got no experience with hydros as I've always grown in soil but with mine it always starts with the roots as they uptake the nutrients.
As a suggestion you could try anything with fish mulch and foliar spray it along side whatever treatment you go for to stimulate more growth on top but stop foliar spraying when they start flowering or it could create mould on your buds.

I think your problem probably started with the RH being so low.

Have you heard of Inkbird controllers?
They are little dual relay controllers for heat, cooling, humidifiers and dehumidifiers. One that monitors temp and another for RH. Check them out on Amazon they might be just what you need.

...the humidifier and dehumidifier you got would plug into the inkbirds and turn on and off to the number you set.

That way a smaller humidifier is better because it fits in your grow space easier. A tiny one would quickly humidity a 4x4 tent and yours is a little bigger than those by your pic so don't worry,
Having a mid range one like yours means you won't have to constantly keep re filling it as you would with a smaller one ..
If it has a setting for cool mist put it on that and it won't effect temp Control.

I use the inkbirds in my set up and they control the tent environment well.

Anyway hope that helps a bit. :)

Thank you so much for all the knowledge! This has helped A LOT. I'm going to look up the inkbirds today.


well your first problem is its not omri or cali organics.
second is why not grow soil organics
3rd hydro will never contend with soil...
4th its auto and your a noob
5th YouTube like was said before, its like an Easter egg hunt...
6th my first few auto didnt auto well...2grams maybe tween the 2 rest of the harvest dank buds
The cotilidan (however you spell it) leafe will always yellow thats normal. However they look a bit droopy. I personally would wait for bloom nutes but thats just me. I think it is a Ph imbalance. Hydro will always crush soil performance. Thats just fact. However is tricky without spending big bucks. I would personally give them a nice earth worm tea. To get everything balanced again.

Whatever size bucket: (per gallon)
Tablespoon of earth worm castings
2ml molasses
2ml humic acid
Table spoon of bat shit
Add airstone and let buble for 24hrs at 75* water temp.


Hey Mogabie.
You just need to do as much reading as possible. Educate yourself with plant knowledge from reputable sources.
Don’t listen to the haters. There’s a lot of good people on here willing and able to help.
We all started somewhere. Keep it up.
looks better.
F7AA8FF2 F0B2 4D5A 964E 91E0AA2B266D


The cotilidan (however you spell it) leafe will always yellow thats normal. However they look a bit droopy. I personally would wait for bloom nutes but thats just me. I think it is a Ph imbalance. Hydro will always crush soil performance. Thats just fact. However is tricky without spending big bucks. I would personally give them a nice earth worm tea. To get everything balanced again.

Whatever size bucket: (per gallon)
Tablespoon of earth worm castings
2ml molasses
2ml humic acid
Table spoon of bat shit
Add airstone and let buble for 24hrs at 75* water temp.
Hey Mogabie.
You just need to do as much reading as possible. Educate yourself with plant knowledge from reputable sources.
Don’t listen to the haters. There’s a lot of good people on here willing and able to help.
We all started somewhere. Keep it up.
looks better.
Couldn't agree more. No need for hating. Just ask, read and learn. Ill smash most but will always be learning and growing. Thats what we love about the hobby.
20210205 230913
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Grow for life🌱
Worrying doesn't really help the issue here. How about some advice instead?
Get a book. Do some research, on basic growing essentials for cannabis.
should read jorges book, and gain some knowledge before asking others. Not trying to be short with the grower, but why so many relying on the farm for basic growing essentials?
Mr. G
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