Thread watched Beginning covert outdoor grow in N.E.

  • Thread starter ARCH111
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+/- 47 days from soil pop for the big 3. All 12 allowable (ok, so that is what the law will be) in pots. The big 3 will go into 25 gal fabric pots soon and the other 9 are currently in 5 gal fabric pots. My plan is to leave them all outside from now on. I have been bringing the big three in every night for the last five days to adjust the daylight hours down. I left the others out already. Question: I currently feed each 3 gallon pot about one full gallon every other day because they are very light weight and seem dry. No drooping of leaves. Every other feed I have been adding the standard FF Big Bloom and Grow big. When I increase to a 25 gal pot will I be feeding approximately 5 gallons of either water or water + nutes? That's like a quart of Big Bloom every other feed. Doesn't seem right. First picture is the Black Cherry tree blooming. I planted 12 fruit trees in my little orchard garden/canna grow.


+/- 49 days from soil pop for the big 3. 25 gallon pots are big! Wish I had purchased something around 15 gals. I will have to see how it goes. Hopefully they do not start to flower because of the change in light. I really kind of forced the move to outside too early because I started too early inside and they got too big and starting to smell to keep in the tent.
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It was supposed to get below 32 degrees here last night with a thunderstorm before that so I was trying to figure out how to protect the plants. Decided to move them into the shed for the night. The 25 gal pots are a bear to lift. I moved one inside and was looking for another solution. I think that I found a great solution. Turns out a 55 gal garbage can fits perfectly inside my pot rims. I bet it was more comfy inside the can then in the shed. All of the plants have definitely slowed down in growth since they have been outside but the temps have not been that high and there is one way I could keep them all inside my grow tent, maybe I could have kept the small ones under lights but I wanted to just move everything outside at one time.
White Widow in 25 gal pot

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OG Kush in back in 25gal
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Amnesia in comfy enclosure for the night.


+/- 59 days from soil pop for the big 3. I think we are past anymore freeze issues for weather here so this should be home. All 12 received FF nutes yesterday. Questions: 1. Do I just keep topping these outdoor plants?
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2. This is supposed to be an auto Candy Kush. It looks very funky. It had a stubborn shell. Is that all this is? I am going to let it grow and see how it develops.
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+/- 68 days from soil pop for the big 3. Here are some pics of the White Widow which is showing issues. No issues with the Amnesia or O.G. Kush. They are in 25 gal fabric pots with ff Ocean Forest soil and ff Big Bloom and Grow Big. Schedule is water, water, feed. Water is straight out of the well. Some of the damages are from heavy wind and rain a week ago possibly. Any ideas? Another question- Do I just keep "topping" these? Or do I stop at some point during Veg?


+/- 69 days from soil pop for the big 3. Still looking for suggestions regarding my tipburn? on the White Widow and topping questions from yesterdays post. Adding another question to the list. For these outdoor plants how much trimming of the underbrush do you trim off, if any at this stage? I am in the Northeast so that is my weather conditions. All 12 plants have now begun to start showing some visible growth after getting settled from the move to outside permanently, a couple of moves into the shed because of freeze warnings, some harsh wind and rain, and the wait for consistent 70 degree days.
Here is one of two Candy Kush Auto-flower
Here is the other Candy Kush. Still stumbling along.


I feel like no one ever responds to the grow diary posts... I wonder if they show up differently?🤷‍♀️ I too am in New York and started mine not long after you... seeds went in water March 1st and 10th respectively I also have 3 big and like 9 smaller younger ones... but my 3 special ladies get most of the attention. 🤣 Mine are still inside but quickly running out of space... really trying to push it till the end of May if I can.
As far as topping outside... you can, but every time you do, they slow for a bit, and we don't have time to spare here. Also, yours likely flipped to flowering since you put them out a wee bit early, so honestly, I wouldn't top if it were my plants.
"Defoiliating"... I don't unless it's dead or clearly dying leaves. The leaves are the solar panels of the plant and max energy is needed to make you big beautiful buds... some may disagree, but that's my opinion.
LST... you can open the canopy of each plant by gently training branches down, that allows more sunlight in and you end up with bigger buds. I sometimes take off the entire lower couple branches if they're looking scraggly cause that's just a waste of energy for little to no bud... some call that lollipoping in a more extreme form... it's also helpful to have airflow underneath once we hit cool damp fall temps... but rot is not your friend. I've done a few outdoor grows, but I'm no expert... always learning! Looks like you have a sweet set up. Mine will be living in my garden as well once the soil is ready and the weather stops sucking.
I like your garbage can idea too... may have to use that come frost season... just gotta be real careful and take them off at first light... covering budding plants is a bitch.
Happy growing!
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I take the lowest 2-4 branches, already have. Picture them in september, long spindly suckers with the smallest flowers. I don’t top but that’s debatable. For my high wind location it weakens the plant, especially with wet heavy buds.


+/- 75 days from soil pop for the big 3. For the most part all plants seem to be doing good. There has been no early flowering yet, hopefully I am out of the woods on that front. The growth rate has really varied among plants. I fed ff nutes yesterday. 2 gallons for each 25 gallon pot and about 3/4 gallon per 5 gallon pot. We have had a lot of rain lately so I have not had to water at all. Any thoughts my first time grow are welcome. I purchased a big jug of calmag thinking that I would need it but for the life of me I can't figure out if it would help. How do I measure for deficiencies? Overall the veggies and fruit trees are all coming along and the 2 beehives are buzzing.
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I trimmed off some of the burned tips on the White Widow and a little trimming on the OG Kush and Amnesia but nothing but damaged leaves.
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+/- 82 days from soil pop for the big 3. Help needed to figure out what is wrong with this White Widow. It is in a 25 gallon fabric pot, in ff Ocean Forest soil, ff nutes and calmag. On a water, water, feed schedule. No other plants are showing any distress.



+/- 85 days from soil pop for the big 3. Still no change on the eldest White Widow and now I can see similar issues starting on one of my other two White Widow plants. I am going to chalk it up to different strain requirements and let these W.W.'s grow out. I am not going to alter feed schedule or nutes. My other 9 plants of different strains all seem to be extremely happy.
The next 2 pics are of the large W.W.
Here are the other 2 W.W. plants with one showing some despair.


+/- 135 days from soil pop for the big 3. It's been almost 2 months since my last update. We spent 3 weeks in Hawaii which was great. Sampled some local grown varieties. Unfortunately my plants did not fair too well in my absence. My daughter "watered" them the first two weeks. According to her it rained almost everyday so no watering required. Yeah right! They were also sequestered behind my shed, crammed together, with very little direct sunlight. Because of this, I believe, I have a lot of stretchy plants and stem issues on the big Amnesia. I have lost the main stem and 2 secondary ones. I assume that I will lose the whole plant. I do not know why this is happening. They are 5-6' tall and nice volume on the 2 of the big 3. I discovered a bit of a slug infestation. Ordered some killer, copper tape and 2 bird feeders. Slug problem will be resolved shortly!
The 2 Candy Kush Autos are bulking up and smell nice.
I did start a bunch of clones.


+/- 161 days from soil pop for the big 3. They all seem to be doing well. I took care of the slug problem with copper tape, slug bait and by moving a bird feeder next to them. I did harvest a Candy Kush Auto. It was getting bud rot with all of the rain. A couple questions. What if I did not get all of the rot? Is it dangerous? And, as you can see I am at 69% humidity on day 2 of jars. I hung it for 10 days. So, do I just keep burping until I get to 60%-62%? Actually one more question. I am planning on using a pop up tent at the rear of the garden to shelter from excessive rain during flower but how do I support a large cola with the plants in pots and be movable?
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+/- 167 days from soil pop for the big 3. Too long for a vegetative phase? Most are showing that flowering has begun in NY. I have been concerned with how I was going to support and / or cover (because of severe weather) my plants once they get heavy with bud. I think I found a solution that may work. I can secure to the scaffolding for support and pull a tarp for severe weather. What do you think?
Still have this question:
I did harvest a Candy Kush Auto. It was getting bud rot with all of the rain. A couple questions. What if I did not get all of the rot? Is it dangerous? And, as you can see I am at 69% humidity on day 2 of jars. I hung it for 10 days. So, do I just keep burping until I get to 60%-62%?





+/- 76 days from soil pop for the big 3. Start of flower in lower NY.
Still have this question:
I did harvest a Candy Kush Auto. It was getting bud rot with all of the rain. A couple questions. What if I did not get all of the rot? Is it dangerous? And, as you can see I am at 69% humidity on day 2 of jars. I hung it for 10 days. So, do I just keep burping until I get to 60%-62%?


Just cut out and discard the bud rot. Its really not that big a problem on a small scale and common to outdoor growers, caterpillars love big buds.

You probably need to let your plants hang dry longer, 10 days might be fine for buds off the plant, but for whole plant or even whole branch hanging you are looking at more like 14 days minimum, closer to 21 days, if you are wanting to have bud that does not smell like hay or bread when you open the jar. Just a little common man logic, if you are burping your jars.........your material is still too wet to be in the jar. Why are you burping it?

Might be too late for this season (maybe not), but you should think about outside cage trellis for your plants for next year, something like the thin square hole fencing 6 to 8 ft tall you can use as a cage around the plants to open them up, like you would inside your tent for scrog except vertical. Might have doubled your harvest if they were opened up to get light inside and have support for the big buds at the end of the season. Also, might want to think about giving the ladies a haircut to allow some air flow at the end of August early September as well. You COULD have some major issues when cooler temps and overnight dew get here and no air flow through the plant.

Plants look nice and healthy, you're doing great!
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