100s of California Dispensaries to Close?

  • Thread starter SoCal 420
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baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
It's kinda like that fireman commercial where they are running the SHOW, and they ask the people to vote on issues: "Do we want clean water?" Do we want healthy/safe food? And of course the people will say yes, but look at our system and tell me the food is safe and water is of a main concern...lmao
They are recalling dog food every couple months and human food too, they invent ways too create revenue and most of them don't do us any good. So, support your corps and keep getting shafted :D
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I'll say it to my grave, they speak $$, voting is designed to make you think you have a choice.

I find it hard to believe the average person would vote to put the country into the stupor we are currently in...it got there regardless of our voting, imo. Other actions from us could have changed the outcome more than voting, imho!
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
We did "Vote" to legalize medical marijuana and yet again, here we are getting hosed by the politicians that we elect to Represent Us?
the money goes from us to the corps and they pad the pockets of politicians. We can't compete with the corp $ and that is what is controlling politics and our elected officials. IMO. If the corp can't kick the politician a quick $30k and the elected official is held accountable to the people for all decisions and votes then we are getting somewhere. They might vote in the interest of the avg person if they had to deal with them in life. But they don't, they live behind gates, eat at places we can't afford, have private chefs, tutors for their children, yachts and private planes to travel with.....WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY VOTE THE WAY YOU WANT?? YOU HAVE NO $$$, THEY VOTE WITH THE $$$


We need term limits to get rid of career politicians and we need to get rid of lobbyists who are funded and paid for by big bussiness for starters,we also need to throw some folks in jail as a reminder to all politicians that they are not untouchable and their is a price to pay for not doing right by the people they represent.
If that doesnt work maybe its time for the people to rise up and take matters into our own hands.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Now we're Cookin' Accountability for your own actions is the Key... The Private sector lives under the threat of Big Brother on A daily basis, and pay for their mistakes, big or small. Politicians that get caught for crimes against those that elect them move from one dept. to another within the fed Unchecked... Just Sayin'


Fish, I am starting to think term limits wont work. Newbies get into office and get swept up by the same game. We need a 535 fresh faces all at once and ones with enough balls to say no to lobbyists.


Sorry to say but being in the navy and just hearing and seeing the Wildest Shyt eyes and ears could ever witness. ..It's safe to say the TRU POWER ISN'T IN THE GOV..Its in the PEOPLE. .OUR MAJOR ISSUE RACISM. .If people could BUILD AND BOND I ASSURE YOU our government would work how we the PEOPLE would like. Buy since we have BLIND citizens lost amd believing in this centuries government. It all lies within the PEOPLE. Once ona submarine my captain told me and i quote. ..IF US PEOPLE WERE MORE LIKE CRAZY GLUE AND NOT PLAYDOUGH ....I WOULD'VE BEEN ENLISTED. .power to the PEOPLE! !!


Living dead girl
I'll say it to my grave, they speak $$, voting is designed to make you think you have a choice.
A choice...? How about a voice? That's what I think I'm doing when I vote--using my voice.
I find it hard to believe the average person would vote to put the country into the stupor we are currently in...it got there regardless of our voting, imo. Other actions from us could have changed the outcome more than voting, imho!
I don't. Find it hard to believe, that is. Most Americans are perfectly happy with the status quo. THAT is part and parcel of the problem. And, after reading that there are indeed those who feel that people like myself deserved the beating I got during the robbery because I was breaking the law, it's perfectly believable.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Sorry to say but being in the navy and just hearing and seeing the Wildest Shyt eyes and ears could ever witness. ..It's safe to say the TRU POWER ISN'T IN THE GOV..Its in the PEOPLE. .OUR MAJOR ISSUE RACISM. .If people could BUILD AND BOND I ASSURE YOU our government would work how we the PEOPLE would like. Buy since we have BLIND citizens lost amd believing in this centuries government. It all lies within the PEOPLE. Once ona submarine my captain told me and i quote. ..IF US PEOPLE WERE MORE LIKE CRAZY GLUE AND NOT PLAYDOUGH ....I WOULD'VE BEEN ENLISTED. .power to the PEOPLE! !!
Ironic how A group of people could cause so much damage and it still limits some that don't realize they are "Free" and have the ability to choose the path they desire... Education is the Key that crushes Racism. Anybody can have / get it and there is as many paths to education as their are reasons to blame Racism for the lack of accomplishment / will to succeed... Great people can change the course of life for the better!

History Lesson #1

“Between speaking fees, investments and income from presidential appointments, Frederick Douglass’ was able to mass $300,000 in savings–an equivalence of $25 million dollars today. We shouldn’t ENVY those earning $250,000 per year. We should EMULATE them. That’s how jobs are created.” ~ KCarl Smith, Conservative MESSENGER
  • African Americans originally came to America unwillingly, having been stolen and sold by Muslim slave-catchers in Africa to Dutch traders journeying to America in 1619.
  • The Three-Fifths Clause dealt only with representation and not the worth of any individual.
  • In 1857, a Democratically controlled Supreme Court delivered the Dred Scott decision, declaring that blacks were not persons or citizens but instead were property and therefore had no rights.
  • The 13th Amendment to abolish slavery was voted for by 100% of the Republicans in congress and by 23% of the Democrats in congress.
  • Not one Democrat either in the House or the Senate voted for the 14th amendment declaring that former slaves were full citizens of the state in which they lived and were therefore entitled to all the rights and privileges of any other citizen in that state.
  • Not a single one of the 56 Democrats in Congress voted for the 15th amendment that granted explicit voting rights to black Americans.
  • In 1866 Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats to regain control in the elections.
  • George Wallace was a Democrat.
  • Bull Connor was a Democrat.
  • In the 19th century, Democrats prevented Black Americans from going to public school.
  • In the 20th and 21st century Democrats prevented Black Americans trapped in failing schools from choosing a better school. In fact Democrats voted against the bill by 99%.
  • Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, Literacy tests, white only primaries, and physical violence all came from the Democratic Party.
  • Between 1882 and 1964, 4,743 individuals were lynched. 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites. Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and Democrats successfully blocked those bills.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. His father, Daddy King was a Republican.
  • Though both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were signed into law under Democrat President, Lyndon Johnson, it was the Republicans in Congress who made it possible in both cases – not to overlook the fact that the heart of both bills came from the work of Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  • In the 108th Congress, when Republicans proposed a permanent extension of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, it was opposed by the Congressional Black Caucus (composed only of Democrats).
  • Following the Civil War, Frederick Douglass received Presidential appointments from Republican Presidents Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, and James A. Garfield. Democratic President Grover Cleveland removed Frederick Douglas from office but Republican President Benjamin Harrison reappointed him.
  • Very few today know that in 1808 Congress abolished the slave trade. Although slavery still had not been abolished in all the states, things definitely were moving in the right direction.
  • By 1820, most of the Founding Fathers were dead and Thomas Jefferson’ party (the Democratic Party) had become the majority party in Congress.
  • In 1789, Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance that prohibited slavery in a federal territory. In 1820, the Democratic Congress passed the Missouri Compromise and reversed that earlier policy, permitting slavery in almost half of the federal territories.
  • In 1850, Democrats in Congress passed the “Fugitive Slave Law”. That law required Northerners to return escaped slaves back into slavery or else pay huge fines.
  • Because the “Fugitive Slave Law” allowed Free Blacks to be carried into slavery, this law was disastrous for blacks in the North; and as a consequence of the atrocious provisions of this Democratic law, some 20,000 blacks in the North left the United States and fled to Canada.
  • The “Underground Railroad” reached the height of its activity during this period, helping thousands of slaves escape from slavery in the South all the way out of the United States and into Canada – simply to escape the reach of the Democrats’ Fugitive Slave Law.
  • In 1854, the Democratically controlled Congress passed another law strengthening slavery: the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Even though Democrats in Congress had already expanded the federal territories in which slavery was permitted through their passage of the Missouri Compromise, they had retained a ban on slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska territory. But through the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Democrats repealed those earlier restrictions, thus allowing slavery to be introduced into parts of the new territory where it previously had been forbidden.
  • Following the passage of these pro-slavery laws in Congress, in May of 1854, a number of the anti-slavery Democrats in Congress – along with some anti-slavery members from other political parties, including the Whigs, Free Soilers, and Emancipationists, formed a new political party to fight slavery and secure equal civil rights for black Americans. The name of that party? They called it the Republican Party because they wanted to return to the principles of freedom and equality first set forth in the governing documents of the Republic before pro-slavery members of Congress had perverted those original principles.
  • One of the founders of the Republican was U.S. Senator Charles Sumner. In 1856, Sumner gave a two day long speech in the U.S. Senate against slavery. Following that speech, Democratic Representative Preston Brooks from South Carolina came from the House, across the Rotunda of the Capitol, and over to the Senate where he literally clubbed down Sumner on the floor of the Senate, knocked him unconscious, and beat him almost to death. According to the sources of that day, many Democrats thought that Sumner’s clubbing was deserved, and it even amused them. What happened to Democrat Preston Brooks following his vicious attack on Sumner? He was proclaimed a southern hero and easily re-elected to Congress.
  • In 1856, the Republican Party entered its first Presidential election, running Republican John C. Fremont against Democrat James Buchanan. In that election, the Republican Party issued its first-ever Party platform. It was a short document with only nine planks in the platform, but significantly, six of the nine planks set forth bold declarations of equality and civil rights for African Americans based on the principles of the Declaration of Independence.
  • In 1856, the Democratic platform took a position strongly defending slavery and warned: “All efforts of the abolitionists… are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences and all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people”.
  • It is worth noting that for over a century and a half, Democrats often have taken a position that some human life is disposable – as they did in the Dred Scott decision. In that instance, a black individual was not a life, it was property; and an individual could do with his property as he wished. Today, Democrats have largely taken that same position on unborn human life – that an unborn human is disposable property to do with as one wishes.
  • African Americans were the victims of this disposable property ideology a century and a half ago, and still are today. Consider: although 12 percent of the current population is African American, almost 35 percent of all abortions are performed on African Americans. In fact, over the last decade, for every 100 African American live births, there were 53 abortions of African American babies. Democrats have encouraged this; and although black Americans are solidly pro-life with almost two-thirds opposing abortion on demand, a number of recent votes in Congress reveals that Democrats hold exactly the opposite view, with some 80 percent of congressional Democrats being almost rabidly pro-abortion and consistently voting against protections for innocent unborn human life.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

220px Frederick Douglass c1860s

Frederick Douglass Ditched his Racist
that held him down...

Born: February 1818, Talbot County
Died: February 20, 1895, Washington, D.C.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Back on topic... Voting on following propositions Today

Link with detail on Each Prop for those in L.A. area ->->-> http://www.smartvoter.org/2013/05/21/ca/la/meas/

Proposition D. Medical Marijuana Regulation and Taxation -- City of Los Angeles (Ordinance - Majority Approval Required)
Shall an ordinance regulating businesses where marijuana is cultivated, processed, distributed, delivered or given away to qualified patients or primary caregivers (MMBs) by: (1) prohibiting MMBs but providing limited immunity for MMBs that operated since September 2007, timely registered with the City, generally have not ceased operations, pay City taxes, pass annual background checks, are separated from residential zones, maintain certain distances from schools, parks, child care facilities, other designated places and other MMBs, and meet other requirements and operational standards; (2) exempting dwelling units used by three or fewer patients/caregivers to cultivate medical marijuana on-site for their patients or themselves, and other exemptions; and (3) increasing the MMB tax to $60 per each $1,000 of gross receipts; be adopted?

Ordinance E. Medical Marijuana Regulation -- City of Los Angeles (Initiative Ordinance - Majority Approval Required)
Shall an ordinance regulating associations of six or more qualified patients and/or primary caregivers who gather to cultivate, distribute or engage in other activities related to marijuana for medical purposes (MMCs) by: (1) prohibiting MMCs but providing limited immunity for MMCs that operated since September 2007, timely registered with the City, generally have not ceased operations for 90 days, pass annual background checks, are separated from residential zones, maintain certain distances from schools, parks, child care facilities and other designated places, and satisfy other requirements; (2) establishing operational standards enforceable as infractions; and (3) exempting associations of five or fewer patients/caregivers who process or cultivate medical marijuana on-site for MMCs, their patients or themselves, and other exemptions; be adopted?

Ordinance F. Medical Marijuana Regulation and Taxation -- City of Los Angeles (Initiative Ordinance - Majority Approval Required)
Shall an ordinance regulating associations of qualified patients and/or primary caregivers who cultivate, provide or engage in other activities related to marijuana for medical purposes (MMCs) by: (1) prohibiting MMCs but providing limited immunity for MMCs that register with the City (without limiting the number that can register but giving registration priority to those possessing City tax certificates by October 2012), generally have not ceased operations for more than 90 days, pass annual background checks, are separated from residential uses, maintain certain distances from schools, parks, child care facilities, other designated places and other MMCs, and meet other requirements and operational standards; (2) exempting dwellings zoned residential, and other exemptions; and (3) increasing the MMC tax to $60 per each $1,000 of gross receipts; be adopted?


Mr me and.
Ironic how A group of people could cause so much damage and it still limits some that don't realize they are "Free" and have the ability to choose the path they desire... Education is the Key that crushes Racism. Anybody can have / get it and there is as many paths to education as their are reasons to blame Racism for the lack of accomplishment / will to succeed... Great people can change the course of life for the better!

History Lesson #1

“Between speaking fees, investments and income from presidential appointments, Frederick Douglass’ was able to mass $300,000 in savings–an equivalence of $25 million dollars today. We shouldn’t ENVY those earning $250,000 per year. We should EMULATE them. That’s how jobs are created.” ~ KCarl Smith, Conservative MESSENGER
  • African Americans originally came to America unwillingly, having been stolen and sold by Muslim slave-catchers in Africa to Dutch traders journeying to America in 1619.
  • The Three-Fifths Clause dealt only with representation and not the worth of any individual.
  • In 1857, a Democratically controlled Supreme Court delivered the Dred Scott decision, declaring that blacks were not persons or citizens but instead were property and therefore had no rights.
  • The 13th Amendment to abolish slavery was voted for by 100% of the Republicans in congress and by 23% of the Democrats in congress.
  • Not one Democrat either in the House or the Senate voted for the 14th amendment declaring that former slaves were full citizens of the state in which they lived and were therefore entitled to all the rights and privileges of any other citizen in that state.
  • Not a single one of the 56 Democrats in Congress voted for the 15th amendment that granted explicit voting rights to black Americans.
  • In 1866 Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats to regain control in the elections.
  • George Wallace was a Democrat.
  • Bull Connor was a Democrat.
  • In the 19th century, Democrats prevented Black Americans from going to public school.
  • In the 20th and 21st century Democrats prevented Black Americans trapped in failing schools from choosing a better school. In fact Democrats voted against the bill by 99%.
  • Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, Literacy tests, white only primaries, and physical violence all came from the Democratic Party.
  • Between 1882 and 1964, 4,743 individuals were lynched. 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites. Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and Democrats successfully blocked those bills.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. His father, Daddy King was a Republican.
  • Though both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were signed into law under Democrat President, Lyndon Johnson, it was the Republicans in Congress who made it possible in both cases – not to overlook the fact that the heart of both bills came from the work of Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  • In the 108th Congress, when Republicans proposed a permanent extension of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, it was opposed by the Congressional Black Caucus (composed only of Democrats).
  • Following the Civil War, Frederick Douglass received Presidential appointments from Republican Presidents Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, and James A. Garfield. Democratic President Grover Cleveland removed Frederick Douglas from office but Republican President Benjamin Harrison reappointed him.
  • Very few today know that in 1808 Congress abolished the slave trade. Although slavery still had not been abolished in all the states, things definitely were moving in the right direction.
  • By 1820, most of the Founding Fathers were dead and Thomas Jefferson’ party (the Democratic Party) had become the majority party in Congress.
  • In 1789, Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance that prohibited slavery in a federal territory. In 1820, the Democratic Congress passed the Missouri Compromise and reversed that earlier policy, permitting slavery in almost half of the federal territories.
  • In 1850, Democrats in Congress passed the “Fugitive Slave Law”. That law required Northerners to return escaped slaves back into slavery or else pay huge fines.
  • Because the “Fugitive Slave Law” allowed Free Blacks to be carried into slavery, this law was disastrous for blacks in the North; and as a consequence of the atrocious provisions of this Democratic law, some 20,000 blacks in the North left the United States and fled to Canada.
  • The “Underground Railroad” reached the height of its activity during this period, helping thousands of slaves escape from slavery in the South all the way out of the United States and into Canada – simply to escape the reach of the Democrats’ Fugitive Slave Law.
  • In 1854, the Democratically controlled Congress passed another law strengthening slavery: the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Even though Democrats in Congress had already expanded the federal territories in which slavery was permitted through their passage of the Missouri Compromise, they had retained a ban on slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska territory. But through the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Democrats repealed those earlier restrictions, thus allowing slavery to be introduced into parts of the new territory where it previously had been forbidden.
  • Following the passage of these pro-slavery laws in Congress, in May of 1854, a number of the anti-slavery Democrats in Congress – along with some anti-slavery members from other political parties, including the Whigs, Free Soilers, and Emancipationists, formed a new political party to fight slavery and secure equal civil rights for black Americans. The name of that party? They called it the Republican Party because they wanted to return to the principles of freedom and equality first set forth in the governing documents of the Republic before pro-slavery members of Congress had perverted those original principles.
  • One of the founders of the Republican was U.S. Senator Charles Sumner. In 1856, Sumner gave a two day long speech in the U.S. Senate against slavery. Following that speech, Democratic Representative Preston Brooks from South Carolina came from the House, across the Rotunda of the Capitol, and over to the Senate where he literally clubbed down Sumner on the floor of the Senate, knocked him unconscious, and beat him almost to death. According to the sources of that day, many Democrats thought that Sumner’s clubbing was deserved, and it even amused them. What happened to Democrat Preston Brooks following his vicious attack on Sumner? He was proclaimed a southern hero and easily re-elected to Congress.
  • In 1856, the Republican Party entered its first Presidential election, running Republican John C. Fremont against Democrat James Buchanan. In that election, the Republican Party issued its first-ever Party platform. It was a short document with only nine planks in the platform, but significantly, six of the nine planks set forth bold declarations of equality and civil rights for African Americans based on the principles of the Declaration of Independence.
  • In 1856, the Democratic platform took a position strongly defending slavery and warned: “All efforts of the abolitionists… are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences and all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people”.
  • It is worth noting that for over a century and a half, Democrats often have taken a position that some human life is disposable – as they did in the Dred Scott decision. In that instance, a black individual was not a life, it was property; and an individual could do with his property as he wished. Today, Democrats have largely taken that same position on unborn human life – that an unborn human is disposable property to do with as one wishes.
  • African Americans were the victims of this disposable property ideology a century and a half ago, and still are today. Consider: although 12 percent of the current population is African American, almost 35 percent of all abortions are performed on African Americans. In fact, over the last decade, for every 100 African American live births, there were 53 abortions of African American babies. Democrats have encouraged this; and although black Americans are solidly pro-life with almost two-thirds opposing abortion on demand, a number of recent votes in Congress reveals that Democrats hold exactly the opposite view, with some 80 percent of congressional Democrats being almost rabidly pro-abortion and consistently voting against protections for innocent unborn human life.

Mr..me and you.should chat ALOT more often. NEW To the farm gonna make it my home. As for me.being African American and Portuguese mixed i grew up confused thank The Heavens my grandmother a former civil rights activist home.schooled me and showed me the light. You know if the republicans would turn back the clock ALOT more minorities would join love the knowledge you dropped on me. Makes me feel like it's ALOT more hope for this country bless you and may your knowledge reign supreme! Grow on!!!


Thanks for the kind words my friend... Racism is A State of Mind that CAN NOT BE TOLERATED...
All are not Racist...

Ur very much welcomed. Your right I've never seen color just attitudes. I love all people but ignorance is Taught from generation on down to the next. The kids of today have spoken they are done with the ignorance and it's a good sight to see but we gotta teach them more about living. We will talk more sir about state affairs and growing ill follow you!!


Gov't takes over the medical marijuana industry and runs it like liquor stores ? the product becomes more generic and most likely with taxes it is as expensive as the black market. ok.... So people still choose to grow there own and grow better mmj .

Therefore still a market as we are looking for the newest , latest ie: GSC - the gov't is selling red, blue, gold label at a 10% thc cap.... people are buying it up like Marlboro's or Budwieser

My thoughts are- does it then become not such a big deal to grow your own..... ?????
I have never read about a big wine making bust but yet know that tons of old Italian men are making it down there basement ..... Hell they sell beer making kits (microbrew) Never seen a big beer bust .....

I personally would just love to be able to grow my own meds without fear of 40 atf agents knocking down my doors ..... I know most of the people here are from states were it is common to grow and somewhat socially except able but not the case for all...

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