2000w lumatek bulbs this fall

  • Thread starter 20north
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so from what ive seen there is a 2000w lumatek lamp being all packed up to be on the market this fall or this winter

2000w bulb i have seen has 2 arc tubes..

and as thick shell over it that pretty much resembles a 1000w mh glass casing or shielding


take care everyone

Peace & Love & Good Health everyone!:winking0067:


Sweet any lumen #'s on these bad boys? Do they run both vert and horizontal?


that sounds like one big hot spot IMO...

light bleaching and burning seems like it would be off the hook.


If you've seen them drop us a link. Would love to check them out.


i dont think they work vertical at least not yet.....i dont have any links ....

mac dre u was talking about hot spots well the water cooled lights really come into play with these


id rather use 1000watters they do the job just find i think 2k in one spot would be some serious issues! light bleaching being the biggest! rather have 2 1k's spread out in my opinion!


id rather use 1000watters they do the job just find i think 2k in one spot would be some serious issues! light bleaching being the biggest! rather have 2 1k's spread out in my opinion!

i think im with you on this one. but the proof is in the puddin. let see if someone gets some and sets up a thread about it.


id rather use 1000watters they do the job just find i think 2k in one spot would be some serious issues! light bleaching being the biggest! rather have 2 1k's spread out in my opinion!

yupp pretty much what i was saying...

and by mean hot spots i mean BRIGHT spots, when like mylar is put on incorrectly and creates almost a beam of light that is way brighter than everything else, causing uneven light distribution.

im sure someone will find a use for em... i'd rather have two 1ks also, probably still be cheaper going with two lights.


im sure you can put a defuser on them tho so that prob would be eliminated. still curious to see what they can do. i just don't want to be the guinea pig


yeah i dont think i need 2k lights. i'd rather run 2 1k lights i think. the penetration isn't necessary for my setup but if i had a MPB that would be like a orgasm lol.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

id rather use 1000watters they do the job just find i think 2k in one spot would be some serious issues! light bleaching being the biggest! rather have 2 1k's spread out in my opinion!

Wouldn't this then support that all the guys who use two 600s instead of one 1000w light have the best set-ups?

The 2000w could be up higher and will have a bigger footprint. Just like the 600w/1000w debate it would depend on the size and shape of your space. I think a 2000w would kick some ass.


Wouldn't this then support that all the guys who use two 600s instead of one 1000w light have the best set-ups?

The 2000w could be up higher and will have a bigger footprint. Just like the 600w/1000w debate it would depend on the size and shape of your space. I think a 2000w would kick some ass.

everyone has a grip on the point of diminishing returns...

at what point does this stop?

would you use a 5000w bulb 10' high?

we all know how well a 32w flouro does 2" away for flower, it works okay, but not the best.

everyones application is different. i'd like to see that option of going that big, just seems unpractical to myself... but what do i know, i havent even finished a grow.


I'm with tabor....shit would really be like a mini sun, but I'm sure the cost will keep people curious


i think everyone has a good point. but i think the real reason they invented/ are releasing these bulbs is for commercial applications. large footprint means more product with less amperage. think about it if you had 100-1000watter that run at 4.5amps in a 240v application. you would need 500amps min to run your lights only. now if you where to run
62-65-2000w and cover the same amount of space with out having to move your lights up and down. and utilize the same amount of amperage (assuming the ballasts are using 7.5-8 amps) you would not only save on BULBS, Ballasts, and electrical components( plus and breakers), ect ect ect. it just seems practical on a large scale operation. not for the guys like you and me who dont have a 10000sqft warehouse to pull that kind of shit off. i really dont think its for a vertical go at all. you would have to spread your plants out to over 4ft apart because the bulb would bleach burn ect. just to get the same yield as 1000w bulbs.

just my 2 cents. please tell me if you have a different theory i would love to hear it.
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

1000W work just fine, even in a 10,000 sq ft warehouse.

Lumatek makes shitty bulbs and ballasts. This is just a "MORE POWER" gimmick, if you ask me. And no 10,000 sq ft warehouse is gonna invest in these untested. And how do you cool all that heat? Are you really gonna liquid cool 65-100 hoods? Good luck with that! It just comes down to logistics and feasibility...

Only Lumatek will be making 2000W ballasts to go with these, no competitors? So great, the ballasts will blow the bulbs by design, and you'll be buying new bulbs every month, and Lumatek will increase their profits...

Do you really think you'll be able to pull over 1g/w with these? More so than you would with 1k? I have to see to believe...

Trim Reaper

I agree Lumatek sucks. I have a buddy who would love this thing as long as it was coolable. What he did is rip the floor out of his spare bedroom and is growing his 4 medicinal plants from the basement, through the rafters. 8 lamp T5's up all 4 walls and 4 1000;s up top. These baby's are 12' tall, and he's always bitchin about wanting more light.
I personally agree with you guys, too much heat and intensity from 1 source. If you didn't burn the shit out of 'em, you would certainly fry all the flavor out at the very least. I personally run 2-1000's in a dual 60" Cooltube and it works awesome. You can keep reflector 15" away with 0% burn. Much more efficient imo.
I think these are for the greenhouse idiots that suppliment light 7' above thier tables, not serious indoor gardeners. I do see the Noob's that think if 1 tspn nutes is good 3 tspn be 3 times as good, buying these things, lol.

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