2011 Cannabis Cup RAIDED!

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EastBay Express news
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Amsterdam Cannabis Cup Raided - First time in 24 years
Cannabis Culture David Downs — Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 8:12 AM

When conservatives who seized power in the Netherlands this year closed coffeeshops in the southern part of the country to weed tourists, it seemed like an unfortunate bummer.

This morning, however, police in Amsterdam are in the process of raiding the 24th annual High Times Cannabis Cup Expo. Possession of marijuana has been decriminalized in the Netherlands. But according to tweets on the scene, "everyone will have their buds confiscated, but no one will be charged or fined. This is the first time this has happened in 24 years."

More news after the jump.

According to @DanaLarsen, Director of the Vancouver Cannabis Dispensary Society, "Police officer told me they investigated yesterday, saw some booths giving out weed and breaking other rules. So now the event is shut down."

"Everyone has to leave except for exhibitors. Cops are friendly and polite."

And in ReLeaf Magazine:


Just one hour ago 150 to 200 uniformed police officers stromed this year’s Cannabis Cup, our sources at the Cup say.

The Cannabis Cup, undoubtably the largest gathering on the planet to celebrate, discover and judge all things marijuana, has been raided by the Dutch police. Such police interference is unheard of in the 24 years of the Cup.

Our crew inside, Ali Bongo’s company directors and manager, jetted off to the Cup at the start of this week, intent on rooting out the hottest new strains on the market and bringing back the best new smoking materials and accessories back to our store. After several days of exploring, smoking, circulating, smoking, networking and smoking, they returned to the Cup this morning for more intrepid head-shop work. And some smoking.

The frantic telephone report I just received from the boss himself was that as they were leaving the Cup, 150 or more uniformed police advanced upon the venue and entered. Our crew managed to leave the venue, but report that people behind them were being stopped and searched.

Whilst a large amount of the police were in full uniform, our source says that many were also plain-clothes officers. The police were all carrying evidence bags.

The cup changed venue this year to the Leidseplein area of Amsterdam, and perhaps this may be linked in to police action, we’re unsure.

And that’s the word of the moment right now: we don’t know. The Cannabis Cup was in full swing with a full crowd there when numerous members of the Dutch police force decened upon the venue. We shall update as we know more.

This just in from the boss:

At the very least, it won’t be going on tonight. Who knows when or if it will be able to start back up. We could be witnessing the end of the Cannabis Cup; the end of an era.

“Amersterdam is changing.” Is the word from the boss, who’s out there now, relaying this news by telephone, “the Red-Light district has all changed and the whole feel of the ‘Dam is very different from previous years. It’s sad times.”

So sad times at the High Times cup.

Another contact INSIDE the venue just contacted us with this update:

The police are advancing under the pretense of some kind of Opium law. The Cup is usually not subject to police action, but they are stopping and searching everyone here.

The police are confiscating, bagging and impounding everything from everyone, but are taking no names or hauling no one into custody so far, at least that I’ve seen.

Our source believes that it is the that fact the Cup has moved location that could be the catalyst for the police raid. He has indicated that the local authority (The Mayor?) of this particular area is unhappy with The Cup’s presence in his duristiction and has sent police in.

Whilst the police continue to collect and confiscate any illicit matterials (bear in mind this is The Cannabis Cup so they could be some time!) the people inside the venue are smoking up as quick as they can. A circle of smokers is growing and people plan to blaze up whatever they are carrying before it gets taken from them by the local forces.

This is all we know for now – you’ll have more as we hear it.

The boss from the ‘Dam:

“Ok this is not a wind up. Closed down event. People being searched on exit. But this way BIGGER than that. More updates to follow”

Sensi Seeds inform us: “Police directly targeting event & attendees! Searching patrons, arrests for possession of more than 5g of cannabis”


Yep- sure enough, they do this to people who are minding their own damn business, bringing tourist dollars in. How stupid do the authorities have to be? If I were running the Cup, I'd make a big announcement to start a contest to find the friendliest place on the planet to hold the next Cup, and bring the millions of tourist dollars THERE!


Last year they drug Arijan out in cuffs an didn't charge him with anything.
The cops are defiantly hassing the Cannibis Cup.
It time the they moved to a more tolerant country.


very sad, i never experienced the cup, and it looks like ill never get to...


looks like it was some kind of paperwork mix up. Lawyers have apparently straightened things out and the event will carry on, as long as the rule of law is being followed-vendors can't have over 500 grams etc etc.

I'm sure there's more pressing crime but whatever. Maybe the new government wants to be seen "taking action". Ultimately they won't shut it down as its a huge money maker but at the same time a great photo op and headline for the new government, as long as they play by the rules.


they r screwed

Arent they kinda screwing themselves though?!I mean, look at all the money those people around there are losing.Major part of their tourest attraction, imo.just my 2 cents peace,fuzzy


looks like it was some kind of paperwork mix up. Lawyers have apparently straightened things out and the event will carry on, as long as the rule of law is being followed-vendors can't have over 500 grams etc etc.

I'm sure there's more pressing crime but whatever. Maybe the new government wants to be seen "taking action". Ultimately they won't shut it down as its a huge money maker but at the same time a great photo op and headline for the new government, as long as they play by the rules.
sounds pretty complicated to get everything back to the right owner. If the press release that everything was being confinscated and not labeled with 150 plus police. Does not sound like that would go over smothly or if I or whoever runs the cup would bring it back again. Should be in the best country in the world anyway but for the cups sake lets hope a 24 year tradition is not over. Plus I was planning on going next year for the first time.


//So do you get your money back if you bought a judge's pass??


straight from the lawyers....

UPDATE: 10:25 A.M. PST This just in from David Holland, event counsel, via comments.
"Chillax, all is good over there. I am one of the attorneys for High Times and this started over a misunderstanding about a permit application filed by the venue to host the event. Our US and Dutch lawyers have just finished reviewing them with the police there. No attendees have been arrested and attendees are not the targets of the police presence. Police are ensuring that all vendors are in compliance with the 500 gram limit under the Opium Law for licensed vendors at the venue. Only one vendor has been identified as potentially over the limit, but only slightly. In any event, the show will go on tomorrow and additionally, the Melweg will be opening at 2pm tomorrow to accomodate judges who do not wish to trek outside of Amsterdam so that they can avoid the lines and vote early. Further details will be posted on the High Times site later today."


yep time to move it to a more freindly country

I think its time to find another planet,one without all this police control all over the world!Seems like you cant do anything anymore.


agreed tyler awesome idea - cannabis cup and a cruise .... sweet idea ...cost about the same to get to amsterdam anyways and each day of the cup the ship can stop at a dif mary jane friendly island . On a side note can someone point me into the direction of how the cup got started 24 years ago any why amsterdam was the spot.... i know that it was not possible here (usa) 24 years ago...peace happy thanksgiving to all .....give a bud away today to someone who does not have any in the spirit of thankfullness.... I know we would all love this wonderfull plant to be totally legal everywhere but MUCH progess has been made in that direction...lets just hope it does not take 24 more years...and be thankfull for the progress..........hell i have not smoked seedy weed in two years now ...... after spending 30 years sifting out all the seeds and breaking the brown/green compact mexican crap apart. lol:bow


I was there and the worst part was trying to smoke all your weed in 5 min. hitman glass to the rescue.
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