2nd grow, am I doing something wrong?

  • Thread starter thatcoffeewater
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I know that curled up and down leaves is due to lights being too close, but I've raised mine and they still seem to be growing sluggishly. I'm growing in garden soil mixed with compost and growing from seeds I harvested from breeding two bag seeds. If anyone has any clue I'd appreciate it.
2nd grow am i doing something wrong
2nd grow am i doing something wrong 2
2nd grow am i doing something wrong 3
2nd grow am i doing something wrong 4
2nd grow am i doing something wrong 5


I know that curled up and down leaves is due to lights being too close, but I've raised mine and they still seem to be growing sluggishly.
High heat and/or low humidity can also cause the sides to curl upward. I don't see much sign that the light was too intense, only some chlorosis, which could have another cause. Please post more details about your light.

I'm growing in garden soil mixed with compost and growing from seeds I harvested from breeding two bag seeds. If anyone has any clue I'd appreciate it.
My guess is nutrients are your problem. What do you feed them? NPK ratio?

They look like they've been watered recently. How often do you water?

Transplanting them to pots that breathe better probably would help.

Please post a picture of those dark spots using white light.


High heat and/or low humidity can also cause the sides to curl upward. I don't see much sign that the light was too intense, only some chlorosis, which could have another cause. Please post more details about your light.

My guess is nutrients are your problem. What do you feed them? NPK ratio?

They look like they've been watered recently. How often do you water?

Transplanting them to pots that breathe better probably would help.

Please post a picture of those dark spots using white light.
Thanks so much for the response!! I really appreciate it :) I have a 24 watt, blurple light (model # Z-DW-B21-GRSPL). Unfortunately I threw out the packaging 😭 and I cant find a photo online so I don't know the proper recommended distance. It's been about 78-83 F in my room since I haven't installed my ac yet, been dying in my room...

The nutrients I used are Miracle Grow Plant Food (NPK 24-8-16, since I have learned better since it's long-release) and Pure Gold liquid fertilizer (1-1-1).

I water whenever the top of the soil (about an inch or so deep) is dried since the temp in my house upstairs is pretty varied so the soil dries out differently.

I'm just a regular gardener so I've been just using my knowledge from that, but grow lights are more picky than the sun.
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Also I don't have a humidity sensor so I have no clue about that


The last few pictures look like a cal mag issue the way the leaves are striping in the veins. I have had that happen a few times.
The rest of the leaves look fine, should I be worried? If I should, what's the best way to fix it? I don't have any fancy equipment or nutrients besides general fertilizer, so... :( still have grown some good bud tho!

edit: I should say, the rest of the leaves are curled up and down so not looking entirely fine. Plus I think I may have some nutrient burn


The rest of the leaves look fine, should I be worried? If I should, what's the best way to fix it? I don't have any fancy equipment or nutrients besides general fertilizer, so... :( still have grown some good bud tho!

edit: I should say, the rest of the leaves are curled up and down so not looking entirely fine. Plus I think I may have some nutrient burn
I don't know what is in the miracle grow but the liquid gold maybe lower your dose a little bit. There is plenty of cal mag in my water and maybe yours to. I can only use very small amounts of callmag.


I'm just a regular gardener so I've been just using my knowledge from that, but grow lights are more picky than the sun.

My wife is an excellent gardener… with plants and flowers, no experience with growing weed. My first grow of 5 nice plants was effectively killed by her, because she watered everyday when I wasn’t looking. I tried to tell her, but she thought she knew best. Now she sees my plants only need water every 3 days or so and they do great.
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