6 strains in the same hydro system :)

  • Thread starter Cashmeh
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Still havnt started any seeds yet. Going to reduce the veg time down to one month. This will allow me a few weeks. For upgrades and whatnot. I want to pump co2 Into this room but it's not a sealed room, or even close. I might do it anyways and just waste a shit ton of c02 lol. My fan is a 8 inch infinity lol, hopefully pumping 40lbs of co2 in there ove the next two months should do something.

As for my current grow, due to chopping roots the hydroguard has alot of feed and yea.. Nitrite levels are through the roof causing ph to drop. I have no alkalinity so yea.. Working on that. Prolly gonna use potassium silicate instead of potassium bicarbonate and silica blast. Should be a more stable buffer and better silica absorption...

Hope you enjoy all the parameters I list. Rh is 40, room temps are 80, leaf Temps are 76-77 average.
Screenshot 20220301 094949


So I went with the 6 inch tube with upgraded ballast and the co2 kit. Seems this was a better 600-700$ value than an led light.

Sure I would have saved some electricity.. But..

This is actually half of my heater for my building. Gonna just get one of them setup to heat at night for now. Lots is is missed here so here is the new grow room design too.
Screenshot 20220302 064346
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Still havnt started any seeds yet. I'm actually going to bring the veg time down to one month from dry seed. I remember my first hydro grow. My one month vegged plant got more than my month and half vegged plant. It's wild... The longer they are in there, the more issues they might have that causes stunted growth. Anyways.. I know the two month veg sucks... F that.


Heavy lower defoliation. Around 3/4 of nodes removed, leaving only top nodes. Buds are not as dense as compared to grows where I defoliate. Looking for. Less popcorn and bigger buds.

Its been 10 days since transplant.


Increased wind speeds in the tent and upped the amount of silica I'm running. Gonna cut that scrog net off the walls here in a week. I'm not going to hold these guys down or back lol.. Scrog will be used for supporting bud weight only after week two of flower. I'm also going to stop using massive and keep my ppms a little lower than last time. I maxed at 900ppm late flower, this time were going for 700ppm max.

Water Temps are now 74f. Room temps are 81 and leaf Temps are 77. My only regret is not having a sealed room with co2. Good news, it's ordered and I'm painting the new grow room this coming week. Lights ordered..i do enjoy building new hydro grow rooms.


I'm at about 2.3lbs dry trimmed every two months. I have had lots of issues and this is only 6 plants in a 4x8

They vegged for 60 days so technically they are 4 months old but that's not how I look at it. I look at it as the amount of electric I used in two months to produce the weight.

Overall I'm disappointed but hopefull I can get it up to at least 3lbs this grow.

As for the quality, lol it's the best weed I've smoked from a local grower. Soon I'll have thc testing equipment.. Fun fun


Got offered a job at my choice of local cultivation facilities ran by some large company. I had to turn it down due to wanting to be self employed. Instead I asked them to be my loan shark and provide funding...

This shit I grow is strait fire not lying. Like dispensary quality. Soon I'll have my own thc testing equipment.

Anyways the clones look great now that they are flowering. They are not near as big and I defoliate everything under the scrog.

I'm confident these will turn out way better. Plus I'm not going to be stunting the growth by doing a res change and changing Temps from 74 to 68. I'm sure that's why I dudded last grow. Anyways.. Fun fun


Removed scrog at week two of flowering for testing purposes. I keep thinking I'm holding them back and yea the room looks like trash now. I'm also thinking about lowering my light a bit but won't until next grow. I have another scog I can throw in with larger holes to somewhat train all this, but I want to wait until the stretch is done.


So this is the first time I've actually used the testing equipment to understand what I need to add.

I added 100ml calmag for low hardness, 80ml micro (low N), added 10ml ph up for alkalinity, 80ml hydroguard (low nitrite), added more silica blast and massive. Ppms went from 330 to 620. Dropped ph down to 5.6.. Didn't need to add any p or k :)

Fucking awesome I tell ya. I'm so stoked. I'm confident I can now run this res without draining any of it lol.. Least imma try


Ain't holding these back. I think I'm going to like the results of this far better. And I might add some c02 in there but it's not sealed. It was cheap so I don't mind waiting it. Waiting on my controller to see if it will even be worth it.

Still no seeds started. Might start them tonight.

I'm going to run 2 King tut, 2 gelot.og, and 2 Blueberry. I picked them because they are hybrids and are the fastest growing according to seedsman. Now that I can test npk and I removed scrog, I'm confident I'll get some bad boys off this.


When I transplant I will arrange them according to height. I can turn the light down on the one side for the tall ones and leave it up on the other for the short ones.
If I had the space you seem to in your grow room, I would seriously consider putting risers under the shorter plants to boost them to the same canopy height.


Yea it's rdwc and all plumbed together. You mean under the net pots? Would be a pretty large air gap if I do. I more less just defoliate the edges of the large plants that would overhang the smaller plants. If I didn't grow different strains I think it will be easier. I'm bout to pop 3 sour diesels, 1 jack herer, and 2 blue dreams. Gonna take it down to three strains. I only have one seed of herer so I can't run two. Gotta get this seed stock down so I can buy more of the ones that did the best.


Yea it's rdwc and all plumbed together. You mean under the net pots? Would be a pretty large air gap if I do. I more less just defoliate the edges of the large plants that would overhang the smaller plants. If I didn't grow different strains I think it will be easier. I'm bout to pop 3 sour diesels, 1 jack herer, and 2 blue dreams. Gonna take it down to three strains. I only have one seed of herer so I can't run two. Gotta get this seed stock down so I can buy more of the ones that did the best.
Well depends on the hydro plumbing, I guess, if you can do this at all. With my setup, each pot could be moved up and down relative to the others. I mean if I had a 12 inch difference between two plants, I'd be inclined to stick a milk crate under the short one.


Well depends on the hydro plumbing, I guess, if you can do this at all. With my setup, each pot could be moved up and down relative to the others. I mean if I had a 12 inch difference between two plants, I'd be inclined to stick a milk crate under the short one.
Yea I was able to do that when I had Dwc but now my pumps are massive and my return lines are too. Ive tried using rubber hoses to do something as you said just wasn't fast enough flow rates for my liking. The drain to waste isn't for me either. As for a flow pan to a catch bay and pump it up.. Possibly but then I'd just go aeroponics if I did all that. For now, we train lol..


Well I know how to use it, thing is, should I put it in my room that will basically blow it all outside. I'm thinking.. Yes lol.. Gonna cost alot more in co2 but Yolo.. My sealed room isn't done yet so yea.. Gonna at least use what I got.
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Co2 set to 1200. Imma waste alot I can tell. I have a pretty good exhaust system in that room for lights. This is more less just a test for this. If u use three tanks.. So be it..

It goes up to 1250ppm,shuts off for about a minute, dropps down to 800ppm before climbing back up to 1250. I am slow trickling it in there so i imagine it's an average of 1000ppm with the co2 running almost the entire time lol.. Dumb.. But Yolo. Shits like a dollar a lb. Might as well
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Co2 Update.. The dumbest thing I've done yet.. Or is it? I'm doing it like this and no one's gonna stop me... Joking, just using this one tank. Gonna see how many days it will last lol. Prolly like 3 or 4. It's literally a dollar lb for me. If it's 5 bucks a day, max 600$ omg.. For a 2 month grow.. Wowas.

Honestly I'm thinking about a burner because I need to raise the Temps anyways.

All this is just because my sealed room isn't done yet.. Or even started. I just wanted to spray some in this room. Average increase is about 500ppms of co2. As soon as it hits 1225 and shuts off, it instantly drops to 900 before it even starts climbing again. This bottle has ran literally for 4 days only shutting off at night lol.. Yes I'm an idiot.. Or am I? Don't answer that please

As for my sealed grow room in my building. I'm debating studding it and insulating it. The damn stone walls are ice in the winter. A damn salamander won't heat one room.

In over my head with that damn building. But Yolo again.. It will progress as the years go by, well until I die. I also seen I uploaded a photo in the last comment, instead of the video of my plants. Oh well, this is whats currently going on


Co2 ran out last night. Not gonna run anymore in that room lol. So I popped another 4x4. Dunno what imma do with it just yet either. I know I have an extra 1000w light. I know I want to do one plant in it. But idk.. That means I'd have to cap off one plant in my 4x8 because I'm only allowed 6. Idk.. I really don't know what to do yet. I might make that tent my lung room and change the duct work where the heat blows through the rooms. I bought a tent that would make it easy enough. Perhaps I should do what I do.. And draw it up and then see how it looks... Too shay

So I'm using alot of silica blast. I usually get that oil look on the surface when I use to much. Yolo..

Ppms 600 ph 5.6. Water Temps 74f, leaf Temps 77f, room temp 80f, humidity 40, and I'm not running my npk tests today.. Having to add more micro damn near every other day. I've also added around 40 gallons of water since the start. Since I can measure npk individually now, I'm going to try and not drain my res for the full grow.


Well I bumped a timer yesterday to always stay on. Instead of both shutting off at 10pm,one stayed on until 5am when I manually switched it. So then I reset both timers to turn on at 5pm,which just happened 30 min ago.

Heres the vid. Nothing but plant here.. They are looking great imo. These were very small clones placed directly into my hydro system. Didn't even root them this time. They entered the flower room on Feb 23rd, not even a month into flower yet.

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