8 X 315w Cmh 20x9x7 Let's Have Some Fun!

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Also, for anyone interested in how I set up my Earthbox...

Packed the corners that dip into the res tight with soil. Hit them with aloe water, added 2-3" soil, more aloe water, etc. until I was about 1" from the top. I then transplanted my clones out of solo cups just above the rim of the box, and mounded about 1" of Malibu compost on top. Inoculated rootzone with Rootwise Mycrobe Complete, put on the mulch cover, and that's it. Jeff at BAS recommended 3-7 days before adding water to res. Said to allow for some new growth and make sure plant is taking hold.

Just figured I'd post some details as I had about 6,000 questions for these guys before ditching bottles lol. House and Garden since 2009. Now microbes and organic material only.

Oh, one last thing. Was supposed to get my worm farm delivered today. UPS man came and went and alas, no worm farm. Called Amazon, and because they dropped the ball, they're overnighting me a Wormfactory 360 (which is about a $40 upgrade from the Vermihut) for less than I had paid for the Vermihut. Best customer service experience ever.

You getting the same results with the soil?


You getting the same results with the soil?

We shall see...I worked in a big dispensary out here for almost 4 years and the one kid whose stuff stood out to me turned me onto the no-till method. Spent a few hours with him about a month ago and absorbed as much as I could, and have continued reading nonstop on my own. I'm hoping it all goes as planned


Worms are in my Wormfactory 360! Fed them some Brussels sprouts and fan leaves tonight. Hopefully they're gone in a few days :D

Also, things are moving along in the Earthboxes. Starting to see some nice new growth. Plants looked a little sad so I turned the light down to 50%. Will see how they look in the morning! Another day or two and I will fill the reservoirs for the first time.
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Worms are in my Wormfactory 360! Fed them some Brussels sprouts and fan leaves tonight. Hopefully they're gone in a few days :D

Also, things are moving along in the Earthboxes. Starting to see some nice new growth. Plants looked a little sad so I turned the light down to 50%. Will see how they look in the morning! Another day or two and I will fill the reservoirs for the first time.

everything looks sick man good for you! can't wait to see some pics of your lights hung. these earthboxes are super intriguing as well - woooo can't wait to follow along for this ride.


Another night of painting :mad:

Gotta do some touch up in a couple spots but for the most part, I'm happy. Headed out to grab a couple more tubes of silicon in the morning to finish sealing the floor.

Started painting the floor white. Guess I'm committed now.

Plants in the Earthboxes look AMAZING. Super deep, dark green, tight internodal spacing, lowers are growing right along with the uppers. Thinking a couple more days and I'll do some topping and training.

In other news, the worms in my worm bin are doing excellent. They are eating away at the food scraps I've thrown them the last few days. Don't want to overfeed them so I'm laying off till most of this stuff is gone.

All in all, things are going great. Got confirmation from AC guy and electrician today; they will both be here Saturday morning

It has been chilly in my veg room! The two 315s are not enough to fight the cooling from the two cement walls. I had to add a space heater! So, as soon as the flower room is finished, I will be vegging in there until I can figure out what to do about this heat (or lack thereof) issue in my actual veg room haha

Still looking like 2/15 will be good to flip the first couple plants!:party1:


Looking good brotha! Have you looked into vpd? if you run 60-70% rh until at least early flower your plants and pocket book can benefit(not having to run dehumidifer haha). To be perfectly honest with you my rh has been getting stupid high with the lights off and no issues yet(gonna add a dehumidifier for lights off soon ;) ), mold/mildew seems to be a lot less of a problem in good soil. For reference I would always get PM on most strains growing in this current spot before no till, nothing since except some bud rot on a really dense bud that had some thrip damage.


Looking good brotha! Have you looked into vpd? if you run 60-70% rh until at least early flower your plants and pocket book can benefit(not having to run dehumidifer haha). To be perfectly honest with you my rh has been getting stupid high with the lights off and no issues yet(gonna add a dehumidifier for lights off soon ;) ), mold/mildew seems to be a lot less of a problem in good soil. For reference I would always get PM on most strains growing in this current spot before no till, nothing since except some bud rot on a really dense bud that had some thrip damage.

Thanks for the kind words bro! I will look into the VPD stuff did a quick google but didn't see how it's applied to growing. Will dig a bit later.

Tons of work behind me. Today is 30 days since the sale of my commercial grow and I'd say we are within a week of completion of this project.

Electrician showed up hours later than expected, wired the AC, and said he will have to come back to wire controller and run the 120's I need for dehu and peripherals. Ugh.

I swear electricians are allergic to money. Seriously. I can't seem to pay someone enough money to take this shit seriously for me.

Done venting for tonight. Have some transplants to take care of.


Thanks for the kind words bro! I will look into the VPD stuff did a quick google but didn't see how it's applied to growing. Will dig a bit later.

Tons of work behind me. Today is 30 days since the sale of my commercial grow and I'd say we are within a week of completion of this project.

Electrician showed up hours later than expected, wired the AC, and said he will have to come back to wire controller and run the 120's I need for dehu and peripherals. Ugh.

I swear electricians are allergic to money. Seriously. I can't seem to pay someone enough money to take this shit seriously for me.

Done venting for tonight. Have some transplants to take care of.
I got so tired years ago waiting for electricians and ac guys I bought all the tools and learned to do it myself.I took 2 minis out today and installed one brand new Mr slim heat pump by myself.I didn't have to rewire anything today but I can if needed,I wired the whole building a few years ago.
Can't wait to see when your done,I'm also working towards 315s soon or a combination of some sort,all gavita now in flower.


I got so tired years ago waiting for electricians and ac guys I bought all the tools and learned to do it myself.I took 2 minis out today and installed one brand new Mr slim heat pump by myself.I didn't have to rewire anything today but I can if needed,I wired the whole building a few years ago.
Can't wait to see when your done,I'm also working towards 315s soon or a combination of some sort,all gavita now in flower.

I'm to that point now where I kind of just want to learn. Running circuits can't be too difficult.

I can't wait to see when I'm done either lol. I've heard nothing but great things about these 315s and so far I'm pleased. Just finished some transplants. I've been taking the two best and two worst and transplanting together to see differences. This soil straight up kicks ass.
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So things are chugging along over here. I currently have 7 earthboxes set up, and am absolutely in love with them. Here are some pics :)

First up is the whole room. 12 plants under just 630w. Awesome coverage on these Nanolux CMHs.

2nd pic is 2 days' veg time in one of these earthboxes. My mind was blown.

Finally, a cut of Harambe they was looking super weak pre transplant, and 5 days after being put into BuildASoil LOS. Love this stuff.

Electrician coming back tomorrow. Should have lights hung Tuesday.
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nice! my first cmh fixture (to replace a couple t5's in veg) just got here.. I'm excited to throw it up today! that shit is looking awesome man the turnaround on the harambe is crazy


So not such a great update.

Few days ago saw some fliers in my room. Fungus gnats, I assumed. Set out some traps, wait a sec...those don't look like fungus gnats. What in the fuck are they?

Winged fucking root aphids. Something I have never even seen in my life. Fucking rookie ass mistake taking clones. Never fucking again.

Room has been completely emptied, soil is outside and will potentially be used for my vegetable garden.

What a fucking nightmare. Been spraying, scrubbing, bombing, douching l day today. Hoping to be able to crack some beans in a week or so.


Better check that soil too,hate to say it but aphids/eggs travel in the medium not the plant itself.

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