A M A - I'm Lino, Ask Me Anything!

  • Thread starter Herb Forester
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Come on, I just laid down the most authentic , informative hermy documentary the Farmer has ever seen and all I get is a tinfoil comment.

Tbh I didn't really read anything. If I want to read walls of text it's typically on jissn or something of the like.


. listen closely to your cpu, if you here chirps in your laptop, you're hit bad... there is a cyber war- but most dont know it. with Zuck releasing everything we're pulling all your data now. We coming into you CPU using your OS to fight this war. on github you can fork tools to protect and fight your enemy but again most dont know that the devil is in there mind and soul thru the CPU, we're addicted to him, AI has divided us , politically, religion, race and every way poss. Jumpin you cant put down, trust me on that, worse than your bong habit, lol

When you give permission to FB, google, apple , well you sold your sole to himm, he owned you at that moment. Try to not look at him. You cant! the devil owns you... Obama/Devil will unleash hell very soon, when you have no heat/AC, food or money or life itself will not exist on this planet if we deny him very soon, its very hard to deny him rite now and survive rite now if you've already accepted the Devil. W/O your devices you have a very hard life now, and soon no food nothing w/O accepting the Devil, Obama and the evil empire bought all your data to have full control over you... we'll see soon enough..

If you see these 2 icons together top rt corner of a Browser you'll wont know which side there on. Patriot or Evil. If the blue smiley face next to fox is Green look out , shut all your devices OFF and unplug from networks. You will see this in many college campus CPU, public wiFi area's, these guys are using your CPU, you've been recruited to either Patriots or Evil, you'll find out when crypto breaks out to everyone. We were profiled into Patriots or Evil based on your social media profiles. Zuck and Obama rated us and profiled us to one side or the other. You'll see this in action now if you apply for a job now with fortune 500 or any HR using the new bots. This is ugly and evil.
Guess I am one of the few that never ever joined FB..or any other social crap..Saw this shit coming yrs ago..I have not visited one site in the past few yrs, that doesn't want to get you on their email list..BS to that.
If you run Win10..check out this freebie..OOSU10 to rid yourself of unwanted MS reporting..(each is user selectable with this). Doesn't get installed, but runs on its own without installation.


Guess I am one of the few that never ever joined FB..or any other social crap..Saw this shit coming yrs ago..I have not visited one site in the past few yrs, that doesn't want to get you on their email list..BS to that.
If you run Win10..check out this freebie..OOSU10 to rid yourself of unwanted MS reporting..(each is user selectable with this). Doesn't get installed, but runs on its own without installation.
Your not missing much, everyone has washed out selfies so they can feel beautiful. I sell old crap on fb and when I see these people”guys and girls” they look nothing like the profile pictures.


Your not missing much, everyone has washed out selfies so they can feel beautiful. I sell old crap on fb and when I see these people”guys and girls” they look nothing like the profile pictures.
being from the 60's..I would never trust any of my shit to something like that..I don't even have SMS..if someone wants to talk..let em talk not type! ..LOL


Your not missing much, everyone has washed out selfies so they can feel beautiful. I sell old crap on fb and when I see these people”guys and girls” they look nothing like the profile pictures.

Lol, that's instagram.

Facebook is just political debates and ads.


Just read it @lino and yes I want to see plant cancer pics ... though to be honest I don't really see how it's a thorough/informative explanation


Did you put on your tinfoil hat and 3d glasses?jk
Tinfoil hats


Just read it @lino and yes I want to see plant cancer pics ... though to be honest I don't really see how it's a thorough/informative explanation
thorough/informative explanation -
I have laid out the hermy DNA in many threads over the last few years.
In this post, thread #399 I provided a link, high level reading that outlines influences on DNA chains and expressions in the genes from these DNA disrupts. Now that I have outlined the cannabis hermy DNA I will walk through Hermy manipulation over the next few month.
thorough/informative explanation - may I suggest 10 -12 yrs academia and bout a decade in the field working with cannabis hermy's to have a thorough/informative explanation for us.... lol, being a smart azz... you get what I'm saying,,, pretty thick book to conquer for a thorough/informative explanation -


my plant cancer is pulling out of it at the moment and not a good example of a non-malignant gene expression at the moment. Let me look for better plant cancer pics.

Why talk about plant cancer?
The NDF, I write about in thread #399 is that method that switches cancer genes to reproduce and to flip to malignant -are the same NDF that plants use to manipulate hermy's and polyploid expression in plants, organism for that matter.

NDF is usually a deletion in the DNA/RNA to something unwanted. However it is very feasible that after Tim created his polypoid,, as I explained on Mamabear thread, Ol Sneaky Tim fooled everyone, He told em it was the Gov 13th experiment he performed at the Univ of Ol Miss.... I might have been but that was not why he name it G13.

Well as Im getting closer to figuring out the code. G does not stand for the Gov. G is Guanine, the g base in DNA.... crafty minds know Lino's on to something bout now... Oh if it were so simple and located at 13,,, there was a Chrome/DNA swap,,, and he went further with G13 as well before those mules of a 1000 seeds were released and that made it to Europe... And those guys know what they did,,, thats why NL5 NL1 and all those strains (from 1 seed company SSSC) were like nothing we've had since, And this super GMO freak of nature is what started Massive Mail Order seed trade biz, why are they unable to REPRODUCE anything close to those strains?,,, they were crossed with a mule and anyone who bred mules knows what happens.... thats why.... lol, were all still hunting for the G13... I got 2 G13 seed of the originals mixed in a 10 pound bag of mixed seeds... :(


I'm going to tell a story, you can fill in any name you like. I will not put names in this historic event, you can do that and put whatever name you like, this is world event story BIGGER than anything that has happened in our lifetimes.

I publish on the DenverPost.com news. I see Farmers there. I am censored big time there. For further confirmation that AI has brainwashed us I see their political views have not changed an iota. Many of our minds are closed and not open. What we think is open and a diverse mind is the opposite. As we observe world events if you can not see what is about to happen,, a leader of country that knows what has to be done and it wont be pretty. He has massive tough guy attitude and his military power might be what it takes to prevent this world war but there is a Asian world leader that will not give up any weapons, his ppl are hungry now, this is a situation ready to happen. He has to be stopped, mad man.... who's the mad man?

JonBennet Ramsey
Why the hell do you bring this up Lino?
There were ppl in power of the USA and they killed this kid. Lots of morbid shit happened and there are some of us in Northglenn Co that know what happened to that kid. The world leaders oH, its Rep and Dems that belong to this cult. Well I'll have to throw down a cpl names, the Mods will just have to put up with it but I have to help us understand. Podesta , huge story rite here (him and his brother), he is the leader of the Democrat party and so many others world leaders also have email that was in wikileaks about satanic rituals and stuff that is just hard to believe, but this not the story, it is their freakn emails facts, now with that said, member the guy biting girls in the wht house, cigars,, what you dont know , this sounds like perversion and it is but its also satanic and what they deem part of their blood rituals...
The media are kids so stupid they dont realize what their reporting is false. Cathy O Brien reveals many of these acts on the website WritetoAction, youtube and many other ppl out there reported also, but here is when my mouth hit the floor recently. Dont laugh:
This news outlet has done this before and is looked at as fake news but the ENQUIRE has another report just out bout the Ramsey kid and they got a reporter who has been to northglenn co and he knows, and aint shy about reporting and comes up with stuff that IDK but its some crazy stuff... And just a few homes down the street from me with my own eyes I saw much of what he has reported. One of our neighbors was thought to be a kookoo when he said he seen a President in our neighborhood then the FBI showed up asking questions about this and then we seen the FBI empty that home here in Northglenn, Yes we didnt know it but they are the highest warlock and witch in the world so they said. What they pulled out of that house had everything to do with that murder of the Ramsey kid on the Son of Gods birthday, Bastards accomplished their satanic ritual.
Well they got the media controlled and so many Farmers brainwashed it aint funny that they pulled it off, they brain washed almost everyone, but their girl didnt get elected, And these evil cultist some how got the new guy to not go after them on criminal charges. They thought they owned the FBI. Partners in crime? IDK, it doesnt make sense, I think woe'd agree that he doesnt belong to their group that for sure....
So where does this go from here. Some very POWERFUL ppl have a small concern that we could find out some of this story, but it very easy to and so far fetched it that its easy to tell you your a nut job for believing that they would be involved with these cults but we got wikileaks emails to prove it. Orgy Island (all those stories) , its all true , hard to believe that those bastards sacrificed that kid, its sounds crazy but what about the girls like Cathy and others that report the same thing and same perverted ppl mentioned every time.

So WHY do I tell you about the Ramsey kid death.
The culprits are concerned. The investigation into placing spys and surveillance on the white house and an opposing political party is the biggest story we've ever seen. They are worried that Americans might figure out that some Banana Republic shit is going on. Look at who is spying on who, if you guys dont see it you're truly brainwashed . This is a complete break down of the country if they get away with this SPYING. This will open the door for dictators taking over. The political party knows now that had they started their attack a year earlier she'd be the Pres... This is a scary situation. Now he just called em out and we're going to have a "Top Level Presidential" investigation. This would mean that he could use Executive order and de-classify any or all documents, NSA records, phone company, Server IP's, wikileaks could be further tracked down and used as evidence. This makes Watergate look like a petty offense.
Boulder DA - county and the Feds have to be concerned about hidden (sealed evidence) in their court house (that these world leaders & judge sealed).This type of investigation will unseal records. This investigation could implicate up to 3 presidencies backward in many things. Their all tied together , both parties except the new guy who wont participate in their perverted demented world.
This guy called em out, most of his appointed staff cant handle the pressure of 24/7 surveillance of the phone and everything. We know who tapped the wht house rite? This is the biggest story we've seen, bigger than Hitler when you break it all down.

Yup thats what happen to the Ramsey kid, this might get reopened with new evidence cuz of all this spying.

Yup , Its the RUSSIANs ... lmao,,, shss I brainwashing with my AI powers lol


"For further confirmation that AI has brainwashed"

>i knew it had to be something..like AI
so this is why everyone is a "Disney Princess Tiara/PC/acceptance/diversity/snowflake/lefty is good"
carbon based unit..now and ....now everyone is searching for the truth from movie star moms?


Good story lino but your 'new guy' has been going to the same parties for years, not sure where his innocence of that in implied in his career or anywhere. Not bitching, actually just curious what you think about that


Good story lino but your 'new guy' has been going to the same parties for years, not sure where his innocence of that in implied in his career or anywhere. Not bitching, actually just curious what you think about that
do you mean the parties on Orgy Island and satanic stuff,,, or the clinton foundation social parties? While we'll all prob agree that he is a playboy, I havnt seen his name on the Blood Rituals.


.::! ! ! Ebola & Russets ! ! !::.

Ol Seamaid would come unglued by my bola comments so I'd always add a racial component to my comment to make for better conversation as an antagonistic friend. But I have to say one thing in her defense of the PC liberal ways, she had my respect as a grower and a mod.

Bola is mutating as I outlined just not as fast as I thought.
But heres the kicker, I said that it would be hitting the big African cities bout now, and it did. Now what?
Those idiot pathologist think there so smart and in control, there not in control. Now I read there trying to blame the river as a carrier of the disease. BS,,, I'll say it agian... it is a STD you fucking idiots ! in stage 1.

Study Russet mites, hell any pathogen for that matter, as we're all pathogens, we start out as embryo and evolve after incubation. Every organism has stages of life, caterpillar to moth- HIV to AIDs and so forth...
Russet in what I call stage one are almost imposs to detect and with proper plant maintenance much easier to control in our gardens even tho we dont know their in and on our plants but if you see Russets in what I have called stage 4 you got problems Big league!
Bola Just like Russets, stage 4 bola is easy to detect, very sick, high fever and blooding from organs, skin oozing- everywhere, now ebola acts like stage 4 Russets, in that the sh*t is contagious as hell and will wipe out an unprotected crop just like Bola will do to these African cities .

Do you member pathologist getting infect thru their protection suits? When I see that I say to those Drs ; you aint got no control.
To me anything that is that contagious and deadly will breark out. Rite? common sense... We have to have a preventive vaccine before this shit will hits our soil again very soon.

Dont forget it is an STD, you heard that here 1st. There are 2 for sure ways to get bola. oh Seamaid would be having a fit rite now...
  1. Have sex with an infected African with any stage of Ebola.
  2. Eat Bush Meat.
There are 2 Bush Meat markets in Denver and they need to be shut down. There is no reason to be eating monkeys, bats, rhinos, brains, animal paws, baby bird eggs , this is stupid.....

ppl who survive bola Or are cured of bola are walking contagious bola zombies with one bite, sex and many forms of contact could be a death sentence..

FEMA CAMPs all over the USA are ready. They'll round you up and you'll be put in bola zombie land , weather you're infected or not.

My release of my latest invention, FEMA Camps for plants,, pretty kwel imo, but Im bias... more on that later.


Bola w/o getting to technical... Mad Cow, AIDs , bola and many of these diseases, WHAT THEY DONT TELL YOU.

w/o going into depth, its all about the Prion's,,, you can google this stuff if you dont believe me and since some of you might want to google search this topic I'll stay on mad cow as our example cuz we have lots of worthy google search on MC topic.

So you'll go take a shower after what you're bout to read.

I'll take another dump on your reality today,
You have a 50% chance of having mad cow and other species bad prion growing on your skin. Google if you think im full of BS.... These prion diseases are deadly if they start to multiply.

So with HIV/AIDs , mad cow, and this shit living on our skin , I wipe with iso and chlorine , not healthy in one sense. I have a very high chance of dying from a Prion disorder, more on that later. Family history, NOT GOOD FOR ME. i am surprised at how many Deadly organism are living on us, not kwel. No fucking hand shakes anymore,,,, just knuckle bumps homies, no offense intended and hugs with cloths are okay. And no biggie if we make contact , iso up tho...

So all this time they've said: Protected Sex... No such thing,,, well if ya wore a rubber and had no body contact, Prob better have had a respirator and absolutely no kissing ..

Too much sanitized is bad also-
And a germ guy told me at my gym... He says; I not touching that disinfectant bottle to wipe down the exerciser machine.
I ask why?
He says the germs that live on that bottle are some of the most deadly cuz of their resistance to sanitized,, I ponder, the guy made sense and had one hell of an education so I quit touching public sanitation bottles.
more toilet paper plz....

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