A Tale Of Two Cities In America

  • Thread starter Bulldog11
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An armed society is a polite society,lol.Criminals always take the path of least resistance,this is why crazy fucks attack daycare centers or schools and movie theatres instead of police stations or gun stores,they know there will be little to no resistance.I dont think anyone should carry if they dont want to but if you do it is your right,which is why you see those guys open carrying guns in target and NO cops hassling them,extreme?YES,but so is the other side who seek to disarm law abiding people who have committed no crime at all?
Remember,Guns are inantimate objects like a hammer or a screwdriver,its the people behind them that are the problem sadly and they will just drive a car into a crowd or make an explosive if they have to,theres no stopping crazy.


An armed society is a polite society,lol.Criminals always take the path of least resistance,this is why crazy fucks attack daycare centers or schools and movie theatres instead of police stations or gun stores,they know there will be little to no resistance.I dont think anyone should carry if they dont want to but if you do it is your right,which is why you see those guys open carrying guns in target and NO cops hassling them,extreme?YES,but so is the other side who seek to disarm law abiding people who have committed no crime at all?
Remember,Guns are inantimate objects like a hammer or a screwdriver,its the people behind them that are the problem sadly and they will just drive a car into a crowd or make an explosive if they have to,theres no stopping crazy.
If they can think that clearly then they are not crazy muahaha!!!!!

I have no idea how I wound up being on the side of gun control here. What shapes my opinion is a very different subject than what logic and such tell me. As for arguing...dammit I am originally from IL and have heard people trash chicago for as long as i can remember, they all love stl and indianapolis. Its pretty much driven by them only going to the white tourist areas of stl and indy and then reading about chicago....it is so wildly wrong and really based in the idea that chicago is all black people and ghettos and ignoring that it is 90% pretty nice. Basically I get all riled about chicago being used as a strawman...ironically i don't like chicago as a city, just like to stick up for it.


Went sledding with my daughter today up in the middle of nowhere, Strawberry ca. Went off the highway to some BLM land, and first thing I thought was, "should of brought my hand guns."

Would have been more fun if I blasted off a few target rounds. Guess that makes me a crazy though right?


If you don't like guns you can get right the hell out of my amurica. Guns are just as much a part of this country as baseball and apple pie. For many gun ownership and hunting is a family tradition passed down through generations. It is a good way for you to bond with your children and teach them the respect and responsibilities that come with gun ownership that will carry over to other aspects of life. Also Chicago is a shit hole I used to work as a repo agent pulling getto sleds all night long and you best believe I was carrying, didn't care if it was against the law better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


Went sledding with my daughter today up in the middle of nowhere, Strawberry ca. Went off the highway to some BLM land, and first thing I thought was, "should of brought my hand guns."

Would have been more fun if I blasted off a few target rounds. Guess that makes me a crazy though right?

Anywho, no more trolling for me. I think to each their own.
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Bull Trout

Bull Trout

Its about location. Whoever has Chicago ( local cats) wins the game for the cartels.


My 2 cents worth about guns and cold weather. Do not know if there is any correlation between the 2 or not, but here goes.
I was born, raised, lived in, worked for and retired from a city that has lead the nation in the rate of homicide, per capita before and has lead and continues to be in top few cities in the rate of arson. I retired from the Fire Dept. there after 28 years of service. I have been shot at on the fire truck, pulled up to fires while they were still shooting at each other. Parts of the city resemble a war zone. There`s nothing left. Also spent 2 years in Vietnam, so I do have a little history in that regard too.
IMO, it makes no difference, hot, cold or anywhere in between weather , assholes are gonna be assholes and weather or location makes no difference. Guns do not kill people, people kill people.
Our Governor referred to it as "murder city" in a court brief. The city I am talking about is Flint Michigan.


I kept looking at that chart and looking and something just didn't click, so being me I looked a little further to satisfy my curiosity.

"Aw, it's cute. It really is. I love it when unsubstantiated facts and statistical anomalies are stirred together and turn into fertilizer. And this one has tables and everything! In fact, it looks something like this."

Link: http://namelesscynic.blogspot.com/2013/11/debunking-tale-of-two-cities.html

No intent to rain on the poster's thread.


Noone should just be carrying guns. I've had multiple close friends die by the gun. It was they way they lived but what happen to the old days where you just fought it out.but the minute someone gets they're ass whooped they grab the gun lololol. Tbh I think if you gotta use a gun your a pussy. And now a days people are shooting people for no reason or robbing for no reason. I've had multiple first hand experiences. It's not pretty it's best if people changed their mind set and weren't so gun happy. I've seen someone in my city get shot over a pair of Jordans like come on man. Chicago is like that because of what everyone already said drugs and folks, crips, and kings. And that's the only reason. This world is crazy ya.


I no longer own any firearms due to my growing situation. Too afraid that I'll get locked up , lawyer advised me to get all guns out of my name and out of the house.


Tbh I think if you gotta use a gun your a pussy. And now a days people are shooting people for no reason or robbing for no reason.

So you think a 70 year old lady protecting herself against a mugger is a pussy? That is why guns are great, they are the great equalizer. A 70 year old, feeble lady can take out the strongest, quickest thug.

Shooting and robing for no reason sounds like a good reason to have a gun, not a reason to not have one. Those thugs will still have guns whether or not the law allows them. Let me guess, the city you lived in was a gun free zone..........


You can have my guns when you pry my cold dead fingers off of them. Until then, do not fuck with my family, my property or myself. I`m too old to give a fuck, so just pass the bullets.


My dog ran away, and I had to search for her. There was a mountain lion sighting about a 1/4 mile from my house, and I thought my dog was eaten. I walked to this creek bed, where the mountain lion was seen...........

All I had to protect myself was a baseball bat, because you can't walk around with a gun. Sure enough, the cops still got called and they stopped me and asked what I was doing. I obliged, stopped, and told them I was looking for my dog. They told me it was illegal to carry a bat also....... I then asked if next time I should just practice my manners encase I ran into the lion, that way I can ask nicely to stop attacking me.........They laughed, and let me on my way.

The whole time I was thinking, "if I get eaten by this cat because I wasn't allowed to carry, I will haunt these gun fearing freaks."


Just read an interview with one of the heads in the Chicago police department. He calls Chicago, "Chiraq" because it's a war zone.


Better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it. Having a gun and not needing it = zero consequences, needing one and not having it = death. Maybe you could ask the guy who is about to kill you or your loved ones if you can just duke it out playground style but I doubt he will a oblige.


I have no issues with people having a gun as long as they are responsible. I personally own several gun myself,,from rifles to shotguns and will be the owner of a pistol soon. We no longer need a concealed weapons permit (no problem getting one anyway), so time to have a personal hand gun. So told hubby which one I wanted and we are going to check them out in the next couple of weeks. My choice is a Ruger LC9, we have other Rugers, so happy with this choice. My husband use to be a hunter safety and gun handler instructor and has taught our children and now teaching our grandchildren gun safety, handling and responsibility. It a good feeling teaching each generation how to handle and defend themselves with guns. Because you never know when you will be in need to defend yourself.

Keep it safe and keep it green all

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