A volunteer mystery hermie bean

  • Thread starter MICHGANDER9
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So i had a problem for a minute a while ago with some plants that went and got some seeds and at first like the rest i thought the breeder then i thought it was light leaks, so i fixed that.Next round same shit but worse so i thought well maybe my room was to hot or the light to close or the fans on to high or maybe i kept them to wet or again i didn't get All the light leak's so the next round before i started i got my soil tested , and low and behold i had to flush, my MG levels were to high and the sodium levels were high as well as the nitrate levels plus not enough reserve in my CA or Phosphorus bank. I got heavy handed top dressing K mag Nd fish meal.
So i did a 10% flush and carried on. And WOW what do you know no seeds this round. AMAZING! so this round before i started i got another test still needed Flushing so this time I did 20% flush by volume of soil. I have 180 gallons of soil so about 36gals to 40 gallons of run off i think when i did the math fir a 20% flush with a lactobacillus to keep the root pathogens away tricaderma or root shield works to but expensive! So anyways as i waiting for tge last test results to come back before i plant i noticed this little dude sproutin uo in my 4×8 ols bed huh looks like its Good to go for the Big plants! So my point is rule out ALL of the possible causes even the ones you cant see before you point the finger! And HEY who knows you might even learn a thing or to to make you more SUCCESSFUL as a grower that's how i learned, I fell down picked myself backup and carried on and ill keep doing that time and Time again until I get it RIGHT 👍 the bigger plants are a Super Skunk and a Black Widow Herbie's started 11/15/23 the Small one is a volunteer I have no idea what it is or its gender but im gonna find out.✌️
A volunteer mystery hermie bean
A volunteer mystery hermie bean 2
A volunteer mystery hermie bean 3


By the way i haven't use ay fertilizer on anything ,2 up pots ,when up potting from the germination chamber dont go and forget that mycorrhizae its a definite the big plants and the little dude got it and they are just doing Fine
I only use Bio Mass its a bacteria that changes the phosphorus and iron in the soil to a usable form I add 2 ml a gal, use once a week with water ph'd to 6.9 ✌️
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