Abrogate Mi Gets Green Light!

  • Thread starter Sinner D
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Sinner D

Sinner D


In the past few years there has been a few attempts to legalize or decriminalize cannabis here in MI. None of which have made the sense (to me) that Abrogate Prohibition Michigan does. MI Legalize and Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol just don't have the moxie that Abrogate MI does! The two latter mentioned still make room for taxation and over regulation, which I find to be unnecessary. While regulation for quality and safety standards is NOT a bad idea, with the state of Michigan finding itself within the same national opiate addiction epidemic, I'm of the opinion that cannabis has a whole lot less death to offer us as a people than opiates, or even alcohol!
It's time we start being honest with ourselves, not only as a country but as humans, about what kind of substances need regulation and which are a complete waste of resource to try and control with law. Proper education on cultivation and processing will eliminate most dangers associated with the cultivation and use of cannabis.
With the new MMMA amendments right around the corner from being implemented, this is one of our last options to steer the future of cannabis home and commercial cultivation. If we don't do something like it needed to be done yesterday than we can say goodbye to the small farms, small businesses, and home cultivators in exchange for Wal-Weed for years to come.
I'll be contacting Abrogate MI in the coming days to volunteer my time for collecting signatures when I can. I hope some of you plan to do the same.
Drop some thoughts below! I want to know what my fellow statesmen and women have to say about a possible full legalization here in MI as opposed to the system staying the course of a heavily regulated medical market. If anyone thinks that the taxation and control of cannabis like liquor is a better choice, please, share why with the rest of us. Let's be open minded.


I just don't see any reason to favor this approach over the existing one, all this does is dilute the pool for eventual approval.
All I can imagine is that this is just a bunch of stoners collecting donations for a Kushy job for a couple of years, with no thought or regard for the actual movement. My judgement is idiots and scumbags...


MILegalize did leave room for the little guy. It's called a 150 plant Micro Business. Further, there is waaaay too much greed in gov. so don't expect it to be unregulated. The naturalist in me would LIKE to see it that way but that is a fantasy. There is money at stake here and they have the power to control the flow of it, so expect it.
Sinner D

Sinner D

I figured some people would find Abrogate to be a bit reckless, considering it allows for adults to decide whether or not their own children can be administered cannabis. I can't imagine this sits well with conservative folks. Cannis, a 150 plant 'micro grow' does NOT sound little considering, as you mentioned, the greed and regulation of big governments new amendments will force the little guy out financial and bureaucratically with this approach. The PEOPLE had the power to make it medical, which I once thought a fantasy for Michigan. And yes, there is a LOT of money at stake in a burgeoning industry that is being well exploited before it is even fully legal nationwide. For the simplicity of what cannabis is, natural and for the most part completely non-lethal unadulterated, my feelings are that we don't need a quarter of a century or more of big government or business twisting the facade of cannabis with capitalism. Abrogate MI seems to me to be a quick way to bypass the time our people should not waste on regulation of a simple benign plant that deserves it's place in my medicine chest or kitchen without so much bullshit regulations.


I agree, I too feel we should have access to Cannabis without intrusion from government. Unfortunately, I see the reality and it truly is depressing but we carry on.



In the past few years there has been a few attempts to legalize or decriminalize cannabis here in MI. None of which have made the sense (to me) that Abrogate Prohibition Michigan does. MI Legalize and Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol just don't have the moxie that Abrogate MI does! The two latter mentioned still make room for taxation and over regulation, which I find to be unnecessary. While regulation for quality and safety standards is NOT a bad idea, with the state of Michigan finding itself within the same national opiate addiction epidemic, I'm of the opinion that cannabis has a whole lot less death to offer us as a people than opiates, or even alcohol!
It's time we start being honest with ourselves, not only as a country but as humans, about what kind of substances need regulation and which are a complete waste of resource to try and control with law. Proper education on cultivation and processing will eliminate most dangers associated with the cultivation and use of cannabis.
With the new MMMA amendments right around the corner from being implemented, this is one of our last options to steer the future of cannabis home and commercial cultivation. If we don't do something like it needed to be done yesterday than we can say goodbye to the small farms, small businesses, and home cultivators in exchange for Wal-Weed for years to come.
I'll be contacting Abrogate MI in the coming days to volunteer my time for collecting signatures when I can. I hope some of you plan to do the same.
Drop some thoughts below! I want to know what my fellow statesmen and women have to say about a possible full legalization here in MI as opposed to the system staying the course of a heavily regulated medical market. If anyone thinks that the taxation and control of cannabis like liquor is a better choice, please, share why with the rest of us. Let's be open minded.
I'm in! I'll sign and circulate But I'm asking... could this be like California about 15 yrs ago canceling out votes, voting NO on the prop your less in favor of ? I think that if both measure pass with a Yes majority the measure with the most votes becomes law. So if we are evenly divided on the best one, and every one in support of legalization votes NO on one and Yes on the other, the conservatives who all vote no on all measures could defeat both measures with a minority view...... Am I right about this????
Sinner D

Sinner D

MI.Woody. I don't know! That sounds/seems to be a plausible hypothesis. I certainly hope not. As free as I believe cannabis should be, we DO live in a preventative legislative society. One in which most people may favor the control of recreational marijuana like alcohol. It's already treated like ammunition for the users brain with how we have to transport our medicine in MI. Also, the new Transportation division of the upcoming amendments to be implemented is ridiculous to say the least. :speechless:

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