Absolute grow virgin needs expert help.

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d luv

d luv

Hi fellas I recently joined here to soak up as much knowledge as possible from all of you. I am a complete beginner when it comes to growing. I am looking to start my first grow, 2-4 plants in an extra closet at home. My question to all of you is what you would recommend I buy as far as a setup goes? I would greatly appreciate ideas on how you would spend $500 for a 2-4 plant setup {with potential for a few more plants in the future}. Also how would you spend $1000 on a little bit bigger setup and how many plants would it be able to grow? I will probably just end up buying what one of you recommend, as I know a lot of you are great farmers {as I have browsed some of the grow journals on here and have been extremely impressed}. I know this sounds stupid but I don’t know where else to start. I am in great need of your expertise and ideas. Please help a total newbie in this crucial time of needle. I look forward to being a student in this forum and learning as much knowledge from all of you as possible. Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and hopefully respond.


Spend a few hours in the Growroom Design & Setup, there is more informtion in that section alone than you need to build a room. Spend some time doing your research then come back and ask some more specific questions and I am sure you will get the help you ask for.



IMHO For just starting out I would recommend a T5 fluro setup and good potting soil. It's inexpensive and forgiving.

I think the most valuable thing you can get for yourself during your first year is practice. After you get through a few runs, I would look into getting something more professional that will meet your needs.

I wish you great successs with whatever you choose to use :)



I would buy a 1000w High Pressure Sodium(HPS) system $350

I would also say buy a Metal Halide lamp(MH, $220) for veg, but I've even gotten good results with flourescent lighting during veg. Just make sure to have a blue light spectrum.

A pH, PPM, and EC pen is a must have($100). It tells you what your pH is at, you want it at about 6.5. no higher than 7 no lower than about 5.8.

Air purifier, constant air flow(intake and exhaust tubes), Large fans for the room and Inline Fans($100) to cool down the light.

Good soil, made yourself preferably, this is what I'm about to try out:

Subcool Super Soil

-> Full Batch (12 cubic feet)

8- Large bags (1.5 cubic ft. ea) High quality Organic soil with Mycorrhizae
(i.e. Roots Organic)

25-50 lbs. Organic Worm Castings
5 lbs. Steamed Bone Meal
5 lbs. Bloom Bat Guano (Fruit Bat – High P)
5 lbs. Blood Meal
3 lbs. Rock Phosphate
¾ Cup Epsom Salts
1 Cup Sweet Lime (Powdered Dolomite) -New
1 Cup Azomite (Trace Elements) -New
2- TBS Powdered Humic Acid

Run off on this mix after a 4 week sitting with 7 ph water is 6.3
(thanks greenplanetguru for the ingredients!)

As far as nutes..they're all high quality, I'm going to try Botanicares PureBlend Pro Grow/Bloom, Liquid Karma, Humega, SeaPlex, Huvega, and some Black Strap Molasses.

You might want to do a tea, very good way to transfer nutrients to your plants as quick as possible, also, it is full of Beneficial bacteria and Beneficial Fungi..heres a tea that has gotten very good results:


*In these recipes,brew the tea with an airstone in a one gallon container for 24 to 48 hours.When you're done brewing,strain it through a nylon stocking (for topical/sprayer applications) or a standard strainer (for normal watering applications) and cut it 50/50 using dechlorinated water.

*Fungi-dominant tea compost should be mixed together and kept very wet for three to seven days prior to brewing.Store it high in a room,near the ceiling and in the dark.The microlife and fungi populations will really bloom if you place a heating pad-set to low-below the container (shoot for 68-75 degrees fahrenheit;20-24 degrees celsius).After three days,it will be visibly booming with fungus (what I call "Santa's Beard").Put this in your tea brewer and bubble it (in place of regular compost).

*Prepare for the container to foam up and bubble over.You should place a tray under your tea bubbler and avoid any electrical or other items that may be damaged or unsafe around the bubbling water.

Vegetative Stage Recipe

* One Gallon Water *: R/O water,rain water,distilled etc. etc.

* One Teaspoon Black Strap Molasses (unsulfured)1-0-5)*:
Be sure to use only the unsulfured variety.This is because sulfur kills microlife,especially fungus (unless it's elemental sulfur in small ratios).

* One Teaspoon liquid Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1)*:
Fungus and bacteria both love fish ferts and go nuts reproducing when it's included.

* One Cup Earthworm Castings (vermicompost) or good outdoor compost*:
Vermicompost provides humates,enzymes,protozoa,nematodes,bacteria,fungus ,trace elements,secondary and primary nutrients.

* One Teaspoon Fox Farms Peace Of Mind All Purpose (5-5-5) *:
Food for the microlife that balances the pH of the tea (to about 6.5-7.2).

Flowering Stage Recipe

* One Teaspoon Black Strap Molasses (unsulfured) (1-0-5) *:
An excellent source of potassium during flowering;bacteria prefer these simple sugars,whereas the fungus prefer more complex sugars derived from various organic matter.

* One Teaspoon Fox Farms Peace Of Mind All Purpose (5-5-5) *:
Food for the microlife that balances the pH of the tea (to about 6.5-7.2).

* One Teaspoon High Phosphorous Bat Guano (0-4-0) *:
Fungi love this nutrient and will deliver it to the plant roots.

* One cup Earthworm Castings (vermicompost) or regular compost *:
Good balance of nutrient (trace and secondary).Also a source for microbes and beneficial elements.

* One teaspoon Maxicrop liquid or 1/2 teaspoon water soluble Maxicrop or kelp/seaweed extract (dry) *:
A fungal favorite,this is a key tea ingredient that produces a good ratio of happy fungus.It's also booming with trace elements,some nitrogen,and some potassium.

* 1/4 teaspoon Micronized (soft) Rock Phosphate *:
Fungus attach to the rock phosphate and grow on it.Also a prime source for phosphorous,magnesium & sulfur.

Fungus Dominant (halfway through flowering) Recipes

* 1/2 cup Earthworm Castings *:
See above.

* 1/2 cup Mushroom Compost *:
This is fungus waiting to happen.A rich source of fungal spores and dense organic matter that fungi like to eat.

* Two tablespoons Powdered,100% Natural rolled oats *:
Fungi love this nutrient and will deliver it to the plant roots.

* Two teaspoons Kelp Meal *:
I use kelp meal for several reasons.It's organic matter that fungi like to attach themselves to.Fungi love kelp extracts as a primary food source and the rich trace elements and potassium it introduces.

* 1/4 teaspoon Micronized (soft) Rock Phosphate *:
Fungus attach to the rock phosphate and grow on it.Also a prime source of phosphorous,magnesium and sulfur.

The earthworm castings,mushroom compost,oatmeal,and kelp meal are first mixed together and made very wet.After fungus has grown on this blend,place it in your tea bubbler for 24 hours with some additional liquid (or water soluble) kelp/seaweed extract and Micronized (soft) rock phosphate.

(thanks Guano, bomb ass recipe man I love this shit.)

I would use Reverse Osmosis(RO) water, but you could just brew the water for 24 hours but not all chlorine can be evaporated and chlorine kills your beneficials.

For the $500 dollar set-up:

400w HPS($200)
Inline Fan($100) 2 large fans for room ($40)
Florescent Cool White lights, 4 48" lights($40)
A pH, PPM, and EC pen($100)
Canna Bio Terra Plus Soil Mix
Pure Vida Grow/Bloom nutes

A little more than $500, but yah its about there. down size a little if you have to.

Thats about it, maybe I forgot some thing and if I did someone tell me lol I'm pretty sure that is all you need.

Good Luck and have fun man




I like muxee's idea for a small closet, get yourself a nice 4-bulb T5HO (high output) unit in the length that will fit the closet.. They come in lengths like 2ft, 3ft, 4ft, etc. A good one will run a couple hundred bucks.

You don't need to spend a lot of money on good soil, what you want to try to find is potting mix that's not "pre-fortified" with plant food, just plain potting mix. A good place to look is at a garden shop. Avoid the Miracle-Gro if you can. Order a good nutrient line (Botanicare, Fox Farm, etc.)

Use air conditioning and fans to try to keep your closet's temp in the mid-70's during lights-on, and let fans blow gently on the plants to promote strong stems.

You'll need to have some kind of odor control... Trust me when I say that a couple plants in flower will stink it up... haha :)

There's a lot to learn about growing, but it really just comes down to throwing a seed in some soil and keeping it warm & moist, and then trying to give the plant an environment that's as close to Mother Nature as possible. It's a lot of fun, and once you start, you're gonna be hooked.


go with 400 or 600 watts.
your gunna need a blower to suck the hot air out.
a fan to bring in cool air.
good soil


good question

smart question to ask and good to do your research...my experience is that the local hydro store will try to take you for a lot of stuff you don't really need. Real money grab for them!

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