Advice for 1st timer?

  • Thread starter Santi
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I am new to this site and trying to set up my first grow. I have read and read and read and was hoping for some advice from people with experience. I was hoping to yield somewhere between 2lb to 5 lb every 8 to 10 weeks. I want to do this right and this is the reason I am asking for peoples opinions on what they would do if in my situation? There are so many choices that I would think a veteran could help make this less overwhelming?


There are a TON of questions you'd need to answer 1st.. Size of area or room... Co2 or no co2... Soil,coco, hydro( uc,dwc,ebb n flow)... Scrog or trees.. How many lights.. Strains? Etc etc etc.... I think you need to figure that out 1st then ppl could help guide you in the right direction.. Ss


Thanks for answering my post. I have been reading for years and years just have never made the actual attempt to make it work inside. I guess I will just figure it out on my own because there are so many questions. Thanks for responding
sky high

sky high

find a successful grow/grow room that is well-documented here @ the Farm and mirror it....

it's a well-worn path....

good luck

s h


At least give us a hint what you have planned so the smart ones here can give some advice. or dont...


read read and read some more. your not really giving us any info to help with. id love to push 2-5 lbs out of my room every 8 weeks without doing some footwork, but the reality of it is, if you give us no info on what type of setup etc, nobody will be able to help you. best of luck 42o


Fear Not!
I will help you Santi.

1st. Get some seeds here

put those seeds in a wet paper towel.In a few days, when they sprout, put them in party cups filled with potting soil. 1/2 inch deep.


Get a couple big 5000k CFL's

and your growing weed!



well sir please excuse me for saying so but i think as a newbie your expectations of 2-5#s every cycle may be a bit unrealistic, you first need to learn the basics of cultivating cannabis once you have the basics mastered then u can focus on increasing and planning harvests. not tryin to be a buzzkill but i have been setting patients up to grow their own medicine for a while now and have found that not all people have the "green thumb". if you could as others have said explain a little about what youre planning on running for genetics your room design medium and patient #s we may be able to help give you some insight in the science and execution of cultivating fine medicinal cannabis. your in the right place but do not have unreal expectations, you cant expect to go from training wheels to winnig the tour de france overnight. Now dont get me wrong im not trying to discourage you but if you are new and have patients depending ion you for the medidcne they NEED things can get very frustrating very fast. good luck and pm me if you have any specific questions, ill try to help, ican also help you if u need clones. PLEASE TAKE NO OFFENSE.... just want you to be prepared, its just not that easy!!


Just want to say I agree with everyone and what they said. I know its not as easy as some think as my friend went out to Cali started a 6k or 8k room and has had many problems. Ok I will give more info. I am not very good at construction. My natural talent was my god given athletic ability not my construction ability. LOL. I am planning on buying two tents as I am afraid to try to build my own room and know nothing about electrical. One for veg and another for flower. I also considered buying one of the superclosets at just to start and see what that could produce. But then I heard from ppl that the $$$ spent on a supercloset is a waste bc I could spend half that putting my own together. I guess what I am saying/asking is I want to start a simple grow to gain experience/make mistakes from and with time get bigger and better. I left my first post way too vague and I apologize for that. I even bought a bunch of autoflowering seeds to try in my backyard but the wife freaked out and yanked them back in Feburary due to fear of nosy neighbors. I already have my seeds I purchased feminized top 44, ak-47, and I believe blue mystic they gave me 3 free feminized nyc diesel also. I can't think of the names of the auto strains I got as I am drawing a blank. I essentially want to make my own hemp oil for myself and family members as well as some good smoke for myself and friends. I have $ but want to start simple and build from there. Shoot if I had someone I trusted down here I would pay them to build me a room because my construction skills are that bad. What do people think of the tent idea? Also I want to use LED lights and have read so much about them that I still don't know if they are worth it? My main goal is to keep things as simple as I possibly can so I can learn as I go.

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