Aging plants..

  • Thread starter jamk911
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hey guys.. quick question here..
This is my first grow.. and i noticed lower leaves yellowing and falling off.. and was told this happens naturally as the plant becomes larger..
Can anyone give me a rough estimate on how many i can expect to come off..
My plants are 3 and a half feet tall now.. and i mean ive had probably bottom 6 inches of fan leaves come off now.. soo just wondering.
Thank you


Heres an example. Top and bottom pics...I feed them w half dose fertilizer.. and worm castings.. .. should i up dose of fertilizer?
Or is this natural i guess is my real question here
20200810 231831
20200810 190216


What up jam. Your plants are looking good, nice and healthy. It looks like you're in the 2nd or 3rd week of flower. If that's the case your plants are adapting to their new program, finishing their stretch. Your lower on nitrogen, your nutrients are going where their needed most. You should be increasing your ppm, 100-150 ppm weekly until you start your flush. What doesn't fall off in the next week or 2 should be trimmed anyways, imo.
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Yah.. day 8 flower .. nice pinpoint.. ya i have been giving wormcastings and small amt of 24 12 16 fertilizer every feeding.. but keeps slowly creeping up ... could I foliar feed them rn even tho i just watered last night? I think im gonna up the veg fertilizer next feeding.
Then one after that do half bloom half veg..... i just dont want em killin themselves tryna push out flowers lol but ive become VERY light handed w nutrients ever since i severly nute burned em in seedling stage lol


Sry 24 8 16...
Heres the stuff.. some cheapo shit my gf had since its all we had here lol..
I have been using .. abt an eigth a tsp every gallon.. every feeding.. and molasses lol..
Am i jewwin my plants?... i do give em a nice size amt of worm castings on top too..
I got tiger bloom also :/
20200811 011313
20200811 011330
20200811 011322


Yah.. day 8 flower .. nice pinpoint.. ya i have been giving wormcastings and small amt of 24 12 16 fertilizer every feeding.. but keeps slowly creeping up ... could I foliar feed them rn even tho i just watered last night? I think im gonna up the veg fertilizer next feeding.
Then one after that do half bloom half veg..... i just dont want em killin themselves tryna push out flowers lol but ive become VERY light handed w nutrients ever since i severly nute burned em in seedling stage lol
Nice. Up to you on the foliar feed. It shouldn't be an issue since you watered them a day ago. Growers choice. Nothing wrong with how you're feeding them either. Should be a nice little harvest.
Yah.. day 8 flower .. nice pinpoint.. ya i have been giving wormcastings and small amt of 24 12 16 fertilizer every feeding.. but keeps slowly creeping up ... could I foliar feed them rn even tho i just watered last night? I think im gonna up the veg fertilizer next feeding.
Then one after that do half bloom half veg..... i just dont want em killin themselves tryna push out flowers lol but ive become VERY light handed w nutrients ever since i severly nute burned em in seedling stage lol


Im just worried that i have crossed the line from normal aging to fullblown nitro deficiency.. i realize people defoliate usually and wouldnt see this.. but i mean im a good third the way up the plant now in yellowing fan leaves.. i am also.. FURTHER worried.. that idk how to treat this deficiency. Yes its a common nute and easy to find..
but i am soo worried because i put worm castings in every watering.. and always use (albeit a small amt less than recommended) fertilizer and have amazing soil..
My worry is its a ph problem . And since my pg pen never came when i ordered one since none are around me.. i wont be able to fix it.. or the way i try to fix it will be wrong.. and mess it up 10x more.. say i use ph down and its a low ph problem. Uhoh. Lol.. just dont see any other explaination tho. A nitro deficiency getting worse the day after watering w worm castings and fertilizer? Seems like its not the amt in the soil thats a problem but something more serious..
Unless i flushed too much.. i did get alot of runoff.. probably 30% to 40%


Im just worried that i have crossed the line from normal aging to fullblown nitro deficiency.. i realize people defoliate usually and wouldnt see this.. but i mean im a good third the way up the plant now in yellowing fan leaves.. i am also.. FURTHER worried.. that idk how to treat this deficiency. Yes its a common nute and easy to find..
but i am soo worried because i put worm castings in every watering.. and always use (albeit a small amt less than recommended) fertilizer and have amazing soil..
My worry is its a ph problem . And since my pg pen never came when i ordered one since none are around me.. i wont be able to fix it.. or the way i try to fix it will be wrong.. and mess it up 10x more.. say i use ph down and its a low ph problem. Uhoh. Lol.. just dont see any other explaination tho. A nitro deficiency getting worse the day after watering w worm castings and fertilizer? Seems like its not the amt in the soil thats a problem but something more serious..
Unless i flushed too much.. i did get alot of runoff.. probably 30% to 40%
The risk you run when you up your concentration is the leaves falling off. Your top leaves look flush. If its a ph issue, especially down, you'd notice immediately. If your ph was too high you'd have other problems with potassium lockout. Since you flushed them out, you should be good. Let them harden off then go back to feeding them. If you're worried about pH, 1/16 tsp of citric acid in a gallon of water. Not sure what your nutrients measure at. That puts you in the 5.6 - 5.8 range. Provided your tap is 7.5. I'd just chop the leaves off, re feed to your soil or drink them down. Keep an eye that the issue doesn't persist. Since it's your lower leaves, it's 100% nitrogen deficiency. Nothing more, nothing less. How do they smell?


Idk like bud.. nothing too crazy. But alot of smell defence in house.. ..
Ty though.. ima just add more nitro than usual.. i keep being light handed w it .. because of ptsd from nute burn during seedling.. but figure since theyre almost 4 ft plants i probably can use more nutes now lol


Omg.. i think i figured my problem out...
Ok .. when you refer to fertilizer.. ugh i feel dumb.. im supposed to use say . ... say the directions say 2 tsp in a gallon of water..
Its 2tsp per every gallon of water i use.. or yse 2 tsp in a gallon of water.. add that.. then water more with plain water..until done watering.. i feel like such a damn moron..
ive been giving 45 inch plants a fertilizer that says 1 tsp per gallon.. a half tsp mixed w a gallon of water.. between 2 plants.. and then adding a gallon that has molasses.. split between em.. then a final gallon w a lil worm castings in it..
Im basifally giving them not half dose.. but a much smaller fraction.. man.. thank god the soil was tough it probably uas prevented much worse outcomes


Omg.. i think i figured my problem out...
Ok .. when you refer to fertilizer.. ugh i feel dumb.. im supposed to use say . ... say the directions say 2 tsp in a gallon of water..
Its 2tsp per every gallon of water i use.. or yse 2 tsp in a gallon of water.. add that.. then water more with plain water..until done watering.. i feel like such a damn moron..
ive been giving 45 inch plants a fertilizer that says 1 tsp per gallon.. a half tsp mixed w a gallon of water.. between 2 plants.. and then adding a gallon that has molasses.. split between em.. then a final gallon w a lil worm castings in it..
Im basifally giving them not half dose.. but a much smaller fraction.. man.. thank god the soil was tough it probably uas prevented much worse outcomes
I meant, are they loud, with a strong odor. Lol. Usually says alot about how your feeding them.
your box actually says 1/4 tsp per gal every feed. You've been feeding it correctly. You could step on it and pour the 1/2 tsp in or add a 1/4 tsp extra to what you've been feeding to see what happens before stepping up to a double dose. The last thing you want to do is burn your plants as they're starting to flower. I recommend burning them at a later stage, lol. Enjoy your harvest. ✌


Yeah but i think looking at it now means 1/4 per every gallon.. im feeding em 3 galls of water per 1/4 =/ .. it seems like for a smaller plant that only uses a portion of a gallon and can get multiple uses out of a gallon with that wording =/ .. especially with the sentence before it saying 1 tsp per gallon if feeding every 2 weeks..might just use that formula.... especially w their size


Their your plants. You're the boss on that one. I guess the real question is. Are you feeding those nutes in last? So your not flushing them out before they get a chance to work for you. Are you feeding 3 gallons of water to each plant? 🤔 A gallon of water is alot of water, especially for indoor under leds. Im feeding 1L every 3 to 4 days on a indoor outdoor routine right now getting them ready for their flip. This last week has been brutal. Soil retention so they started to absorb more. Even in the sun. Accidentally bogged them down. Good thing I still got a couple of weeks before I start flowering them. Moral of that story, always trust your instruments.

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