I will tell u true, most autoflowers do not smell that much, you get a wiff once in awhile and unless your running skunk it is usually not a problem, but once in awhile you get a bad one and chem stomper is bad, the only other autoflower that beat it was sour Spyder and that no longer exists a shame, it's constant, and is permanateing everything, close the door you can smell in living room, put in bathroom to cut cycle you can smell in living room, it's bad, real bad, and when I say bad be warned, top half of plant is done but not bottom, critical mass is pretty much done, other than a bit of foxtailing, I'll start giving cold water that will knock that down, and I have a new case worker coming today, will force her to were a flu mask or won't let her in bc she will immediately smell it, my last worker was cool used to give her bud but don't know this one. And again if you're going to run this chem stomper beware. Pic 1 chem stomper in all her stinky glory, pic 2 critical mass top.