Another Claw ephisode STRESSING OUT alot of help please :/

  • Thread starter DrCALIGREENTHUM
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Another Claw episode STRESSING OUT alot of help please :/

Whats up guys doc here, so i put my girls into flower last week on friday
ppms @ 700 and ph at what i thought was 5.8. (DTW) I say that because i noticed my meter started slackin on me drifting down from the actual ph even after i calibrated. I got a new meter today and my run off was comin out at 600 ppm and 6.4 ph.
i thought the best thing to do was do a good flush with tap water and to drop the ph around 5.5 last night so i did.

^^Can everyone agree that was the best to do btw???

So today i come in n notice the f in claw has progressed even worse it went over to even my moms in the veg.pretty much affected the whole table. This has been going on since pretty much sunday and im stressing the fuck out, not the kind of mistake i want to be making right now. Im so pissed I try to keep everything on point and this crap has to come along.
i fed today with nutrition at 600ppms and ph at 5.4 in hopes to drop that runoff ph down.
My question is where do i go from here? Do i keep flushing? do i water with nutrition? should i still drop my ph when i water to make the runoff be exactly the same? or maybe something else i left out??

And another is this a problem that's gonna dramatically affect the yield to the point maybe i should start another run? How bad does it look to you guys? have any had this happen to you and you noticed the yield drop? Or am i gonna be ok and thinking about this way to hard(I HOPE SO)
Im tripping out guys i haven't had this happen
Any info is much appreciated guys thanks.


here they are :/ The second one I think is the worst

If your lookin help out!!! where my brothas at lol

IMG 0432

IMG 0433

IMG 0434


wow 15 views already and only one post to remind me to edit??


i think if you try and use a mild nutrient solution to flush that might help. mild nutrient solution will flush out more salt than plain tap water. try like 200-300 ppm flush. also it looks more like an overfertilization or temp. problem to me, what is your feed schedule? try adjusting (feeding less ppms, or less often). also what is your temps at? make sure you are between 74 and 78. as for scrapping the run and starting a new one- you already have time and money into this one, do you really want to throw it down the drain cause of a diminished harvest? that choice is yours. good luck


looks like my plants about a month ago bro man i hate that filling it fucks up the whole week.....any ways man i think its from to much N and maybe the lights being to close but more on to much N.... i would not trip out on it just raise the lights to if ur plants are stressed out and give them a good flush atill there light green...... im no pro bro but i had plants look like that before bro and it was from to much N. hope that helped have a good one man


hey are u plants top of leaf kinda black in the middle of the leafs well not black kinda like a blue dark fucking green color bro?


Thanx for your comments!

i think if you try and use a mild nutrient solution to flush that might help. mild nutrient solution will flush out more salt than plain tap water. try like 200-300 ppm flush. also it looks more like an overfertilization or temp. problem to me, what is your feed schedule? try adjusting (feeding less ppms, or less often). also what is your temps at? make sure you are between 74 and 78. as for scrapping the run and starting a new one- you already have time and money into this one, do you really want to throw it down the drain cause of a diminished harvest? that choice is yours. good luck

hey bro yeah i forgot to mention i flushed wih clearex as well, Im in 6" rockwool cubes btw my ppms are at 650 now i dont think it could be overfert, i was under the impression that burnt leaf tips are the first sighn of over fert? I could be wrong have you heard of that?
My temps are cool tho at a nice 75 night n day tops Ive been goin a little lower recently, n i feed everyday with nutrition.
Yeah bro i dont want to toss it all away its a f ed up position, my other table is goin smooth, same strain everythings the same im just crossing my fingers i caught it soon enough so they can still catch up with the others, I dont want to toss but theres alot of bills that need to be paid n it wont happen with anything less than a # per light unfortunately. hopefully ill meet others that have been in the same position.
thanks for stoppin in tho appreciate it

soil too wet?

Im in rw cubes, fed daily, thanks for the suggestion tho!

looks like my plants about a month ago bro man i hate that filling it fucks up the whole week.....any ways man i think its from to much N and maybe the lights being to close but more on to much N.... i would not trip out on it just raise the lights to if ur plants are stressed out and give them a good flush atill there light green...... im no pro bro but i had plants look like that before bro and it was from to much N. hope that helped have a good one man

hey are u plants top of leaf kinda black in the middle of the leafs well not black kinda like a blue dark fucking green color bro?

Yeah dude it fuckin sucks lol to top it off my dumbass left the pressure on in the hose n woke up to about 150 gallons of water on my hardwood floor
lmfao wtf??!! but f my floors thats old news now im tripping on this?
Not a coo week at all brotha not at all
but nah i cant say they are brotha they dont have a blueish dark look to it,

so your thinking its to much N from the veg stage huh? how many times do you think i should keep flushing them?
and about ph? should i just keep droppin it till my runoff is almost the same as going in?
thanks again guys for dropin in

Any others reading feel free to leave comments
pass that knowledge blunt around!

(cough cough mods haha!)


Def wouldn't throw in the towel on the run, You can for sure recover and still do great. Your temps and shit are always in line, probably just too much of a certain element N, Cal or lockout. Since your older flowering plants looking bomb its probably something to do with the Veg nute mix. I would flush all effected plants for two days, then water with 1/2 strength, watch the runoff and plants. Hopefully, plants and data will improve and go back to normal. I commented on the cal/mag poll thread you started and when I used to use more cal/mag per gal, especially on plants that were just put into flowering and flowering nutrients, I would have claw and strange twisting occur. I used clearex once and found that it didn't make much diffrence in the success of flushing, Personally I think str8 water, or milder nute mix is just as effective. Pretty soon, this shit will be a speed bomb in your rear view mirror.


Thanks man i appreciate the advice, thats wat i thought was the best thing to do today as well
Im gonna do a good flush with 1/2 strength nutrition

Hope things will get better and start to take off soon...


My girls are looking the same bro, on top of my 4.5-5.5 runoff and salt buildup i got root aphids as well. Going to try and keep flushing (flushed twice already, no avail) and add in some of this SNS-203 soil drench and see if i can get my run back on track. : (

I feel your pain bro! Hope you get get your shit straight crank out some fire!


1/2 strength nutes good call... id say go easy with the cal-mag... I feel that most of the problems with hydro nute packages derive from cal-mag issues that eventually lead to nutrient lock-out, extra fast sald build-up, and Ph Issues.


My girls are looking the same bro, on top of my 4.5-5.5 runoff and salt buildup i got root aphids as well. Going to try and keep flushing (flushed twice already, no avail) and add in some of this SNS-203 soil drench and see if i can get my run back on track. : (

I feel your pain bro! Hope you get get your shit straight crank out some fire!

yeah brotha keep flushing as needed i think it should do good justice in your case, keep the farm updated plenty of help around here

1/2 strength nutes good call... id say go easy with the cal-mag... I feel that most of the problems with hydro nute packages derive from cal-mag issues that eventually lead to nutrient lock-out, extra fast sald build-up, and Ph Issues.

I feel you brotha thats why i started that cal mag thread, i barley started using it and i got so many homies that have never used it and there plants look healthy as can be, I agree with you tho using to much of it def leads up to a build up i try to stay on the low end like 4ml/gal
Thanks for the advice

Are you running Co2, if so at what ppm's? I've seen this before at transition to flower, the plants stress on the natch anyhow during this time, lights to close, hi temps and to much co2 to early will cause this. Cocos pretty easy to flush and correct run off, so I wouldn't flush more cuz there already stressing and overwatered. Lower your Co2 to 600-700 and feed them at 5.8 ph and feed 1/2 strength tell they rebound, might get lucky and be rockin again! Good luck Dr!

Whats up big dog?? Yeah i got my co2 ppms at 1200, lights are pretty far away till they heal up and my temps are a cool 70.
I think all this bs was because of my meter messing up on me,(fuckin hanna dude So now im rockin the blue lab) the ph run off in my rockwool cubes was coming out at 6.6-6.7 on some of the most affected
Wonderful right?? lol fuckin A, so i gave them a good ass flush till the runoff was coming out at 5.5-5.7 last night.

I think there lookin ALOT better already asking for more nutrition so i think theyll come back. I was tripping out like no other, Ive never had this happen but I looked Ive seen alot worse and even those still came back, hopefully all gos well Ill post a pic in a couple days to show the improvement and you guys be the judge

Thanks for droppin in brotha



could be wrong have you heard of that?
My temps are cool tho at a nice 75 night n day tops Ive been goin a little lower recently, n i feed everyday with nutrition

bro only feed with nutrition every OTHER day


Right on! I rock a BlueLab as well! Good to see you back on track!

Hell yeah man i woulda took it hella hardif i messed this run up lol

could be wrong have you heard of that?
My temps are cool tho at a nice 75 night n day tops Ive been goin a little lower recently, n i feed everyday with nutrition

bro only feed with nutrition every OTHER day

^ ok i have no idea wtf your trying to say dude. Could i be wrong about what? be more explanatory with your posts
If i called it out then chances are i HAVE heard of it n not making it up outta my ass
and why do you feel the need to tell me to feed every OTHER day with nutrition? lol

Im not in coco/dirt get your shit straight n read more b4 you post n make an ass of yourself Im in hydro rw cubes, so nah an every other day flush isnt necessary like coco/dirt
and anyways if your doing that I think you should do feed,feed, flush, instead of flushing your plants half there life< doesnt seem right to me n im not even in coco

Take your own advice n flush more I doubt your in hydro, giving bunk advice
with no experience to it

READ MORE b4 you post it'll save us ALL ALOT OF TROUBLE...thank you


I just went through a similar thing. I turned my co2 off and went intake/exhaust and everything came around for me.

I even did the start over thing like you were talking about and my new round did the same thing.

I was going crazy thinking it was the cheap pots were off gassing.

Now I'm going nice and slow and everything is rocking for me now.

Good luck


Bro are you retarded what does only feed with nutrition every other day mean you got the claw of death because u were feeding to much try 1 day food 1day water so on an so forth and sorry fellow growers about the missing text in my posts got new phone an its an ass


it never really looked that bad to me but it sounds like your ph pen let you down and now you got a new one ,you should be getting back on does seem kinda low ppm for rw cubes imo but if thats how you roll then go with.just keeping an eye on that ph runoff and keep adjusting until its back to normal.but im usually around 1000-1100 ppm coming into flower in hydro.i just went through this same shit with some promix plants,pain in the ass to correct as well cause i never really recovered lol.but the yield was still good so dont give up on these,hydro rebounds way faster and its still early

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