Another Dream Situation

  • Thread starter Smallzz
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I understand guys. All my retirement figures are for 2k a lb for indoor. I know people who ship to New York, I'm not worried about making less than 2k a pound for a long time.

Can we please just discuss the grow room now?


Vertical and overhead lighting. 5 ton 10kw with huge fucking trees in totes or something. Ac is about 6k electrical around 1500 and equipment a good 15 and the rest on sealing a room in
I don't know about the spacing on gavitas but I'd deff included those mixed with the standard hps vert


I don't know about the spacing on gavitas but I'd deff included those mixed with the standard hps vert

I've heard nothing but good things about Gavitas. What about 6 overhead Gavitas and 4 1000w HPS in between the six plants double stacked? Sound like a good idea?

Btw, 10kw doesn't have to be the limit at all. If I can get the room rigged for 200 amps down the road I'll do it.


the only thing is you're limiting yourself to 6 plants. How much more lighting could you really add?

Well until I replicate the power of the sun, I'm thinking I can keep adding light.

Does anyone have any info about multiple spectrums? UVB? LED?


Living dead girl
Good to see you around, Smallz. :)
I'm going to be growing in California, and no where in California is the minimum lower than six plants because that's the state limit written into their laws. I want to be so completely untouchable legally that no one even bothers with me except rippers, and for those I'm an excellent dog trainer and will be finding three Tosa Inu puppies as soon as I get to Cali.

I don't need to be a rich man to be happy. I just want to retire in Europe in 20 years.
Technically, and really, I HATE to be a downer about this, but technically there is because we have counties and cities that have zero cultivation allowed.


Guys, let's just ignore my plans for Europe. I'm sorry I said anything about it, I was just trying to get folks off my nutz. I don't need to go into financial details of how I'm planning on saving up 500-600k Euro in 20 yrs (which I could do as a manager at McDonalds at this point in my life) so I can live comfortably in Spain for the rest of my days.

If I really wanted to get rich, I'd use the 130k I have sitting aside for college and get my Law degree, and make 500k a year without blinking an eye. But my parents are still married, so that rules out being a Lawyer. Besides, Herb helps people, and at the end of the day I'm a helpful soul, not a greedy fuck.

Anyone who's complaining about the price of herb but can't take an occasional drive to LA or find sources that export is blowing my mind right now. What, you guys want to sell it to your neighbor and talk about the good ol days in your garage together? You really think top shelf wont go for at least 2k a lb in LA?

Regardless, this is about growroom setups. I can tell that I posted this in the wrong section of the forum though, I should be in the tree farming section, since the only person here growing trees is doing it in 100 gal smart pots of soil.

And no, I'm not talking about growing elbows with LEDs. I'm not retarded. I'm talking about running supplemental spectrums to increase the quality and trichrome production, but I guess no one here knows what I'm talking about with that either so I'll drop that conversation as well.

Guys, I've had people telling me all my life what I can and can't do. My dad told me I wouldn't make it through boot camp, I left the Marine Corps a Sergeant. I was told I'd only grow 2p plants on my first outdoor run. Doubled that. So just keep telling me what I can't do, so that in 15 years I can send each and every one of you a picture of my dick while I'm on my sailboat in the Mediterranean with your wife.

Now back to the grow room, and how to get more than 2p's a plant...


Good to see you around, Smallz. :)

Technically, and really, I HATE to be a downer about this, but technically there is because we have counties and cities that have zero cultivation allowed.

Wet and dry counties, like Texas with booze. That doesn't mean you'll ever go to jail in Texas for having a six pack in your car.

I really don't need to specify counties, but there are certain counties in Cali where Sheriffs tag plants and think growing should be legal for everyone. Gee, I don't know why I'd move to a county where it was illegal then.


That's the problem with this Forum. I'll say it straight out. There are so many self proclaimed experts that have maybe read two books in their entire lives telling me what I can and can't do. "Most" cali growers don't even have all their teeth, let alone a college education.

Redlife, I appreciate your input, but please remove yourself from my thread. I'm tired of listening to some guy who's been growing in Cali for three years when I could be listening to people who've been doing it for forty years and grow shit on a bad day that would make your top shelf look like stuff they wouldn't make hash out of.

That "guy" telling you to "pump your brakes" is someone worth listening to. Why? Because he's successful at what he does, not selling his "top shelf indoor" for 2k a lb.

Oh btw, he's also the only person in this thread that's given me a basic idea of what to do with my 30k to get off the ground, so as far as giving real life advice, he's got you beat in that dept. too.

I don't know when THCfarmer started being the blind leading the blind, but good lord, if you can't imagine a world where an indoor plant can hit 3p's then I'm not looking for your advice.


@redlife215 chil out.... Your attitude sucks, you sound like an arrogant a hole...

@midwestdensies grows da fire, he isn't one to hate on...he contributes a lot to the farm..

Smallz has asked you to stop, so please stop your useless posts...


Thanks guys. It's a 5 page thread and I've had only one real suggestion of how to build my room so far. If we can get back to that, that'd be great. I'm done wasting breath on trolls.


IG @delae_632
@redlife215 If I have to clean up another mess like this again you're dunzo. Please read the TOU and be on your best behavior while visiting the Farm. This ain't the place for you if you just want to swing your ding-a-ling....BTW you can no longer reply to this thread. Please move along and drop it. Thanks. D

@trippinballz Please stop fanning the flames.


Living dead girl
Sorry @delae632

I woke up to find more and, well.... redlife, I thought I'd made it clear the first time you were banned why that was. It's 100% your attitude and how you treat others. I'm putting you on a time out.


Sociopath. Dude pmd me strait crazy mfer. Smallzz i do consult and am.currently working on a couple jobs if you ever need some info. Youd like my fee too


Damn @Smallzz , hard to get the info you need i see. Feel free to private message or text me anytime bro. U know i have your back and will offer advice where i can. I dont post here much any more though. Good luck brotha.


Big healthy plants in a well lit room = big yields. Well lit room = 60 + watts per square ft. The UC can do it you just need to make sure light is hitting the plants from all sides. Instead if doubling down the middle 14 600's on the edges of your light layout will get you in the ballpark. Epaps overhead, gavita 660's on the sides and sunmaster novas down the middle. Charge!

crocodile og

Take a look at gettogro's rooms Smallz. IMO he has some of the best info on low count indoor trees.


IMG 2156

I would go with UC with what you are trying to do. Just my opinion. Maybe the UC pro in the size room you are taking about. I've got six 13 gallon buckets in a 12 by 16 room and it works fine with a leggy sativa dominant strain with a small root mass. Takes some trial and error to find the right strain for the situation that you are talking about.
IMG 2769

IMG 2753

This is a somewhat similar situation with six plants, a mixture of overhead and vertical lighting, and in one room I have supplemented light with uvb bulbs in T5's.. I'm not convinced of the practical benefits of the uvb bulbs. It seems they do some beneficial stuff to the buds, but I'm not sure if it's worth the hassle of dealing with them.

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