Any idea on black spotting?

  • Thread starter wobbleysausage
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This is a barneys farm pineapple express auto that has been going super strong up until the other day. I transplanted perfectly from a solo to a cloth container filled with a standard ffof happy frog mix with some added rice hulls and pumice for aeration. The transplant is %100 a non issue. She took off right after I transplanted but the other day I fed both my girls with some worm casting tea and thats the only thing I could think of that could possibly be effecting her even though I barely gave her any. Most of it went to my much larger plant. Now she's developing these black spots and they are getting worse. I haven't encountered this before. Temp and humidity are both controlled and she's under around 150 watts of light. I think she's a bit over watered because I wetted the soil thoroughly before transplant and then like I said the other day she got a ultra tiny amount of worm tea. Thats the only thing I could possibly think of that would cause these black spots but I don't know how to correct it. It almost looks like some kind of calcium issues even though they should be okay. The soil is extremely hot i would expect it to maybe burn her but to be deficient? Idk im a bit lost on this small one.
Any idea on black spotting
Any idea on black spotting 2
Any idea on black spotting 3


To much light on the second last pic why you see the yellowing . Also the bottom leaf starting to show yellow . Its time to start feeding the plant nutrietns if you are then add more . ALSO (((((( POWDER MOLD very last pic unless you sprayed something on them. ) is starting to spread
Best way to get rid of it is give it a bath of dish soap teaspoon or two per spray bottle of water shake it well .. Dim the light as much as you can until its dry . Run a fan in in that tent room whatever 24/7 neve shut it off . If you do what i say on the mold it wont come back
Dawn dish soap . Or something like it . no hand soap.
Bit ocd has to be dawn dish soap . Sorry . I had to come back and correct it was bugging me .
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This is a barneys farm pineapple express auto that has been going super strong up until the other day. I transplanted perfectly from a solo to a cloth container filled with a standard ffof happy frog mix with some added rice hulls and pumice for aeration. The transplant is %100 a non issue. She took off right after I transplanted but the other day I fed both my girls with some worm casting tea and thats the only thing I could think of that could possibly be effecting her even though I barely gave her any. Most of it went to my much larger plant. Now she's developing these black spots and they are getting worse. I haven't encountered this before. Temp and humidity are both controlled and she's under around 150 watts of light. I think she's a bit over watered because I wetted the soil thoroughly before transplant and then like I said the other day she got a ultra tiny amount of worm tea. Thats the only thing I could possibly think of that would cause these black spots but I don't know how to correct it. It almost looks like some kind of calcium issues even though they should be okay. The soil is extremely hot i would expect it to maybe burn her but to be deficient? Idk im a bit lost on this small one.View attachment 2125336View attachment 2125337View attachment 2125338
Could be as simple as overwatering
The insufficient oxygen levels at the roots can cause brown spots and a long series of other “deficiencies”
You may have given her a little too much i dont see any kind of burn or over feeding maybe a little low RH because the leaves wrinkle but i dont know for sure wait for somebody else to chime


Those bottom two sets of leaves, just ignore them, they're always the first to get crusty. Pay attention to the growth after that. I'm not even looking at those leaves.

Keep watching the new growth but other than it looking yellow (maybe the light/camera makes it look extra yellow) just keep moving forward with what you're doing without changing anything.

New growers love to stop and focus on nothing while correcting nothings errs. Just ride it out and update us in a week, by then we might be able to help better...if you even need help by then.


To much light on the last pic why you see the yellowing . Also the bottom leaf starting to show yellow . Its time to start feeding the plant nutrietns if you are then add more . ALSO (((((( POWDER MOLD ) is starting .
Best way to get rid of it is give it a bath of dish soap teaspoon or two per spray bottle of water shake it well .. Dim the light as much as you can until its dry . Run a fan in in that tent room whatever 24/7 neve shut it off . If you do what i say on the mold it wont come back
Dawn dish soap . Or something like it . no hand soap.
There is no way on gods green earth this girl needs nutrients haha. And the rh is far far too low for pm, the humidity of the place im in is so dry my humidifier is struggling to keep it in the %40 range and its a 2.5 gallon horse. Again she is in ffof with happy frog. Idk if you don't have experience with those soils but they run EXTREMELY hot. Theres tip burn on the lowest set of true leafs. The yellowing on top is just new growth however I don't disagree it could be something with the light. Ppfd is bang on 200. Also this is a autoflowrr. Isn't uncommon for me to be able to bring a auto almost all the way to harvest in one of these pots without any nutrients at all. Its part of why I'm so perturbed at this.


Those bottom two sets of leaves, just ignore them, they're always the first to get crusty. Pay attention to the growth after that. I'm not even looking at those leaves.

Keep watching the new growth but other than it looking yellow (maybe the light/camera makes it look extra yellow) just keep moving forward with what you're doing without changing anything.

New growers love to stop and focus on nothing while correcting nothings errs. Just ride it out and update us in a week, by then we might be able to help better...if you even need help by then.
The new growth is yellowed just because it hasn't gotten light (just turned on for the day) and I'm only concerned because I've watched it progress and this is a auto. I don't wanna fuck her up and then be sol ya know.


Could be as simple as overwatering
The insufficient oxygen levels at the roots can cause brown spots and a long series of other “deficiencies”
You may have given her a little too much i dont see any kind of burn or over feeding maybe a little low RH because the leaves wrinkle but i dont know for sure wait for somebody else to chime
Slight tip burn on the first set of true leafs. Not so concerned with that but the black spotting which is honestly hard to see in the photos, is progressing. Rh is def low. My humidifer is fighting the furnace so its only stable at like %30-40ish. I'm just overly concerned because she's a auto i don't wanna boof her.


What about the powder mold your not concerned ?
Left me make it more clear . When you notice a nitrogen or typical nutrient issue its starts on the bottom of the plant first then moves up If the top is yellow its usually not nutrients .


new growth is the bottom . What about the powder mold your not concerned ?
Left me make it more clear . When you notice a nitrogen or typical nutrient issue its starts on the bottom of the plant first . If the top is yellow its usually not nutrients .
What powder mold?😂
These spots might just be sweat
If the plant is in a hot place it will Transpire more to cool Itself down
My plants have a billion white spots along the edges of thier leaves because it have been a little too hot but no powdery mildew


Slight tip burn on the first set of true leafs. Not so concerned with that but the black spotting which is honestly hard to see in the photos, is progressing. Rh is def low. My humidifer is fighting the furnace so its only stable at like %30-40ish. I'm just overly concerned because she's a auto i don't wanna boof her.
Dont worry too much about the humidity it will only get crucial if your grow space is too hot i have 10 small fellas in a closet at 35RH
humidity encourages root development in the early stages but you can survive without it

I think these spots might be burns tbh
Not sure but definitely dead leaf tissue
Should be on the lookout if it gets worse


What about the powder mold your not concerned ?
Left me make it more clear . When you notice a nitrogen or typical nutrient issue its starts on the bottom of the plant first then moves up If the top is yellow its usually not nutrients .
The top is yellow because its new growth and the light just turned on probably 30 minutes before I took those pictures. Also I'm not sure about the mold your talking about. Its extremely dry in my house my humidifer is literally running nonstop especially with the light running.


The top is yellow because its new growth and the light just turned on probably 30 minutes before I took those pictures. Also I'm not sure about the mold your talking about. Its extremely dry in my house my humidifer is literally running nonstop especially with the light running.
I see what he's talking about, others may not. I don't think it's PM but it's good to be aware and on guard because if it's not water splashes or odd colors on leaves you would want to tackle PM immediatly.

On guard!


I see what he's talking about, others may not. I don't think it's PM but it's good to be aware and on guard because if it's not water splashes or odd colors on leaves you would want to tackle PM immediatly.

On guard!
Word. I'm always checking my girls. Just bleached their tent to clean it.


See that red line? Don't stress about anything under it.

Don't change anything just keep moving forward. It seems like you been doing some studying, everything looks fine. I wouldn't be stressin.

Update us in a week!
May not be a week left at this rate. Whatever this is is spreading fast. Black dots appearing and growing. Leaf tips are all over the place some curled down some up. Seems otherwise healthy. Maybe a bit slower growth. Sucks this auto is probably going to be a bbust. Can't think of anything that could possibly be an issue.
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I should told you to clip those leafs off just so you dont look at them anymore.

I can see something on the top leaf maybe developing? Keep moving forward and update us again.


I should told you to clip those leafs off just so you dont look at them anymore.

I can see something on the top leaf maybe developing? Keep moving forward and update us again.
It is developing on the new growth. Every single set of leaves has these black dots developing and spreading. Maybe you cant see it in the pictures. The only ones I can't see it on are the absolute newest growth that isn't even photosynthesizing yet.


AFAIK Barney's is still legit, don't know why they got into Auto's as they can be unpredictable.

Probably not but look super close under the leaves for bugs. You'll need a magnifying glass.

Update us in a couple days. I don't grow with dirt so I may be missing something but everything looks as it should.


AFAIK Barney's is still legit, don't know why they got into Auto's as they can be unpredictable.

Probably not but look super close under the leaves for bugs. You'll need a magnifying glass.

Update us in a couple days. I don't grow with dirt so I may be missing something but everything looks as it should.
I flipped one of the leaves up so you could see better. This isn't gonna make it to next week if I don't figure this out now. Her strongest set of leaves is starting to develop it as well. New growth has all but halted. Some are curling down while the other set of leaves curls up its so strange. The fuckin soil even has Santa's beard mold so I know its doing fine. I can't see any signs of pests. This has to be some fungal infection or something I can't see any other way. I'm gonna foliar spray with calmag and hope for the best
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Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
This is a barneys farm pineapple express auto that has been going super strong up until the other day. I transplanted perfectly from a solo to a cloth container filled with a standard ffof happy frog mix with some added rice hulls and pumice for aeration. The transplant is %100 a non issue. She took off right after I transplanted but the other day I fed both my girls with some worm casting tea and thats the only thing I could think of that could possibly be effecting her even though I barely gave her any. Most of it went to my much larger plant. Now she's developing these black spots and they are getting worse. I haven't encountered this before. Temp and humidity are both controlled and she's under around 150 watts of light. I think she's a bit over watered because I wetted the soil thoroughly before transplant and then like I said the other day she got a ultra tiny amount of worm tea. Thats the only thing I could possibly think of that would cause these black spots but I don't know how to correct it. It almost looks like some kind of calcium issues even though they should be okay. The soil is extremely hot i would expect it to maybe burn her but to be deficient? Idk im a bit lost on this small one.View attachment 2125336View attachment 2125337View attachment 2125338
It's definitely light intensity issue... as for the spots... it could be water drip that created the spot or it could be mildew.... do u have a microscope??? Take a look at it thru scope... you'll Instantly know what the spots are
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