Any Tobacco smokers?

  • Thread starter Kalcu
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Not trying to be hostile. Not trying to offend anyone. I was actually holding back quite a bit as not to get into trouble with the mods. I'm just surprised noone else here found fault in what was said when it was so obviously false. We're trying so hard to dispell the myths about cannabis but when someone on "our side" starts spouting the same trash that the gov has been trying to ram down our throat for 70 yrs, it gets me a little irritated. I do find the fact that I'm the only one to try and rebut this false info a little disconcerning. In the future I will just ignore all posts like this and let people believe whatever they want.Sorry to upset anyone.

koopa troopa

no offense, but rj reynolds and all those big name tobacco companies don't give a SHIT about any of you suckers who buy into their gimmick. too bad i can't sue em for a dead father. think about it hard all of you... i was only 8 years old when he died at 40, which is VERY young to die. you cannot replace a human life. everyday i think about him and i wish i would have known about it's harmful effects, so i could have got him to quit.

never met my grandpa either cuz he died from lung disease. now my mom and grandma live alone and it just breaks my heart to know that their husbands died such a slow, painful death. let this be a reminder to all of you.

weed is way better no matter what anyone else says. they don't chemicals and poisons in weed unless you don't grow organic... haha.

my dad's death was still not a good example for family members and friends, which really irritates me even more. a good man died and you still have the decency to puff on that heater.


Feel free to disagree and debate, just try to keep it civil, I realise it can be hard sometimes, all debate is good if it's done in a friendly manner!


Not trying to be hostile. Not trying to offend anyone. I was actually holding back quite a bit as not to get into trouble with the mods. I'm just surprised noone else here found fault in what was said when it was so obviously false. We're trying so hard to dispell the myths about cannabis but when someone on "our side" starts spouting the same trash that the gov has been trying to ram down our throat for 70 yrs, it gets me a little irritated. I do find the fact that I'm the only one to try and rebut this false info a little disconcerning. In the future I will just ignore all posts like this and let people believe whatever they want.Sorry to upset anyone.

Hey Nuglover, tell it like it is bro...Marijuana never killed anybody and thats a FACT!!!...Tobacco kills people that dont even smoke it..Thanks for speaking the TRUTH and keeping it real bro!..Marijuana saves lives!...Tobacco Kills!..Thats a fact!...Do some research people...Dont get Brainwashed by the US Government and DEA!..~ogr


Smoking tobacco and cannabis are about equal in health risks/damages, it really depends on the quality and amounts consumed. I'm sure the chemi tobacco isn't good, nor the chemi cannabis; just say know to schwagg for health reasons!

100% Bullshit!!!!!!


That's not bullshit at all, who knows the longterm health hazards of smoking unflushed, overferted commercial bud?

Also, what about all the tar that in going into your lungs from the cannabis smoke, that isn't healthy either.

Fully organic cannabis grown properly might not be bad for you per se, but the tar most definitely is when you smoke it. If the cannabis isn't organically grown and has been fed all kinds of crap and sprayed with chemicals at various points in its life then the risks are manifold higher, I believe that there have been some very scary health studies done in Holland regarding the dangers of chemically grown cannabis consumption.

Look at a company like Advanced Nutrients, all the bottles of crap they sell, it's not an easy or simple thing to assess the health hazards of smoking a product that has been exposed to myriad substances, and it's not like in 20 years time people are going to be able to sue them for damage one to their health from smoking buds tainted with substances from their fancy bottles because the growing of the plants was an illegal act.

So it's not 100% bullshit to say that there isn't a health risk to smoking cannabis, like I said earlier, debate is all good when it's done properly, too much hostility in this thread, come on guys!


BH...I never said their isnt ANY healthrisk smoking Cannabis..Hell, theres even a health risk breathing in this polluted air and even eating a greasy cheeseburger..Their is healthrisks in almost everything we do....I said its 100% Bullshit saying that Cannabis and Tobbacco are equal in health risks/damages....Just not true..Period!..~ogr


BH...I never said their isnt ANY healthrisk smoking Cannabis..Hell, theres even a health risk breathing in this polluted air and even eating a greasy cheeseburger..Their is healthrisks in almost everything we do....I said its 100% Bullshit saying that Cannabis and Tobbacco are equal in health risks/damages....Just not true..Period!..~ogr

Very hard to argue this... They are not the equally harmful.. I am a athlete and Used to competet at a Amatuer level and Let me tell you that Tabacco when i used to smoke killed my performance, but pot not so much.. So for me the proof is in the pudding..

I smoke pot everyday, at least 4-5 grams, and run 3-5 miles three times a week and lift weights, and coach youth Football and Baseball , id like to see someone who smokes a pack a day do this..


time to start smoking pure weed joints or get a vaporizer lol


Yeah and Michael Phelps smokes pot and is in a sport where he depends on his lungs...Didnt seem like MJ effected his performance at all whatsoever..~ogr


my left tackle in junior college smoked a pack a day.
he'd walk into the locker room finishing a smoke, then walk out after practice (which was practicing & running & lifting) and light up a fresh stick. dude could run and run and run...

and dude Vlade Divac was like a walking chimney for years in the NBA


my left tackle in junior college smoked a pack a day.
he'd walk into the locker room finishing a smoke, then walk out after practice (which was practicing & running & lifting) and light up a fresh stick. dude could run and run and run...

and dude Vlade Divac was like a walking chimney for years in the NBA

Well all be damned..


Well it's a mixed bag for me. I think that both raskal and BH are correct.

I'm a runner and a pothead (ironic eh:)) My daily routine is to have a bowl of organically grown sativa and head out for a run. Lightens the load and makes me feel as if I'm floating along the trails. No problems with breathing or going into oxygen debt too quickly.

Now there's been a few times where I've had a cig before heading out for a run and it's complete hell. Lungs feel tight, legs feel rubbery and I can't even go half as far. Add to that the constant hacking I felt. A couple of cigs was more than enough to convince me to stick solely to weed for my smoking pleasure.

That being said, as has already been mentioned, the grade of pot is extremely important. If I toked up on some beasters before heading out, I think it would be akin to a cig.

As BH said, the tar still gets into your lungs no matter how well-grown. It's just a matter of severity. I like to think that the running balances out the toking:)

Lately however, I've been trying to move over to bubble and vaping instead of toking up. It's just so easy on the lungs for me.

I guess my bottom line is it's a bit naive to think that there are no health risks associated with pot. Everything you do in life is associated with risk. The degree of health risks of pot is open for debate. One thing I'm sure of is that well-grown organic pot is MUCH healthier for ya than arsenic-laced commercial cigs.

Good thread topic gents!



Nick Diaz: MMA's Pro Weed Warrior

My typical day starts off with a thirty to fifty mile bike ride, then a five to seven mile run. After that I take a break. Then I go do a boxing workout and practice jujitsu five, six or sometimes seven days a week.

People say that marijuana is going to hurt my career. I say to them that on the contrary, my fight career is getting in the way of my marijuana smoking.

This dude also does triathlons while high:rasta:


Humans have been smoking marijuana for decades if not centuries..Maybe even before tobacco...And still not 1 documented case of someone getting lung cancer and dieng from marijuana smoking....How about tobacco? many documented deaths from smoking say these 2 are equally damaging is just insane...Yes, if you constantly smoke fucked up grown weed you can and will probably get a respritory infection and cough up loogies and black shit but your not gonna die of cancer..Please someone show me a link where MJ causes Lung cancer and kills people like tobacco does...I can show you plenty links about Tobbacco killing people and even people that dont smoke it...No comparrison..~ogr


Nick Diaz: MMA's Pro Weed Warrior

My typical day starts off with a thirty to fifty mile bike ride, then a five to seven mile run. After that I take a break. Then I go do a boxing workout and practice jujitsu five, six or sometimes seven days a week.

People say that marijuana is going to hurt my career. I say to them that on the contrary, my fight career is getting in the way of my marijuana smoking.

This dude also does triathlons while high:rasta:

yeah bro he is a warrior... I used to compete MMA amatuer and one of my friends fought his brother.. They are all stoners man.. Youd be suprised how many MMA fighter smoke pot to clam injury pain and so forth..

Old Yeller

If anybody wants to grow their own, here's a good place to start, plus you can buy seeds & plants here,


I just quit this morning and I'm already starting to feel the creepy crawlers. I have known alcoholics and Heroin addicts that got off the shit but could'nt quit smoking cigs.

koopa troopa

even better raskal, people have been smoking for THOUSANDS of years.

blame the chinese... funny cuz not many smoke weed over there, but they smoke that ope. oh yeah, i've had great grandpa's, etc. that died from smoking too much opium too.

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