Anyone else suffer from micromanagement ?

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man i'm just a hotdog
I find myself trying to limit how often I go In my room but it’s so hard. So many different variables to control and when it’s all running to my spec it’s an amazing feeling.

Does anyone else catch themselves in their grow room way more than necessary? I put love into my plants and I expect it to be returned 😂


I'm more of an analysis paralysis kind of guy. The key difference between that and micromanagement being when/where you spend the time. I'm always trying to research and understand everything. I have multiple windows full of tabs organized into different subjects so when I hit a wall on one I change to another. Sometimes that can make me feel like a zombie and I just need to walk away and go outside with the dogs or cook a meal.

I have spent hours upon hours in my grow room trying to understand how all of my components impact the environment and how to make it more efficient. The only thing I obsess on in there now would be to ensure everything is on track, but that just takes looking at my controller displays so I'm not in my tent or anything. I understand how that's not good for consistency of the environment as I design the damn thing to be closed up. All of that doesn't mean it's not occupying a piece of my mental bandwidth almost constantly.


"put love into my plants and I expect it to be returned"

Strange definition of love. My family members chihuahua won't leave me alone. His breath stinks but I pet him anyway. Do we love each other?


I find myself trying to limit how often I go In my room but it’s so hard. So many different variables to control and when it’s all running to my spec it’s an amazing feeling.

Does anyone else catch themselves in their grow room way more than necessary? I put love into my plants and I expect it to be returned 😂
Wait until you retire, I spend more time down here in my grow room than I do outside or upstairs......I sht you knot 10:30 - 1...2pm- 5.....6:30 - 7:30 lights out.....6 - 7 days a week


I find myself trying to limit how often I go In my room but it’s so hard. So many different variables to control and when it’s all running to my spec it’s an amazing feeling.

Does anyone else catch themselves in their grow room way more than necessary? I put love into my plants and I expect it to be returned 😂
How often I check my plants depends on their stage of growth, but I usually check them several times a day. I do like to be with them, especially during the vegetation stage. I closely monitor the soil moisture and check to see if the plants are healthy and happy.

We have a Siamese cat who loves our plants. She is very verbal. She'll stand outside the door to the room and ask to be let in. Once inside, she goes to the tent and asks for it to be opened. Then, she'll ask to be picked up so she can look inside. If the door is opened all the way, she'll crawl in and bite off leaf tips. She usually very careful about which leaf tip she eats. She acts as if the newer leaves make better edibles. Her favorite thing, though, is to sit on my lap as I sit on a chair and watch the plants grow.


man i'm just a hotdog
How often I check my plants depends on their stage of growth, but I usually check them several times a day. I do like to be with them, especially during the vegetation stage. I closely monitor the soil moisture and check to see if the plants are healthy and happy.

We have a Siamese cat who loves our plants. She is very verbal. She'll stand outside the door to the room and ask to be let in. Once inside, she goes to the tent and asks for it to be opened. Then, she'll ask to be picked up so she can look inside. If the door is opened all the way, she'll crawl in and bite off leaf tips. She usually very careful about which leaf tip she eats. She acts as if the newer leaves make better edibles. Her favorite thing, though, is to sit on my lap as I sit on a chair and watch the plants grow.
I planted some cat grass so when Alfredo comes in she doesn’t eat my fan leaves . I love it ! I like how you phrased it , I agree I like being around them too


I'm definitely prone to over mothering when they're small... ok and when they're in my garden. I don't always mess with stuff, sometimes I just hang out and soak up some rays with them, and they get the benefit of my exhaled CO2 lol. I do kinda need to go into my room because I don't have a proper exhaust, so there needs to be air exchanged from opening the door anyway. Doesn't seem to affect my environment much as long as I don't leave the door open more than a few minutes... It's a tiny bedroom and I have a massive humidifier and infrared heater in there. I can usually find something to check on... lift the pots to see if they're thirsty, remove the ladybugs that have committed suicide on my lights, vacuum up the dust, rotate them, fill the humidifier tanks. This is why I'm doing this winter grow though, boredom, so chilling with the ladies is kind of the point. There's definitely a such thing as too much love though... as long as your environment isn't fluctuating a lot and you're keeping your paws off, I like to think they enjoy the company.


do humans have external receptors to it
Good question! My thinking is that we do and I doubt we are consciously aware of everything our noses can process.

Cats certainly have a very good sense of smell, so I wonder why our female cat likes our plants so much, while our male cat seems not to notice them at all. I do understand, though, that the difference could be unrelated to pheromones. The male cat could simply have different priorities or doesn't want to intrude in the female cat's territory. I have asked them, but they prefer not to answer. Cats are good at keeping secrets.


Mine are in my room where I play video games, watch videos/anime, play music, ect.. They're not in a tent, just in the corner. I do put a byobu up with a blanket on it during lights out to block the tv light during lights out, but I basically see them all day long. They don't really get babied though. If I notice something wrong I fix it, if the rez light comes on I feed them.


Coming up on 1 year of growing and I can say I'm likely a 8 or 9 with the overly hands on. My 4x4s are behind me and this is my upstairs office. I work from home so can't avoid being in the room with them for ridiculous amounts of time. I have a few things linked to my phone so often find myself monitoring the apps like AC infinity and Govee more and the tents less. It seems for me at least that the stage they are in plays a big roll on time they seem to require. The blumats allow me to not sweat watering as much anymore and I plan to simplify my soil and feedings as well. I'm really looking for a water only soil from start to finish that at most needs some top dressing 3 times or less.
As for cats and dogs @BigBlonde there are certainly things I believe we don't yet fully understand. My dogs Bella and Oliver are fond of cannabis leaves in a way I am very intrigued by. Oliver is a big fan but Bella is straight hooked. She will be 4 soon and we've had her since 6 months. She waits in the spare bedroom while I work. The moment by chair moves on carpet she comes running and blocks my door to the office and just stands there, hoping and praying, that she can have a leaf or 2. Legit once I ran out of leaves to pluck last harvest it was sad watching her. I had no more to give and she didn't understand 😆 and now that my Dark Phoenix has a bunch she is in heaven again.
No doubt it is hard not to micromanage your plants but I do believe after a year that keeping it simple has its perks. Less is more this grow is what I am going to shoot for.


I do visit my grow more than I need to, but I can't say it's micromanagement. If they're healthy I like to see them, if they're not healthy, I like to fret over them.

I do the same thing with heirloom tomato plants in my outdoor garden, now that I think of it.


I pop in every once in a while just to remind them of whose boss around these parts. Might take a couple leaves, might cut a branch or two 😎
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