Are these signs of deficiencies? (pics)

  • Thread starter ENKI
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This girl grew up so much more and so much faster than my first time (I must be learning something ;D)

I was thinking that maybe I should increase my nutes concentration, currently using half of the dosage recommended. Are these signs of deficiencies on the leaves? Leaves aside, this thing is growing at a scary pace so she seems lively :D
Are these signs of deficiencies pics
Are these signs of deficiencies pics 2



I'm relatively new to growing cannabis, but am a long time gardener. Looks like you've got spider mites!

try soapy water or 20% isopropy to 80% water solution (or look up another way to get rid of the mites) and lightly mist that on your leaves

From what I can see though, she is absolutely beautiful!


this is NOT spider mite dmg.
as we can see it starts from the tip of the leaves.
looks more like a strange kind of variegation. never seen it before.
Or Thrips dmg. that could be it tho, but they are so easy to spot that i have my doubts here.
@ENKI do you see any insect or bug over and/or under those leaves?
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
this is NOT spider mite dmg.
as we can see it starts from the tip of the leaves.
looks more like a strange kind of variegation. never seen it before.
Or Thrips dmg. that could be it tho, but they are so easy to spot that i have my doubts here.
@ENKI do you see any insect or bug over and/or under those leaves?
Was gonna say the same. 👊🏻🤡


Was gonna say the same. 👊🏻🤡
this is NOT spider mite dmg.
as we can see it starts from the tip of the leaves.
looks more like a strange kind of variegation. never seen it before.
Or Thrips dmg. that could be it tho, but they are so easy to spot that i have my doubts here.
@ENKI do you see any insect or bug over and/or under those leaves?

Thanks for the replies. No guys, insects of any kind are completely out of the question, I'd say. Never seen even one of them, and this is in my kitchen so I would have noticed for sure :D This is only my second grow; my reasoning was that since this plant is already bigger than my first one ever was (thanks to e.g. more light, bigger pot...) she probably needs more nutes than what I've been giving to her in order to grow. Do you think I'm off track?


Oh, and I forgot to say that there's another plant right next to this one that doesn't show this issue at all, so infestations are even less likely.


Thanks for the replies. No guys, insects of any kind are completely out of the question, I'd say. Never seen even one of them, and this is in my kitchen so I would have noticed for sure :D This is only my second grow; my reasoning was that since this plant is already bigger than my first one ever was (thanks to e.g. more light, bigger pot...) she probably needs more nutes than what I've been giving to her in order to grow. Do you think I'm off track?
By the pictures they aren't hungry tho, have a better overall picture a little further away from the plants?


By the pictures they aren't hungry tho, have a better overall picture a little further away from the plants?
Here's an overall picture; the issue is not very noticeable from further away though. Many leaves are somewhat affected but you need to get close to see that. (those are books under the light stands lol... i'm still figuring out my setup and this girl grew so much it kinda took me aback)
IMG 2716


Here's an overall picture; the issue is not very noticeable from further away though. Many leaves are somewhat affected but you need to get close to see that. (those are books under the light stands lol... i'm still figuring out my setup and this girl grew so much it kinda took me aback)
She looks healthy, not really hungry.


this is in my kitchen
Kitchen-grown plants tend to lack uninterrupted darkness. I don't see a problem with this plant, but it's something to consider as you work on your equipment for the future.


This is the first time ive heard the term kitchen grown plants. Even more surprised to learn that this is an ongoing epidemic in horticulture


This is the first time ive heard the term kitchen grown plants. Even more surprised to learn that this is an ongoing epidemic in horticulture
Oh, c'mon man. I just made it up. We all know kitchens tend to have the lights turned on in the middle of the night. We also know that interrupted darkness (or light leaks when talking about tents) can be troublesome.


Ive has a few plants over the years do something similar, and i could never really determine it to be an issue or problem, nor what was causing it.

Like was mentioned some plants variegate. On the ornamental side of plants, variegation is a fairly prized and sought after trait. It can quintuple the value of a given columnar cactus cutting if it's variegated. Same for ornamental grasses.

This does look like it could potentially be some form of mosaic virus too though. Def keep an eye on it to get worse or the affected growth to warp or do anything strange like that, if it does seem to get worse, (assuming you can) id quarantine it from the other plants until you know for sure what it is. A mosaic virus will sit on one plant for a bit, but then will start jumping ship to similar plants near by. IIRC there have been a couple hemp specific mosaic's isolated and catalogued in recent years now too, may be remembering wrong though.

Mosaic viruses in cannabis are very rare as far as i know though, more often then not what appears to be a mosaic of some kind will just turn out to be some mild variegation

@LoveGrowingIt on the light leak side of things, as long as the light leaks are very small and consistent night to night ive never once in many years had issues with hermie or anything from it. All my plants this would seem to affect would tend to spit bananas in later flower no matter what if there were any number of mild stress factors present.

Bouncing photoperiod around, or exposing the plants to more then quick flashes of brighter light during flower, now that can def cause some confused plants lol. Ive gone multiple grows before realizing some of my interior tent devices had LED's that were red or blue on them though, Ive used dirt cheap tents with tiny light leaks scattered more then nicer tents. Assuming the plant doesnt have a genetic predisposition to hermie traits though, you can do a lot more then tiny ight leaks to them and they wont hermie. You can bring them to the point of near death halfway through flower and they wont hermie. Also, the moon lol. I've grown under that giant light leak many times before without issue.
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hey everyone, thanks for the replies. plant continues to grow tall as hell and healthy. the issue is still present but not really spreading or getting worse, so everything looks fine :D

i've taken measures to avoid light leaks using curtains + installing a smart bulb for the kitchen light so that i can make it very faint when i need to use it during the night. even if it's a bright, sunny day outside, i can make it completely dark for my girls. 😃


Thanks for the replies. No guys, insects of any kind are completely out of the question, I'd say. Never seen even one of them, and this is in my kitchen so I would have noticed for sure :D This is only my second grow; my reasoning was that since this plant is already bigger than my first one ever was (thanks to e.g. more light, bigger pot...) she probably needs more nutes than what I've been giving to her in order to grow. Do you think I'm off track?
You wouldn't notice mites w/out strong magnification. I would check carefully if it was my plant.


You wouldn't notice mites w/out strong magnification. I would check carefully if it was my plant.
i have eagle eyes for those suckers i can spot them from 1 meter away lol.. jk but 30cm yep i can spot them mofos.


Something's caused those marks friend, and I don't believe it's variegation
Hey: I've got an update on this. I did spot a few gnats over time and removed them. I feel like it's no big deal as the plant doesn't seem to suffer significantly from this and it seems like a few insects won't cause as much harm as me trying to fix it with foliar sprays or similar stuff. :)


You wouldn't notice mites w/out strong magnification. I would check carefully if it was my plant.
I have also checked around with magnifying glass and saw nothing. At this time I believe there must indeed be something that feeds on my poor plant, but it's mostly harmless as too small and scattered compared to the plant to do real damage. But I'd love to hear your perspective on this. I'm ~1 month from harvest.
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