Artic blast....

  • Thread starter chickenman
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We got about 10-12 inches of snow and it's already in the negative digits. Roads are friggin' bad.

Tyy, fuel cells may be great but for me I have plenty of trees to harvest and burn for heat. And I have enough solar power to keep me happy.


My chiller in the office is running about 1/4 time and it's doing a fine job of keeping the house toasty warm, right now it's only 72- by midnight tonight it will be closer to 80, the hot room runs overnight. In the basement where the girls live, it's always about 80.


One little snowstorm and everyone is acting like this doesn't happen every winter. Hopefully this is just the start of a big winter. Im ready to ride some steep and deep. By the way its gonna be 80 degrees here in NC friday and I'm gonna be playin some golf while I wait for the base to stack up in the Rockies. If anyone wants to shred when I get back, Im always game for some snowmoboarding.


haven't gotten shit for snow out of this storm. But typical XCEL shit, Ned had a outage for 7 hours last night. The garden was 42'f when I got here this morning.
sky high

sky high

Yikes. No generator yet, my friend?

They say it's been 15 years since it's been this cold in December on the FR. Seems the duration of this cold spell is gonna be the biggest news though. Wayyy glad we bumped the attic insulation to R-50 last summer....


Fear Not!


Premium Member
Yikes. No generator yet, my friend?

They say it's been 15 years since it's been this cold in December on the FR. Seems the duration of this cold spell is gonna be the biggest news though. Wayyy glad we bumped the attic insulation to R-50 last summer....
Same here in attic. Only 2 below, not bad. Got me a Air Force artic survival down jacket and insulated bids toasty warm....Chickens are fine laying well for winter goats don't mind either as long as all are well fed.
Using full fat 53% protein whole roasted soybeans in chicken feed the fat and protein are fuel to keep em warm and toasty and they already have their own. artic down jackets


10 below at dawn this morning...hoping it gets above 0 today. At least its sunny and no wind.
sky high

sky high

We're striving to rid ourselves >of< "stuff" .....but I hear your overall concept coming through, JR. What kinda systems are you looking at? We have pretty much an open slate as to where we could go with the "systems" in our 700 sq ft abode (and future walapini)....though we are limited to an existing structure/etc. and all of the inadequacies of typical (and some untypical..LOL) building practices. (2 x 6 frame house...cellulose/fiberglass insulation/slab floor/etc.)


Fear Not!
Same here in attic. Only 2 below, not bad. Got me a Air Force artic survival down jacket and insulated bids toasty warm....Chickens are fine laying well for winter goats don't mind either as long as all are well fed.
Using full fat 53% protein whole roasted soybeans in chicken feed the fat and protein are fuel to keep em warm and toasty and they already have their own. artic down jackets
How do you water the goats in 2 below?
it was 29 here last nite and I cant turn on any water..Had to break the ice on the all water bowls
I could never do what you do Chicken man!


Heat = energy, so problem being once you run up above 80% efficiency they say, draft becomes an issue. On older stoves, more waste heat can be recovered in some situations. Hence, I'm learning, pellet stoves are so dependent on fans. Plenty of ways to capture heat and the more you get into wood heating the more you learn about masonry stoves (russian, finnish, ect fireplaces), soapstone stoves versus metal, wood boilers, ect. Then of course different woods have different densities dry, mass being the largest factor of Btu output in combustion.
So draft tends to be the limiting factor on efficiency, you need to waste some heat, even masonry heaters will have exiting flue temps of a few hundred degrees.

Even having bought wood this year, still cheaper than pellets, which is cheaper than electric or propane. Only thing that comes close in Btu/$ is natural gas.

Rocket stoves are cool, masonry heaters kinda take that concept on high combustion temps for their efficiency, they just load it into a large thermal mass.

In the end, we all get heat off combustion, unless you got nuc electric or solar electric, so being trees are so plentiful in this state...


We're striving to rid ourselves >of< "stuff" .....but I hear your overall concept coming through, JR. What kinda systems are you looking at? We have pretty much an open slate as to where we could go with the "systems" in our 700 sq ft abode (and future walapini)....though we are limited to an existing structure/etc. and all of the inadequacies of typical (and some untypical..LOL) building practices. (2 x 6 frame house...cellulose/fiberglass insulation/slab floor/etc.)
I bet something like the pic on the homepage would have no problems with 700ft2

Price/labor is usually the reason not to build one. But in places with limited wood, and plenty of craftsmanship, they are a common investment.

There are also pre-fabed cores you can buy, or plans then hire/do masonry yourself. I think of a masonry heater as a giant soapstone stove.

Good you tube stuff also. You could always swap the cigar for a spliff.

Hey found a rocket heater/stove :)


Premium Member
How do you water the goats in 2 below?
it was 29 here last nite and I cant turn on any water..Had to break the ice on the all water bowls
I could never do what you do Chicken man!
Got no freeze spigots, drain hoses after use, heated chicken waterers, barn windows doors and windows closed at night, will shovel chicken runs, goat water freezes bust thru with bar.
Been up before sunrise up and at em, best time of day, bundled up. Our cold is a dry cold really don't even notice after you get moving around ....


Heat = energy, so problem being once you run up above 80% efficiency they say, draft becomes an issue. On older stoves, more waste heat can be recovered in some situations. Hence, I'm learning, pellet stoves are so dependent on fans. Plenty of ways to capture heat and the more you get into wood heating the more you learn about masonry stoves (russian, finnish, ect fireplaces), soapstone stoves versus metal, wood boilers, ect. Then of course different woods have different densities dry, mass being the largest factor of Btu output in combustion.
So draft tends to be the limiting factor on efficiency, you need to waste some heat, even masonry heaters will have exiting flue temps of a few hundred degrees.

Even having bought wood this year, still cheaper than pellets, which is cheaper than electric or propane. Only thing that comes close in Btu/$ is natural gas.

Rocket stoves are cool, masonry heaters kinda take that concept on high combustion temps for their efficiency, they just load it into a large thermal mass.

In the end, we all get heat off combustion, unless you got nuc electric or solar electric, so being trees are so plentiful in this state...

Fuel cell- it isn't combustion, although the products are similar. The process is more complete with nearly no pollutants, so it makes a relatively expensive fuel like natural gas more attractive due to its ability to offset the electric bill. If there was a way to convert wood heat to electric efficiently and without pollution, I'd be all for it!


I bet something like the pic on the homepage would have no problems with 700ft2

Price/labor is usually the reason not to build one. But in places with limited wood, and plenty of craftsmanship, they are a common investment.

There are also pre-fabed cores you can buy, or plans then hire/do masonry yourself. I think of a masonry heater as a giant soapstone stove.

Good you tube stuff also. You could always swap the cigar for a spliff.

Hey found a rocket heater/stove :)
Thanks for the link dope,its a good one!
sky high

sky high

I'd have to build chairs >into< that masonry fireplace to be able to have anywhere to sit in the living room! That is dope as shit though... ditto on the Swedish/Scandanavian burners. Might work in the walapini/GH though... although the boiler is attractive for the snowmelt possiilities as well as to heat the earth itself in the wala. We're WAYYY early in the planning of it all (the napkin stage...LOL) so there's time (I hope) to figure out something that will meet all needs.

But it will be wood-fired. Like dope said...there are a gazillion dead trees up here...and better we burn em in a controlled fashion/for a purpose than to let em stand for the lightning or the tourons and their campfires to burn down.

A huge part of our plan is to cut ties as much as possible with oil/gas and in turn, to cut monthly expenses. Propane/natural gas will only be used as a backup for long term outages/absences. Got wood!
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