Auto-grow Nelp Advice, I'm New

  • Thread starter Will 0161
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Can you help me with my grow

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Will 0161

I'm looking to have around 2 or 3 plants at one time

Could someone also explain how I PH up and Down?

Items- 0.8m X0.8 X 1.6m Mamouth Grow tent, 400watt basic lighting kit will give more info when bought, Would you recommend a digi kit for the lighting? also a 4" filterkit, Bio bizz all mix with Bio Bizz nutes, 3 gallon pots.

Also should molasses be used when feeding nutes?

Could any one give me advice for feeding the nutes an when I should be doing this.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


. I do not have to ph so I can't help you there.. Do not know anything about Bio Bizz nutes,aren't they organic? My understanding is that if your organic you do not have to PH? Maybe someone who uses Bio Bizz while chime in.
I add molasses with Earth Worm Castings (EWC) in a tea inbetween feedings .
Your soil should already have some nutes already amended in it,so you need to hollow out the middle of your pot and add Seed Startersoil in middle. Autos are nute sensitive so no nutes until about week three if even. Start out slowly about 1/4 recommended strength.
Go digi on ballest that way you can control intensity of light and get a switchable one from MH to HPS,veg and bloom..
Checkout the auto help thread do lots of reading,Autos are not that much easier accept for the no need for pitch black to flower12/12.
That helped me outdoors cause I have a street light in backyard of neighbors .
Hope this helps..


BioBizz all mix might be too hot for your autos in the beginning. It would also be nice to know what autos are you planing to grow as there are huge differences between breeders, their quality, size of plants and sensitivity.

Start using nutes when plants are at least two weeks old or maybe even later. Let them plants tell you what they need, but that might be a no go for a first timer. Don't use nutes with every watering even when you're using organic nutrients. Do like Str8smokin said and give them the pleasure of some areated teas with EWC and molasses. You can also incorporate some mycorrhiza product in your brew. Also keep in mind that autos are finicky when comming to transplanting so start tjem in your final pots. In the beginning keep the soil moist around the stem but not to wet. Roots need air in order to develop and grow and standing in constantly moist soil will make them rot. Use as little as possible in the beginning and keep it stupid simple.

You might also consider getting yourself a 6" exhaust fan instead of that 4".

Keep it green and shoot a question if you run in trouble. In the meantime educate yourself on how to properly grow autoflowers. There is ton of information in the autoflower section so you might get your reading glasses out and get on with it ;)

Positive vibes!

Will 0161

Hi guy's thank you so much for the advice will sure to follow the info you have gave me, Do you think I'm missing any equipment for the grow or do I have the basics covered? I've had a look at the article you directed me too and on that feeding schedule it he starts to feed the Bio Bizz Root Stimulant would that be fine to use? Also would the Bio bizz light mix be a better soil? what would you suggest I use as a light for the seedlings would I just be able to put them under the light in my grow tent or is this to hot for it? The Hydro shop recommended I use a 125 CFL at the start then just swap it out for my 400 watt light for the rest of the grow. NEED big help with lighting? I'm looking to grow the Black Cream Auto, is there any strain of auto I should use as this is my first grow?


Best of luck. Peace
Hi guy's thank you so much for the advice will sure to follow the info you have gave me, Do you think I'm missing any equipment for the grow or do I have the basics covered? I've had a look at the article you directed me too and on that feeding schedule it he starts to feed the Bio Bizz Root Stimulant would that be fine to use? Also would the Bio bizz light mix be a better soil? what would you suggest I use as a light for the seedlings would I just be able to put them under the light in my grow tent or is this to hot for it? The Hydro shop recommended I use a 125 CFL at the start then just swap it out for my 400 watt light for the rest of the grow. NEED big help with lighting? I'm looking to grow the Black Cream Auto, is there any strain of auto I should use as this is my first grow?
Get a temperature gauge and humidity gauge thingamajig for the tent. Ammend your soil with 25% perlite to keep it light and airated. and 2 TBS of dolomite lime per gallon of soil to help buffer pH issues.
Read as much as you can online and keep learning.
Best of luck.


Well finally you mentioned what autos you're growing. That Black Cream is from Sweet Seeds I'm guessing. Haven't grow this exact one but did Red Poison from their red family. It was a darn finicky plant that needs a bit higher pH, so ShroomKing is on spot there. Yours shouldn't behave moch different. She also wont like higher dose of nitrogen. So I'd go easy on her for the first three weeks, with maybe just a 1/2 a dose of root stimulant. Take the light mix and if it's not cut with perlite already (don't know from top of my head) do like ShroomKing said.

I would only use 400W HPS and hang it on the ceiling as high as possible (1.6m might be a little tight there). I'm guessing again that you'll run cooltube there and exhaust it as quick as possible. You will have problems keeping temperatures and humidity in check that's why I suggested 6" vent. Also get yourself a small humidifier. I've got a cool mist one with 5L tank and have to refill daily but my tent is a bit larger.

I would also suggest running your lights 20 on 4 off. This strain stil has great ammount of ruderalis in its genes so it will grow short and fat, really thick. And its light cycle in the nature would be much similar.

Keep it green!
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Will 0161

Thank you ever so much this has been really helpful and cleared a lot of things for me, glad I can just use the 400 hps and with the cooling tube and exhaust you said to use could you show me an example if not I will search around to see what I can find and will for sure look into buying a humidifier.

Big respect for the help!!!

Will 0161

I've looked at the cooling tube with fan and carbon filter I was originally going to just set my tent up using only the digi ballast with 400 to 600 watt booster, a 400watt HPS from start to finish also the 4" filter kit but you recommend me using a 6" plus all the other things I need.


I liked Dinafem's Autofems much more. They grow more like actuall cannabis plant.

With light mix you could also stick to the mentioned feeding schedule, but keep in mind that if you have to supply your plants some liquids more then once in a week then use water or even better compost tea.

You really have some serious reading to do. You already found a thread worth of gold so keep reading that one and others. You'll came across different styles and techniques of growing so you'll be able to pick what suits you most. Once you get your grow going continue to read and look for the answers to your questions before you post. You will run in troubles on your first grow.

Keep it green!
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