Bad news for MMJ

  • Thread starter crowman
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After what happened Massachusetts earlier this week no one should be surprised if California becomes a red state. This fuck is no exception and we all know what he would like to our loved medical marijuana scene.



Premium Member
FUCK REPUBLICANS!!!!! money hungry ass group for sure. notice how you will NEVER see alcohol go through this shit....makes me mad and im not even from cali....hes an ass and pot had NEVER been linked to cancer, in all really iv read many studies showin that it stops the rapid spread......i vote on this guy is.....i would vote for him the day i stop smokin..... NEVER!!!!!


I love how he spouts out lies like thier obvious thruths.. I'm surprised its not on Faux News..

Didn't he say MJ will make a few million dollars here and there? I don't see how over a billion dollars a year is a million dollars here and there in anyone's book. And the bs with the same cancer causing agents as tobacco? WTF Tobacco is so bad because of how it is processed and adulterated with other things.. Hey, its not my fault that the fat cat tobacco lobby crew have got tax shields out into place to prevent them from paying the taxes they should. Ok, i made it 34 seconds and thats as far as I could go!


California patients don't need to worry about this guy! prop 215 was voted in by the people and the only way to overturn it is to have another vote and have the people vote to repeal it and IF you live in california you know We the people like medical marijuana and most counties in northern california have already decriminalized personal possession if you over 18 or 21, measure k in santa cruz, measure z in oakland....


This guy must have big pharma giving him money too.
He slid the whole Marinol/FDA argument in there. Take a look at the FDA's track record over the last decade. Like anyone should give a fuck that MMJ isn't FDA approved. LOL. I'll take 8 thousand years of human consumption over a thumbs up from one of the most corrupt government agencies out there. I'd like to smack this little prick around and I live in KY.


California is never going red, so long as people get out and fucking vote. The republican rhetoric of keeping America safe is finite, to top that the party is divided and will not be too viable next election. Unfortunately, the media has been giving an absurd amount of coverage to lunatic fringe groups, like the tea-baggers, and therefore, it has been able to momentarily sway public opinion.


Its like cigarettes but then it has THC in front of it lol:stonedsmilie:


Premium Member
Fuck that! these bastards just want full control of it, its all about $$$ Marinol and Sativex?! Unbelievable, somebody should shoot this prick in the face preaching all those lies! Our government is the biggest thieves/drug dealers, shit they got lots of my buddys strung out on their "FDA" approved toxic like oxys, zannys, vickies etc and they wanna attack a natural herb like Marijuana. Its up to us to stand up against these greedy pigs


i second all this shit.. fuck this faggot chabot!!!! im def gunna make sure to get out and vote against this fag!!! south
Darth Fader

Darth Fader

lunatic fringe groups, like the tea-baggers

The so-called "tea-baggers" are largely libertarian. They want Big Gov't off their backs and out of their business. They don't want a nanny-state telling them they can't have MJ because it's bad for them, or even bad for society. They want LIBERTY, as in "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

If you continue the 2-party system thinking, we will never get our Liberty. BOTH parties are full of corrupt career politicians. If the elections from the last 2 years haven't clearly demonstrated that THE PEOPLE are sick of politics as usual and the incestuous relationship b/w Gov't and Big Business, then you haven't been paying attention.

Rolln J

the media has been giving an absurd amount of coverage to lunatic fringe groups, like the tea-baggers, and therefore, it has been able to momentarily sway public opinion.

when you say the media - dont you mean fox? didnt they help to get the tea party off the ground?

I like the idea of the tea party - but I think they are gonna put palin out there as a candidate...


Premium Member
well theres another dumbass for ya... it has never been linked to cancer as of yet. the studies havent been going on long enough to prove this. he is just running his cock sucker. im on both sides of rep and dem but their all out for number 1 just to get in office... lol robot said he had an assault charge that later got dropped, this guy looks like a pussy who would call the cops if he got his ass beat.

Professor P

oh no!!!... everybody go run and hide from the DEVIL WEED
:character0004::icon_stick man::devil:sad0104::sad0086:

of course they will have these sort of douche bags against mmj.... this guy is just looking for some attention, what a poor neglected dickface... ;)

Pot Boy

Pure mental masturbation that's what this cat is spewing always an asshole in every crowd.


Darth Fader, I agree with your comment 100% bro.
This 2 party system needs to be busted up by a 3rd party candidate. Dems and Repubs are both to blame for how bad shit has gotten. People need to realize this. It makes me sick that the country is so divided along these 2 party lines in a time when we all need to be standing together trying to put this thing back on track. It's bullshit and both parties are to blame.


The so-called "tea-baggers" are largely libertarian. They want Big Gov't off their backs and out of their business. They don't want a nanny-state telling them they can't have MJ because it's bad for them, or even bad for society. They want LIBERTY, as in "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

If you continue the 2-party system thinking, we will never get our Liberty. BOTH parties are full of corrupt career politicians. If the elections from the last 2 years haven't clearly demonstrated that THE PEOPLE are sick of politics as usual and the incestuous relationship b/w Gov't and Big Business, then you haven't been paying attention.

The tea-baggers are not pro liberty, at least I don't think they are even untied enough to have an actual agenda, so surely some are liberty oriented but by no means are they the possibility of being a valid third party, that supports liberty. If you like MMJ maybe you should think about how much has changed from this administration to the last one, which I must remind you that the majority of tea baggers had their president in office for eight years, and if you look back at the Bush era with any sort of happiness than I am sorry for you.
Yeah I understand people have frustrations,about big government, but letting health care corporations run crazy and calling that liberty by not allowing the government to regulate is insanity, not liberty. I also I understand that these people, the tea baggers have been getting much more coverage from media, more than just fox, msnbc primarily, and this has gone on to create an idea that an actual movement exists, it doesn't. And a movement of people against the system is not just libertarian ( just look at A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn for further references), nor is the libertarian party a valid third party anyway, people like Ron Paul who essentially argue that we need government out of our lives along with corporations, yet the absence of government leads to corrupt corporate greed. How are the tea baggers against corporate greed, by stopping every gov. regulation that would essentially control them? . These corporations that propped up these fringe groups are against the people, and the tea baggers are nothing but a pawn, constructed in part to bring about the appearance of a need for government reform from the big bad democrats, and evil!
I am in no way an advocate of the two party system, but that has nothing to do with the tea baggers because they are just essentially the radical faction of the republican party and will never part from the party with any sort of legitimacy.
Finally, the "Tea Party" will not put Palin out as a candidate, because they are not putting any candidate out, they are not a valid party, only a faction of the republican party, one that champions the victory of Scott Brown in Mass, ones that assume global health-care is a mere hoax, these people are extremely ignorant and have almost ruined the country once, don't be fooled, Bush ran on the very libertarian ideas in 2000 and look what happened. Our country suffers from severe memory loss!


If you guys don't like this guy, then you're really going to despise this lady. She used to work for the DEA working as an outspoken anti-pot advocate. She is one of the main people behind-the-scenes of the Marc Emery bust. She also limited pain management docs from being able to prescribe the most powerful painkillers to those who need them. Karen Tandy is certainly not our friend - boycott Motorola:


Wow, fuck this bitch too! I agree, BOYCOTT MOTOROLA!!
Shut'em down! Shut'em down!! Shut'em,shut'em down!!!
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