Open blasting was out for me after the first time... About 5 years ago I picked up a TE-175 off Ebay . I also bought an extra te-175 tank.. That gives me a charging tank and a empty recover tank..
I have a small 5 cu' freezer in the shop. Cut a hole in the top of it to feed the recovery tant hose.. Next to the freezer is a shop bench... On the bench is a 5 gal vacuum pot that is filled with 110*f hot water.. [vacuum hole pluged.] I bought the heating pad for the bottom of it.. After extracting a load,the extractor is submerged in the hot water, the empty tank is the freezer. It takes a 1/2 hour to extract 60 grams. Then I get to reuse the clean butane over again.
I run the butane through the empty extractor the first time. Distilling empty leaves any mystery oil, and the propane propellant in the extractor.. There is always a film of some oil, the propane I vent off to the outside. The gas I buy by the dozen off amazon.
The extractor does a great job, but it's just to small for me.. I'll be putting it up on eBay next month for $1100. good info here.