Best plan for 12/12 from seed

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I’ve got a 5x5 grow tent and for my first run i’m looking to just get some buds quick so planning on doing 12/12 from seed.
I’ve seen mixed opinions on the method but after looking at some videos of harvests it doesn’t look too bad, saw a guy get about an ounce from each plant. Idk how unrealistic that is for a first time grower but i think with a bunch of plants i’d be sorted.
One question i have is to do with the amount of plants i should run. I’ve heard 5-9 plants is a good amount but from what i’ve seen that’d really be underutilising the space. I found a website that calculates how many and it said more like 50, and that seems way too many. As the yield will be lower from the skipped veg stage i want to push towards the higher number just for the final yield.
I’ve heard bud rot could be an issue with higher amounts of plants, if there’s anything else in particular i should look out for do let me know
Last question is best choice of strains? Preferably i’d want a good mix of indica sativa etc, but i hear running that amount of different strains would probably be an issue, so i’m alright only growing 1 or 2. So any ideas on a good choice of strain for skipping veg stage would help.
Other than that i’ll let you know i’ve got a mars hydro fc-8000. I’m still a bit lost on calculating the light side of things and how that’d factor into amount of plants/strains/yeild. Basically any information would be much appreciated.
I know there are a lot of threads talking about this but i just wanted to explain my situation a little to get some more tailored advice, thanks a lot


One question i have is to do with the amount of plants i should run. I’ve heard 5-9 plants is a good amount but from what i’ve seen that’d really be underutilising the space. I found a website that calculates how many and it said more like 50, and that seems way too many. As the yield will be lower from the skipped veg stage i want to push towards the higher number just for the final yield.
I usually grow one plant per 4 ft^2. That would be 6 plants in a 5x5 tent. I usually veg for close to 2 months, though. 50 plants would be 2 per ft^2, which seems tight to me, but I think I've seen it done. It's just not my style of growing.

saw a guy get about an ounce from each plant.
That seems like a lot to me, but okay. 50 plants would be 50 ounces. Two ounces per ft^2 would be a nice yield. I feel good getting half that.
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

I would use No More than 2 Plants per sq/ft, for sea of Green. 1 may be better. 2, if it is a slower growing, smaller type plant.

While not fems, Id recommend Relic Cough BX3, or Relic Super Silver Haze BX2. Both grow fast, and will produce the most of about anything, if started on 12/12. Cough, will produce the most, and get the biggest. These can get huge colas, if grown regularly, so, on 12/12, you have a very good chance, of getting plants, with a huge, single cola, that also didnt mess around, when it comes to growing fast.
These can be found at JamesBeanCompany

For an Indica strain, that is a medium producer, and I would grow 2 plants per sq/ft, is NWSun reproduction of Crickets and Cicada Pacific Northwest Hashplant x Puck/NL1 BC1-F2.
NWSun, is on Strainly, and is also active on Overgrow forum.

Another he has, and is a sativa structure, and produces very well, but not as much as the Cough/SSH BX3, but is really good stiff, and is a good producer is also from NWSun.

It is a repro of Karma Genetics Sour Diesel-F1s. These would be F2s. Neither are available from Karma anymore, and if you can find a pack of the F2s, they are 100s of dollars.

NWSun has both the PNWHP x Puck/NL1, and the Sour Diesel $45 a pack for the PNWHP, and $60, for the Sour diesel. For every 2 packs you buy, he will give a free pack.

WEBNWSun. Seed collector and care taker of this Sacred Plant. I enjoy the many flavors from my youth, that I have preserved & exploring the genetics of today


in a 5x5 tent in SOG you can do:

49 plants (7x7) 3 L pots

36 plants (6x6) 6L pots

25 plants (5x5) 9-11 L pots

16 plants (4x4) 15L pots

with 9 plants 3x3 in a 5x5 tent you might have issue filling all the space in SOG if you don't experience a vigorous enough growth on start up.

More plants usually mean shorter veg, more secondary branches removal and it usually temper the fact that of how vigorous is your growth on start up the first few weeks of veg and flowering stretch



personally, with a 5*5 tent, I will not do 12/12 from seed.
you have Space in.

If I practice 12/12 from seed, it is because I am restricted by height. I can't do what I want.I'm going to try sativa and I don't know what method to use because I'm only 1m60 tall.

If you really want to try 12/12 from seed, I recommend 7 to 11l pots first, I'm in 3.4l and I think my results with 7l pots were better.

for the seeds, I would say indica or predominantly indica with good yield.

on the other hand, don't expect to have huge plants, they will be small and stocky with indica.

on the other hand you won't have to do any work on them, just water them. It’s really a lazy method 🤣

I see 12/12 from seed as a quick method to do more runs during the year.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I’d just run them all the way through in solos,
I’d plant in solos too. No seed starters or anything like that.
I’d start with your lights output at 10-15% max he’ll maybe even the lowest possible setting. You will have to do daily incremental upticks in light strength.So you can maximize yield totals. You may dodge the mag need altogether with a slow vegging set of plants already tripped to flower, once they are all comfortably in flower so quickly, and their diet needs change, you should just be able to feed em like crazy until harvest. Proportional to medium amount and pot size of coarse.

Ensure circulation above and below canopy. Not ventilation, fans that keep steady airflow. Well, I take that back ensure both. At all times, just an emphasis on circulation.
Leave 3 sides of your tent able to opened.
Only 2 sides access can really be a pain in smaller pots in high numbers.

Be ready to water up to a twice a day, especially if your rig has any heat issues you need to iron out.

Can I ask? Why are you wanting to do that?
Learning how to train and properly veg plants is pretty crucial. You learn everything in veg, nutrients ect. while you can still correct any fuck ups, correcting mistakes while tiny pots are being flowered, no dice, you are on a timer now, best have your shit together then, because time and yeild is of the essence. you don’t want seeds eh? at the same time, if your environment is off, you’re in my opinion, tempting fate. Also, how to run these lights, manufacturers specs are garbage, and more times then not, most issues folks have nowadays are light related. Accidentally torching your flowers bc you knew no better would suck.

I just think, you need to learn waaaay more fundamentally concerning cannabis.
Do yourself a favor, and ask questions and stick around. I still gave you my 2 cents besides the fact I’m in the camp of nay, do you some book learning. But if you are gonna do it, my 2 copper homie.


I’d just run them all the way through in solos,
I’d plant in solos too. No seed starters or anything like that.
I’d start with your lights output at 10-15% max he’ll maybe even the lowest possible setting. You will have to do daily incremental upticks in light strength.So you can maximize yield totals. You may dodge the mag need altogether with a slow vegging set of plants already tripped to flower, once they are all comfortably in flower so quickly, and their diet needs change, you should just be able to feed em like crazy until harvest. Proportional to medium amount and pot size of coarse.

Ensure circulation above and below canopy. Not ventilation, fans that keep steady airflow. Well, I take that back ensure both. At all times, just an emphasis on circulation.
Leave 3 sides of your tent able to opened.
Only 2 sides access can really be a pain in smaller pots in high numbers.

Be ready to water up to a twice a day, especially if your rig has any heat issues you need to iron out.

Can I ask? Why are you wanting to do that?
Learning how to train and properly veg plants is pretty crucial. You learn everything in veg, nutrients ect. while you can still correct any fuck ups, correcting mistakes while tiny pots are being flowered, no dice, you are on a timer now, best have your shit together then, because time and yeild is of the essence. you don’t want seeds eh? at the same time, if your environment is off, you’re in my opinion, tempting fate. Also, how to run these lights, manufacturers specs are garbage, and more times then not, most issues folks have nowadays are light related. Accidentally torching your flowers bc you knew no better would suck.

I just think, you need to learn waaaay more fundamentally concerning cannabis.
Do yourself a favor, and ask questions and stick around. I still gave you my 2 cents besides the fact I’m in the camp of nay, do you some book learning. But if you are gonna do it, my 2 copper homie.
Thanks for the reply. Long term i wanna run like 4-5 plants in SCROG, but atm im just interested in getting some buds asap, not too concerned on quality for the first run. Mainly aiming for a decent yield so i can smoke while waiting for the next run to grow and can put proper time into training and shit. But looking at seed prices and shit i’m probably better just skipping straight to SCROG and put in the extra veg time. Keep going back and forth everyday tbh. I think a harvest every 4 months is about as much as i’d be able to wait as i’m a decently heavy smoker and my prescription is way too expensive.
I just get so much conflicting information. I know there isn’t a specific way to grow i’m just looking for the best option so i won’t run out of bud again anytime soon (go through about a 3.5 a day atm)


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Thanks for the reply. Long term i wanna run like 4-5 plants in SCROG, but atm im just interested in getting some buds asap, not too concerned on quality for the first run. Mainly aiming for a decent yield so i can smoke while waiting for the next run to grow and can put proper time into training and shit. But looking at seed prices and shit i’m probably better just skipping straight to SCROG and put in the extra veg time. Keep going back and forth everyday tbh. I think a harvest every 4 months is about as much as i’d be able to wait as i’m a decently heavy smoker and my prescription is way too expensive.
I just get so much conflicting information. I know there isn’t a specific way to grow i’m just looking for the best option so i won’t run out of bud again anytime soon (go through about a 3.5 a day atm)
So I smoke less then I used to, but I’m easily an ounce a week, you would need to grow enough 3lbs for the year, that’s my clip anyways, but as an example let’s say that’s your usage too, if you are only in a 5x5, you need to check out some high yielding methods. Even then you’re maybe pulling a lb a run. For a first timer sog attempt. Unless you are a badass savant and grow like an ace your first time. Regardless 1lb every three months would work fine for me, may not for you, but set yourself up to win, not freak out all run long second guessing everything. Now if you do larger pots less plants, and just go through the motions you will do better. Small pot runs are tough homie. I ran a 200 solo grow. I will never do that again hahaaha


So I smoke less then I used to, but I’m easily an ounce a week, you would need to grow enough 3lbs for the year, that’s my clip anyways, but as an example let’s say that’s your usage too, if you are only in a 5x5, you need to check out some high yielding methods. Even then you’re maybe pulling a lb a run. For a first timer sog attempt. Unless you are a badass savant and grow like an ace your first time. Regardless 1lb every three months would work fine for me, may not for you, but set yourself up to win, not freak out all run long second guessing everything. Now if you do larger pots less plants, and just go through the motions you will do better. Small pot runs are tough homie. I ran a 200 solo grow. I will never do that again hahaaha
Fair enough man thanks for the tips. I’ve checked out a few training techniques like LST, topping, lollipoping and some others but wasn’t gunna use them till i ran SCROG, but after reading what you said i think i am just gunna skip straight to SCROG.
How many plants would you recommend me growing for 1lb every 3 months, and what’s the veg cycle like on that. If i’m going SCROG i’ll probably use a different strain on each, heard different things about growing multiple strains together though so probably have to do more research.
cheers again


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Fair enough man thanks for the tips. I’ve checked out a few training techniques like LST, topping, lollipoping and some others but wasn’t gunna use them till i ran SCROG, but after reading what you said i think i am just gunna skip straight to SCROG.
How many plants would you recommend me growing for 1lb every 3 months, and what’s the veg cycle like on that. If i’m going SCROG i’ll probably use a different strain on each, heard different things about growing multiple strains together though so probably have to do more research.
cheers again
I have 30 diff strains right now, don’t let bs deter you. 4 different kinds is great, one kind a week, swapped out keeps you from getting bored. You could do 4-6 7g plants, . I did 15 1gs in a 2x4 tent and averaged an oz a plant. In the last tent run I did So this can kind give you an idea ball park. With a scrog, a standard 4 week veg will do you fine topping every damned top you see and some basic lst moving stalks to better spots on your trellis. cannabis still grows vegetatively in flower, so as a beginner, flip earlier than later, see how a scrog fills out. And fine tune your approach over subsequent runs.
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