Best way to Inrease RH in Active Air Exchange Environment

  • Thread starter evu80
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Hey Farmers

Hope you guys can give me some pointers on how to solve my problem without having to burn tons of money.

First of all I'm currently running 4k of lights in my Veg Room using air cooled reflectors and fresh air exchange.

During the winter and early spring, I had no issues with my RH and my temp was around the 73% range which was the perfect range for VPD. My plants where thriving and life was good.

well fast forward 3 months and now its dry and hot in my room and wanted to know how to go about aligning my temp and RH to get that perfect VPD range again.

Right now it's anywhere between 79 and 86 in my room and its dry as a nun's cunt. 35 to 50 % RH and my plants look like shit.

If I decide to run a sealed system with CO2 to get a better handle on the environment , should I get an AC or a Swamp cooler to meet the cooling demand?

I know an AC will also act as a dehumidifier thus lowering the RH but how much of a drop I dont have much of a clue of.

now onto the swamp cooler, I understand this creates ton of moist which is what I want in this case, right?

And what if I dont want to run a sealed room and want to up the RH with the open air exchange? How do I go about adding 30% RH to my room?

Thanks for all the help


Cant run a sealed room with a evaporative cooler! Go with a refrigerated A/C ! Depends my rh stays up with what plants put out i actually run a dehumidifier but i have a sealed room!
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

Cant run a sealed room with a evaporative cooler! Go with a refrigerated A/C ! Depends my rh stays up with what plants put out i actually run a dehumidifier but i have a sealed room!

Why? I have. Talking about a swamp cooler right?

I have run a swamp cooler in a sealed room. No problem.

Right now I am in a spot that has air exchange and I am running a swamp cooler in addition to AC...with a temp switch on the swamp cooler that is set so the swamp cooler only goes off when the lights go off, basicaly.


Why? I have. Talking about a swamp cooler right?

I have run a swamp cooler in a sealed room. No problem.

Right now I am in a spot that has air exchange and I am running a swamp cooler in addition to AC...with a temp switch on the swamp cooler that is set so the swamp cooler only goes off when the lights go off, basicaly.

I guess ill have to use an AC unit and find out what my RH will be once its on and running. Some of you might be right, it might fall right in good range with the AC running and acting as a dehuey as well. I'm just mostly concerned about getting the cool which we need but having the RH fall below the acceptable range and that is why I'm looking at swamp coolers.

About those fogger machines. they look real pricey and are they capable of producing enough mist to humidify a room that is constantly exchanging air.


Why? I have. Talking about a swamp cooler right?

I have run a swamp cooler in a sealed room. No problem.

Right now I am in a spot that has air exchange and I am running a swamp cooler in addition to AC...with a temp switch on the swamp cooler that is set so the swamp cooler only goes off when the lights go off, basicaly.

You are correct for humidy imput its great way especially if have large warehouse type use a swamper indoors connected to a humidistat works great. A small portable would do good also in a smaller grow. But for cooling purposes wont work though!


If you gow with open air exchange you can use a evaporative cooler to cool but with that you have to have conditions right for them to cool properly such as humidity under 20% 30% temps under 100 on intake or wont cool ,evaporative cooler works just by pushing large amounts of cool moist are across you cooling you like when you sweat and wind hits you . Refrigerated air removes heat from area dropping temperature to desired setting, set a 75 and everything in room will be 75 like tables,furniture,walls etc, evap cooler gives a cooling effect if you will once a evap cooler shuts off no cooling your hot instantly walls can still be hot,with refrigerated it can cycle on and off. Also with evaporative your pulling 100% outside air so u get what ever is in outside air going indoors!
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

No they make swamp coolers on wheels that dont pull from the outside. They just recirculate room air. And they do "help" cool the air in a small sealed room. But no way would they cool an entire are definitely correct.
This is the hellish northern central valley.....fuckin RH in the 20's outside. The ground is cracked before May is gone....aswamo cooler in a small room rocks.
My hydrofogger is the jam in my big room.;)


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
I also run a 4k room, I have a 12kbtu window ac and a 500cfm evaporative cooler on wheels(looks like a portable ac) it does wonders for rh!! I'm always at 55-60 rh even when humidity is 20-3orh outside. I run my room exchanging air and sealed, works fine for both. The evap cooler cools better when the humidity is lower, once rh is over 60 inside and outside the room( when exchanging air) it doesn't cool that much. When u run a sealed room, the evap cooler won't cool that much when the eh gets above 60 aswell.
Confu... Ohh, and their cheap got mines for 120 and pulls very little electricity.
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

Cool...never really studied its cooling capacity too hard. I was looking for the RH. I just would stick my hand in front of it from time to time and it seemed like cool air. I never hung a thermometer from its grill to really check it out.

Good info Confuten1...I need a swamper for a 4 banger as we speak and was needing size info for that....sweet....
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip


This is the smaller version of what I have in the big room. Its $300....I think I can get one that is similar in the 2-250 range.

They got this for $114...shipped free at HD...its 450 cfm..
Swamp cooler pic

I'm thinkin for size and efficiency I need to talk myself into nutting up and spending the nickel. I gotta but a humidistat if I get the fogger style.....another fuckin honey bunny...(honey dolla bill)

Still....buying the purpose built piece for the big room paid off big time.

I wish equipment was free. :p


I also run a 4k room, I have a 12kbtu window ac and a 500cfm evaporative cooler on wheels(looks like a portable ac) it does wonders for rh!! I'm always at 55-60 rh even when humidity is 20-3orh outside. I run my room exchanging air and sealed, works fine for both. The evap cooler cools better when the humidity is lower, once rh is over 60 inside and outside the room( when exchanging air) it doesn't cool that much. When u run a sealed room, the evap cooler won't cool that much when the eh gets above 60 aswell.
Confu... Ohh, and their cheap got mines for 120 and pulls very little electricity.
Thanks for all the info guys. I never knew how a swamp cooler is suppose to work but I do now. I initially thought they use cold water to cool and thus giving off some RH which is what I need


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
^^^ glad to be able to help, yea swamp cooler is a humidifier and ac in one. Real cost effective with electricity!!
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