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Trichome Engineer
these have been in the container 4 days now (long time)
I was worried...but the're making progress now

Im going to wait at least till tomorrow to plant the one with the tail
but I know they will drown if I leave them in there too long

Yah some seeds seem like they will never pop ..
215 User

215 User

i use a wet papertowel in a tupperware sandwich container. On top of my computer in a cardboard box
My cable box gets too hot.
when they start to show tails, I drain off excess water and wait for the tails to get about a 1/2 to 3/4inch long. then, i stand them up in the hole in the soil :)

How long do you "paper towel folks" wait till you put em in the soil or coco?

4 days & time to plant!


i use a wet papertowel in a tupperware sandwich container. On top of my computer in a cardboard box
My cable box gets too hot.
when they start to show tails, I drain off excess water and wait for the tails to get about a 1/2 to 3/4inch long. then, i stand them up in the hole in the soil :)

How long do you "paper towel folks" wait till you put em in the soil or coco?

Nice CGK! I use the paper towel method, as well. When I was around twelve, I started out using paper towels inside a tupperware container. After a few times of growing mold, if the seeds were left too long, I started using those styrofoam meat mats. I use about half of a paper towel for each cultivar that I am germinating. I label each paper towel with the cultivar's abbreviation. I am always scared of mixing up seeds, so I wet the paper towels before I place the seeds inside. I also cover all of the folded paper towel groups with one full paper towel, for added moisture. Before I place the seeds inside the wet paper towels, I tilt the meat mat perpendicular to the floor and let all excess water drain out, until there is not a continuous stream. This ensures that the seeds will not be too moist. Then, I place a second meat mat on top of that one (same size so it fits perfectly) for darkness and place the whole shebang in an open gallon plastic bag. It fits pretty perfectly actually. I only use a heating mat during winter, if temperatures are fairly low. I have lost many a seed to moisture levels and temperature being too high or a combination of both. No fun to have squishy seeds. Especially shit you really wanted to search through. I usually get at least a 90% germination rate with this method and I do not ever anticipate changing how I go about popping seeds. I also wait until most seeds have sprouted root tips (24-36 hours) to transplant into peat pellets, but I do not wait too long because the peat pellets are short and long tap roots are a pain in the ass to work with, without harming them. I use a pair of tweezers to transplant, so I do not touch the roots with my nasty ass hands and shock the plant. Good luck everyone! Positive vibes...



Were they newer beans ? don't seem to have a prob with them..Thank you[/quote]

I don't now the age of the beans,just wanted to try direct sow.The paper towel method has worked very well for me.


I never understood why so many people go to the trouble of paper towels, scratching the seeds, soaking for 24 hrs, etc. Just plant those things in your medium and let em pop. Don't get me wrong, i know all of those things (or most of them) will improve your chances of germination, weed out infertile seeds, etc. But in my personal experience I have had very few seeds never sprout sowing them directly into the pot or using a rapid rooter or jiffy plug. As for issues with old seeds, I keep a seedbank of veggie seeds, some as old as five years now. First, if are not stored properly in a cold, dark, and dry environment, they will either have a lot of trouble sprouting or will never sprout, regardless of your germination methods. Second, not only is the cold good for storage, it mimics the winter season when the seed should be dormant, then, when coming out of the fridge, it is like warming up in spring, a signal to wake up and get ready to sprout. Cannabis does not require this, but many plants do, and most seeds will sprout quicker if taken from a cold environment and then planted. Lastly, you would be right on seeds being too fresh. When harvested from any type of plant, the seed must go through a drying or curing period where its outer shell hardens and it becomes ready to wait for the next season. If this is not done and the seed is replanted too early it will not sprout, this is like a survival mechanism for the plant, if seeds drop then the weather warms, all the seeds wont sprout and then die in the winter, they will wait till spring and then thrive in the summer. Wow, that's what two huge dabs will do to a post, ok, i'm done now.


Fear Not!
Should I plant these in soil now then?

yesterday(4th day)


sometimes when I bury them in in soil like that...they never come up:(
thats why I wait

These are those LAD...I have one female from the 1st half of the pack too :)



Soak in a shot glass of tap for 24hrs or until they sink and split open. I've had some do that in 12hrs. After that direct sow. Stick em in the seedling tray under a heat pad and a 13w CFL. (Most of the time I keep the CFL off until they breach the dirt, unless I have others already above the dirt from a previous seed pop)
Black Lab

Black Lab

In the past, I soaked for 24 hours with a drop of Sea Green and a little Cap's Nute bennie mixed in until seed sank to bottom. Then into Rapid Rooters and placed under a dome on a heat map. I had 90-100% germination. I got lazy and now plant directly into Black Gold. No pre-soak but I do moisten soil with a little Sea Green and Cap's. Same great results 90-100% germinate and less hassle. I never liked the paper towel and handling a fresh sprout.


Trichome Engineer
I never understood why so many people go to the trouble of paper towels, scratching the seeds, soaking for 24 hrs, etc. Just plant those things in your medium and let em pop. Don't get me wrong, i know all of those things (or most of them) will improve your chances of germination, weed out infertile seeds, etc. But in my personal experience I have had very few seeds never sprout sowing them directly into the pot or using a rapid rooter or jiffy plug. As for issues with old seeds, I keep a seedbank of veggie seeds, some as old as five years now. First, if are not stored properly in a cold, dark, and dry environment, they will either have a lot of trouble sprouting or will never sprout, regardless of your germination methods. Second, not only is the cold good for storage, it mimics the winter season when the seed should be dormant, then, when coming out of the fridge, it is like warming up in spring, a signal to wake up and get ready to sprout. Cannabis does not require this, but many plants do, and most seeds will sprout quicker if taken from a cold environment and then planted. Lastly, you would be right on seeds being too fresh. When harvested from any type of plant, the seed must go through a drying or curing period where its outer shell hardens and it becomes ready to wait for the next season. If this is not done and the seed is replanted too early it will not sprout, this is like a survival mechanism for the plant, if seeds drop then the weather warms, all the seeds wont sprout and then die in the winter, they will wait till spring and then thrive in the summer. Wow, that's what two huge dabs will do to a post, ok, i'm done now.

Thats what this post is about ! How everyone does it ... Thanks you still no sure fire on old beans @JAWS your imput?
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I started on paper towels. Moved to soaking for 12-24 hrs, to see the shell pop. Then into wet and warm dirt about .5" to 3/4" deep.
I'm not going to soak anymore. Lost sum very rare seeds. I don't really think I drowned them..but I don't really know fer sher.
I'm going to go directly into wet warm dirt from now on. Might scuff if they're old.
If they're not vigorous enough to break above soil..fuck em.


Trichome Engineer
I have always direct sowed... Never have I soaked any seeds. Just put them in soil, water, and within 24 hours there is action....

I started on paper towels. Moved to soaking for 12-24 hrs, to see the shell pop. Then into wet and warm dirt about .5" to 3/4" deep.
I'm not going to soak anymore. Lost sum very rare seeds. I don't really think I drowned them..but I don't really know fer sher.
I'm going to go directly into wet warm dirt from now on. Might scuff if they're old.
If they're not vigorous enough to break above soil..fuck em.

It's starting to sound like directly in is the way to go ?


Trichome Engineer
hahaha ??? for me it is. you wouldn't believe what I lost.
Can relate ! lost some Mekong Haze pure landrace sativa couple yrs back ...had high hopes 17 week flower ..Can only imagine:(:(:(:(:(:(



The incubator - you set your own temps. Any mushroom cultivator will be familiar with this concept.

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