Big Mike from AN say they were Mobed

  • Thread starter oscar169
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That's Big Mikes style Explode in your face. He's brash and having fun and does have a few good products. Big Bud and OverDrive, B-52, and his Silicone are excellent in my books. He's making a boring industry fun, hell nice ladies, parties big give a ways, he's a promoter for sure and an A personality. If it was not this it would be something else like Don King style LOL


Of course, AN has the 'best' coco formula, and he isn't saying that because its his company LOL.


no guey me gusto mucho mas el video de Pablito Escobar q sale despues del video donde AN practicamente sale asaltada...:) saludos


That would of happened with just about ANY nutrient company giving away free boxes of expensive fertilizers.
Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

Haha funny story, went to Germany to visit friends and most people consider it weird to smoke straight bud, they prefer to smoke it with tobacco, even in bowls. Said i was crazy when i smoked a joint to myself.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Had a buddy who was dating a girl from England and I made her smoke a straight hit of weed, was her first time...she kept wanting to roll spliffs or however you spell it with an English Accent...lmao

tobacco and cannabis mixed is ONLY alright if you grow the tobacco and the cannabis, lol


I think tobacco is the Antichrist. I don't like anything about it- and I used to wholesale premium handrolled cigars in Florida.

The American Thorassic Society, whose members are surgeons who specialize in disorders of the chest cavity, recently completed a multi-decade study of the cancer risks of smoking. Smoke tobacco- by itself or with weed, makes no difference statistically- and your risk of mouth, throat and lung cancers go up by 23 times over the baseline. Smoke just weed and your cancer risk increases by... nothing.

So don't smoke tobacco, save your lungs for the good stuff! Nuff said.


tabacco burn with high temperature then cannabis and mix burn intense . many peopple here in bulgaria mix 1/3 - weed / tabacco becouse we have a small quantity of weed or lack quality buds . for 1 joint with big OCB 5 people get high - 0,4 grams weed with 1 cigar malboro . for us is to hard to
find good marijuana .here many people when get 1 gram good smoke try to not waste and they smoke this 1 gram about a week and make a thin slim 1/2 joint with tabacco to get high with girlfriend .
. if i have a oz good weed i wiil smoke straight or just put small peace of tabacco for good burn .for us is hard to faind good seeds . when i have a good seeds will grow good weed and guess will smoke straight. :):):)
Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

I dunno about it being hard to find good seeds in Europe. Just gotta look around. For most of the seeds i have ever ordered came from there. Great seed banks. And not to mention how close afghan and india are compared to the stateZ.


yes many companies sell to bulgaria but many orders come with broken seeds or they not good germination ofen to get seeds many people use imigrant friends to send good stock . money is other problem here our paiment is 225 $ for month many people prefer friend help or help from forums , over 10 yers i was sending masage all over the world and some times i have a result , best free seeds send me mr.mojo old growor who past away :( . in 2004 i have chans to be in amsterdam and visit cannabis cup 1 st year of burth of a dna genetics i try some la confidental samle and same samle of egal bill big bong jack flash (rip bill ). when come back in bulgaria i have a good seed stock . but naw is 2013 and after many years i have no more of this seeds.i think that many companies today use people end send them not a stable genetics like old days , my be any one can help with some cross to grow this year .:):) :rolleyes: :cat:
here situation is so stuk gino yordanov co founder of AN me be change samoe of this situation other side is growers and our orgnization for legalization promena , some people of resercher team and seintist work with gino after yers here situetion my be diffrent if u interest here some links

p.s. sory for my bad bad english :)


Mazar, this website sells seeds, and I think they are located in Spain. If you need seeds try the ThcBay


any body offer 5 seeds on thcbay?
not fem regular ?
i will get mh and hps and some ventilation for me is to much 80 $ , i do not wont to buy nirvana seeds or some cheap genetics .if any body whant i will send some 30 $ for 5 seeds from good moms :) i am just desperate need for a seson , for sure i will post good grow report .any body????
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