Black Spots On Leaves. Looks Like Mold?

  • Thread starter Tylrr420
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So after five years of never seeing pm and thinking I was invincible I finally got the dreaded pm about 2 weeks Ago. My veg room got a lil bit to crowded while I was waitin on the flowers to finish and there it happened pm. Very light pm, I deff caught it early. After sprayin green cure, caps bennies ( was spraying them before that too) and baking soda I finally said fuck it and sprayed eagle 20 since the others weren't working. ( ashamed of myself) it has now been about two weeks and I haven't seen any pm but now I got these fuckin black spots (pretty sure I had these black spots with the pm in the first place) . I have been pluckin off all the infected leaves but they keep coming back. Does this sound like the black spot disease seamaiden? I've seen U dropping those words.... I searched black spots of mold and I can't find anything....
Black spots on leaves looks like mold


Are ya running hps? How much air ya moving through them ladies? Are ya Putin' sugar'ntha like in yer medium?


may be some type insect larvae........... have you had any increase in insect activity ?? Flies, fleas, gnats.... Just my 2 cents...


Yeah I am running hps and every inch of the room is getting blAsted with wind. I do have fungus gnats. Been trying to get them under control


Living dead girl
Is this occurring on the lower leaves? How long has it been occurring? It does not resemble the Septoria infection I experienced during one of my first indoor grows, but there are many species.

All are usually spread by water splashing onto the "ground" (or, in this case, media). Thus, as the infection sets in the leaves begin to yellow out and die off, and the plant eventually defoliates, in very advanced cases completely.

Control is easy in as much as you stop watering in such a way as to allow splashing. Do not allow plants to touch each other. Cupric solutions (copper sulfate, IIRC) are the usual treatment for these types of fungal infections. While not organic (because I didn't really have an opinion/idea back then) I used Kop-R-Cure or something like that, I got it at Lowe's. I do believe that some cupric solutions are allowed in organic production by NOP, but I'm not 100% certain about that without referencing.

I've just ordered a small batch of nematodes via Arbico Organics because I've got a HORRIBLE problem with fungus gnats. I can't treat the whole property right now, so I'm just treating seedlings. The shipping is crazy expensive and I haven't even gotten a shipping confirmation, so I hope they ship SOON because I need these seedlings to grow. :o


Yeah sea this problem is only happening on lower leaves. I did some research on the septoria disease and I have to say I don't think this is it. Septoria is a brown or black hole all the way through the leaves and this is just on the surface. I think this has been a prob for about 3 weeks. The shit wipes right off but I need a proper diagnosis. Any ideas anyone?


Fer some reason sodium bulbs give off a different spectrum of light. Or a value of such that them thar fuzzy buggers love, frum my X-peer-E-ants that is. Bet yer humid as hell even with them blowers a blowin. Dry them babies up abit. Git rid of them spotty leaves mildew spreads. Keep tha air a move'n not blowin. givin them ladies a mild shower with some that organic garden soap stuff. Ya git it at that thar walmarts of coarse. Turns tha room inta smellin all Foo Foo-ey minty fresh. Still waitin on them double mint twins ta pop up when I use it. @Seamaiden tha stuff helps with them pecker knats too but I tell ya mix in some that activated charcoal don't know why but swear by it I tellya. Also sum Dio-tomatoeish earth helps give'em larva a rash they can't rid. They fly along ta greener pastures. Speakin of flyin, heading ta Cali Thursday morn. First time since I was knee high ta a stump been thar. Gotta go feed Garth Brooks' crew. They says they need real cooking roun thar er sumptin. My boss at this new job (none ta do wit cooking) sure gotta hankerin fer my griltcheeze one day when I was makin me vittles fer lunch. Tha coot he says that that ol'boy would love my cookin an how they needed a sap like me ovr'thar. I says ta hell with it kiddos er on break. They can go wit they mom fer a week An Ima go hunt down Jethro. Bet I whoop'em. An then gonna let sweet Lil Miss Ellie Mae whoop up on me. Lol.


Living dead girl
Aye, forgot about removing the infected leaves! That is important.

My fungus gnat population is fucking EPIC. And I guess considering I'm finding black morels on the property...? Maybe it makes sense.
Yeah sea this problem is only happening on lower leaves. I did some research on the septoria disease and I have to say I don't think this is it. Septoria is a brown or black hole all the way through the leaves and this is just on the surface. I think this has been a prob for about 3 weeks. The shit wipes right off but I need a proper diagnosis. Any ideas anyone?
I would still treat it like Septoria. My own infection didn't fit what I was finding online, the spots started out with bright yellow haloes around spots that only became necrotic after a period of time. Everything else you describe sounds like it to me.


I thought my fungas gnat infestation was crazy. Then last night at a closer look it turns out I have gnats and aphids, aphids not nearly as bad as gnats.I bought a REAL scope last week and it is a tool everyone needs to have deff was easy to see those tail pipes. I'm pretty sure I haven't had these fuckers for to long cause my crop 2 weeks Ago was my best ever. But it is all making sense. Aphids and gnats did there work to weaken the plants immune system And let pm flourish. Although crowding and average air circulation didn't help. I was doing so fuckin good in promix and I grew some balls and tried coco. Deff got these fuckers from coco. I think I'm gonna do the poor boiling hot water thro the coco before I use it route from now on here is a good pic of the fuckers I spotted last night


Living dead girl
Shit... where did you find that aphid? Because I can't help but think of root aphids right now. :(


I found him on the ground. Always double check what you think is a gnat!!!! Check 20 just to be safe. I'm usually kinda lax about gnats but not no more.... Now that they could be aphids. To the naked eye that's what I thought my gnats were at first, although I've never seen a aphid. These fuckers are huge tho.


That's some bull shit deep from with in the bulls ass right there, freaking gnat season is starting off with a bang, outside that is, I got my gnat shields on full force keeping the broads free of gnat larva in the root ball, and I got the fish tank covered to keep the gnats out of the rooting clones.
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Wee Zard

Wee Zard


Don't let them lay eggs in the un-infested and prevent hatching in the already infected.

Problem here is, when you start to see flyers, it means the larvae are getting crowded and running out of roots to munch.

I only use dry, compressed blocks of coco now after buying big bags of bugs. :(

When I expand it, I mix in a generous helping of mosquito bits for the B.T. innoculation.
Then, I cover the soil surface with dryer sheets from costco.
They are inexpensive, have a fine enough mesh and the surfactants that fluff your clothes repel flyers that hunt by scent, i. e. Root aphids, fungus gnats, mosquitoes, but not white flies.

In my experience, it's the whitefly/aphid "honeydew" that generates those brown, puffy, mold spots.
Got out my 'scope and looked at new poo.
You can see the brown mold starting to grow around it.

It is very different from P. M.
The P.M. I've seen here has all been white and Sm-90 as a foliar spray wiped it out.

Hope this help someone,
Wee 'zard


Great shit batman! That makes perfect sense. The bug shits out tha spores of what it eats creatin a symbiotic relationship. tha fungus gits wat it wants in its life cycle tha pecker Kat's git what they want in its life cycle. And the weed gits it's ass kicked all ta hell till it loses its life. That's tha cycle. Hmmmmm...
Wary Wary Inter-est-tink?@m8ty Dryer Sheets HUH? Like that idea.Gonna haffta giver a shot.


Whats your RH, i had a similar problem. The spots would increase in diameter and get darker progressively the leaves would become necrotic. My humidity was @78. I got a 3 pint dehumidifier got my parameters into the 50's plucked all affected leaves and it stopped occuring. Good luck and make sure to get the air circulating in the area try and limit the overcrowding aswell.


Yeah my humidity is deff higher than 50 %. I'm a firm believer in vpd with a million bad ass fans. My humidity stays around 60-65 tho. When they were in the veg room
And got over crouded (won't happen again) it would get up to 80 no problem. Once I eliminated that problem the pm was gone (with some help from eagle 20)..... Now I have gnats up the Wah zoo. Looked around for some aphids last night and I couldn't find as many as the day before. Did a full strength treatment of caps benes and I'm currently waiting on a product called bonide in the mail for the aphid problem. I called the dudes at heavy 16 and this is what they recommended. Active ingredient is imid I'm pretty sure but I got to wait on a call back to confirm that. I called them cause they always give me knowledgable answers and tell me why I should do it that way. Sometimes asking what product to use on the farm can be a bit overwhelming since so many peeps are shouting out so many different answers and you never know who's at the other end. Cool ass dudes at heavy 16. Love them so much more just because of the wisdom they share with their custos.
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