"Call of Duty Black Ops"

  • Thread starter Colebz
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Do you have X-box 360 or Playstation 3

  • Playstation 3

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • X-box 360

    Votes: 25 69.4%

  • Total voters


its pretty fun on xbox live... single player is ok but its a fps without magical powers and whatnot ala bioshock so it's been done to death... multiplayer is nicely balanced; no jackasses with semtex and javelins running around as of yet if u remember the lameness that mw2 descended into for awhile


Well how they would combine PC and Console on a server and make it fair was the issue. I know they were experimenting with it, but I have no info on actual results that have been claimed. I assume since it never happened it never worked. Too unbalanced towards the PC players.

I used to play PC games competitively (never really won anything) and am pretty good at FPS. After six months of MW2 on Live, when I got used to the difference in the controllers, I reached a rank of #53 on the MW2 Live rankings. Most people were in the hundreds of thousands ranking. I played it alot, yes, but I was pretty darn good at it. There were still lots of better players, and always will be, so I'm not bragging, just trying to show that I'm pretty good and experienced with these kind of games. I can absolutely say that mouse/keyboard is a far superior setup to a console controller. It's just not possible to play the same on a gamepad as it is with a mouse. In a negative way. I still have fun playing console games, but in the end the mouse/keyboard is just much better.

The reason some of the big leagues use consoles is because it has much more mass appeal and sponsorship opportunities than PC. Microsoft and Sony can offer alot more in terms of sponsorship and prizes than ATI or Nvidia. And early on they all competed on PCs and I remember they were even airing comps on TV, but the market was just too narrow. There aren't that many PC gamers out there compared to consoles, and I imagine the console gamers had little interest in watching PC comps. Going to console games like Madden and Halo opened up a much larger market.


not to mention the field leveling effect consoles have on games... no way you'll play the same on an old pc as you would on a new one all tricked out... with all the other hobbies i have a gaming pc slipped pretty far down the list of things to buy.... of course this comes from someone who built a 286cpu for over 2K in the late 80s.. still remember that the motherboard firmware was incompatible with id's soundblaster coding leaving me playing wolfenstein 3d with beeps and blips for a year or two till i got a new mb.... ah the memories

fwiw i own mw2 for ps3 and xbox360... think i'll b sticking with the 360 for bops as with hdmi the xbox is finally on par with the ps3 for most games due to poor coding and general sony bs with developers


built a 286cpu for over 2K in the late 80s

Haha! Me too. I still remember how much fun it was, and how relatively easy it was compared to what I thought it would be. The idea of building your own computer back then seemed like building a spaceship. I think I was eleven years old when I did it. Hard as hell scrapping all the money together for like a 32k hard drive.


first comp

286 @ a whopping 12ghz
1 mb of ram (this was a major upgrade at the time)
40 mb hd
vga (built in to the mb)'
15" monitor

cost just over 2k

no mouse, modem or sound card (just a built in
pc speaker)

I spent about 500 adding those

oh yeah and it had DOS

good times


DOS was awesome. I can still remember most of the commands.


See, I have to completely disagree (respectfully) with mouse and keyboard setup. I have had a console controller in my hand since I was 3, which is why I have never liked the mouse and keyboard.. I have always hated using the mouse to move/look around and using keys for different functions, as I feel VERY awkward compared to a simple, fit in your hand, do it all in one controller.. by the way, your story at first sounds like you argue for mouse and keyboard, but by saying you got to #53 on the live rankings using a controller is to almost admit you do better with a controller.. you may like your out of date mouse and keyboard setup better but I bet I can manuver myself just as well as you can using a controller.. Different strokes as they say lol


I like playing (certain) pc games with an xbox controller

the new star wars title was much more fun with the controller and again Im way more of a comp geek then a console gamer

not to say I didnt have a atari 2600 - but my first console: pong


I like playing (certain) pc games with an xbox controller

the new star wars title was much more fun with the controller and again Im way more of a comp geek then a console gamer

not to say I didnt have a atari 2600 - but my first console: pong

hehe.. I was playing and beating Zelda for NES when I was 3-5 years old, I'm very much a comp geek as well as a console geek, But when it comes down to playin video games I prefer console(Other than using emulators to play the great oldies).. computer = do everything else possible haha

I am no computer hater ladies and gentleman.. I spend more time on my laptop than on my Xbox 360, But I stand by gaming on consoles :)


I just mentioned the Live rankings to show that I wasn't completely incompetent with a controller and that I have put in some time to try and master it. Credibility towards saying that I still think mouse/keyboard is a better way to control. I can direct rocket someone in midair on a pc, never seen anyone do that with a controller. It would be luck if they did, because you just can't twitch aim like with a mouse. I keep my sensitivity low on the 360 as well. Maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe if someone is really good at slinging their thumbs around with a high sensitivity and still keeping control, they'd be able to do more than what I've experienced with a controller. Maybe I am just being antiquated and locked into my old ways. Dunno. Like I've said, I enjoy playing with the 360 and think it's alot of fun. It's really just about whatever a person has the most fun with. I don't really care beyond that. I still won't play TF2 on the 360 because the controller limits how I play and that takes away from the fun. MW2 I can do what I need to do with the 360 and have loads of fun. And I won't play NCAA or Madden on anything but a console. Not even Wii or Gameboy, actually. I learned on PS2 so I either need a Sony or 360 controller.


I love modern warfare series, but this has its own thing, i think the story and features on this one are great, split screen live is one great thing they added, the new zombies mode is sick as fuck.


marski said:
Show me the proof this has happend.. This is completely made up by you, on the spot.. I cant find anything on such nonsense. If they really got the top 1% of gamers from console, that would mean they had professional gamers playing against the bottom rated scrubs of the pc world, and the pros lost??? you are just very biased to your own opinion and will make up anything to make yourself sound right. I would have been able to easily find this info if it were real, but of course, all lies.


Are you mental dude?

First off, where do you get off calling someone a liar that you've never even come across before?

All lies? Made it up on the spot? Biased?

Try empirical data you troll.

Dude - really - get a clue before you attack other posters okay smart mouth?


^^^ Variants of this story ran in IGN and gamespot.com - but I don't really need to dig up more links to prove you're wrong.

marski said:
Oh and even if this was real, how would they even put pc gamers against console gamers in a fair way?

Well they can't. That's the point. The mouse/keyboard dominates in FPS's. The control is far more precise.

marski said:
If you can some how prove me wrong, I will have no problems appologizing. However, I know this will not be the case.

Haha. :smoke


Got it for the 360..this game is sick..i havent experienced any lag online at all so idk what thats about..and the only ppl ive come across that like MW2 better are noob tubing scrubs that camp for kill streaks and run around with marathon lightweight and commando lol.


marathon lightweight and commando lol.

I really hated people who did that. It was easy enough to kill them, but it pissed me off and made me more concerned about watching out for them so I could kill them then focusing on the actual game.

So why is it so much better than MW2 online?


My neighbor came to play all I can say he left my house quick, 10 years old and whopping my ass.. Felt like a pussy...lol


I really hated people who did that. It was easy enough to kill them, but it pissed me off and made me more concerned about watching out for them so I could kill them then focusing on the actual game.

So why is it so much better than MW2 online?

I wouldnt even know where to start lol..there are so many new features, but one thing i will say is that it is alot like the first modern warfare online in the fact that you actually need some skill to be good not just some perks and an over powered gun lol


Anyone else extremely dissapointed with this game?? i seriously think this is the most overrated sequel in game history..

this game fucking blows. hardly a difference between this one and the last one. crisper graphics, some new weapons, and thats it. the gameplay is essentially the same..

The new medal of honor is sicker and more original/realistic than black ops..

Battlefield Bad Company 2 still takes the cake in dynamic gameplay



Are you mental dude?

First off, where do you get off calling someone a liar that you've never even come across before?

All lies? Made it up on the spot? Biased?

Try empirical data you troll.

Dude - really - get a clue before you attack other posters okay smart mouth?


^^^ Variants of this story ran in IGN and gamespot.com - but I don't really need to dig up more links to prove you're wrong.

I think it's hogwash bullshit .. Some computer geek types that and now the WORLD is to believe .. gimme a break , not attacking you , but if you believe ? then AH ? ...LMAO

to each their own

Opinions are like assholes ,everybody has one !

Onward ,COD Black Ops ....BAD ASS GAME!!

Same people that made W@W made BlackOps << read in here someone say different .. google Treyarch

sooOOOO much to it , and so many different ways to play , campain to zombies to endless multiplayer

more then your monies worth !!

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