Can I slowly transition from veg to flower?

  • Thread starter PGwojowski
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So I’m wondering, right now my plant is on 18/6, would it reduce stress load on the plant if maybe every day I set the amount of light back by 30 minutes until it is 12/12? Usually I just do a hard switch from 18/6 to 12/12, but I’m wondering if it would be more or less beneficial to do it this way.

Thanks everyone! Cannabis, pH’d water, and love forever 🌈


I ♥ fat colas
No point, you will just delay flower until you hit 12/12. It's like the sunrise /sunset feature on lights. Pointless ✌


So I’m wondering, right now my plant is on 18/6, would it reduce stress load on the plant if maybe every day I set the amount of light back by 30 minutes until it is 12/12? Usually I just do a hard switch from 18/6 to 12/12, but I’m wondering if it would be more or less beneficial to do it this way.

Thanks everyone! Cannabis, pH’d water, and love forever 🌈
You might get a little less stretch that way, but you're paying in the time it takes to complete the grow. How much is less stretch (if it does give you less stretch) worth?


So I think you are onto something with Mimicking the natural pattern of sunlight. However it really doesn’t matter in the long run.
so depending on strain you will find that some plants will flower before the 12 hour point, like 14 or 13.5, but the purpose is the of all the light change is to of course trigger flowering. So like wonka said liquor is quicker, just go to 12 and get it over with.
however to play devils advocate, if you taper down light time in a methodical manner and trigger flowering at more hours than 12 (13 or 14) you will pump an extra hour of two of light into the plants for their entire bloom cycle which may increase yield weight?
great discussion point though.



I agree with all......also leaning towards Green, above......

So reading up about it and asking about it, it boils down to genetics.......

Great genetics, straight flip......

Iffy genetics, I suggest tapering to flip......

Reason? Stress......

Unstable genetics are more prone to herm with a quick jump to 12/12 vs. a gradual shift to 12/12.....


So I’m wondering, right now my plant is on 18/6, would it reduce stress load on the plant if maybe every day I set the amount of light back by 30 minutes until it is 12/12? Usually I just do a hard switch from 18/6 to 12/12, but I’m wondering if it would be more or less beneficial to do it this way.

Thanks everyone! Cannabis, pH’d water, and love forever 🌈
Here is some great info.

@GNick55 has posted this before and said everyone should read it.

Enjoy and grow on.



Self-Proclaimed Don Quixote
done it just takes longer to transition but they do flower under 14hrs. in my tent i have 3 different cultivars and 6 plants in total. one pure sativa one pure indica and one hybrid. they all flowered perfectly well under 14hrs then after 3-4 weeks i switched to 12hrs and for the last couple of weeks i’m going down to 10hrs.

this method according to some research i stumbled upon should increase yields without increasing electricity usage compared to 12/12 whole cycle. with so many variables (ie. different cultivars, plants grown from seed etc) i cant claim that it works or it doesnt but i’m pretty happy with how the tent looks.
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I did it for my last grow. A week at a time, I changed the light first to 14/10, then 13/11, then 12/12. There was less stretch than expected. That's good if there are concerns about stretching to the light. The plant was a clone and the weed seemed as good as or better than the mother.

I plan to do it again because I am interested in managing how plants are stressed. I can't say whether it took longer for the buds to ripen, though, because my preference is to harvest later rather than sooner. I don't pay attention to how many weeks have passed.


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
done it just takes longer to transition but they do flower under 14hrs. in my tent i have 3 different cultivars and 6 plants in total. one pure sativa one pure indica and one hybrid. they all flowered perfectly well under 14hrs then after 3-4 weeks i switched to 12hrs and for the last couple of weeks i’m going down to 10hrs.

this method according to some research i stumbled upon should increase yields without increasing electricity usage compared to 12/12 whole cycle. with so many variables (ie. different cultivars, plants grown from seed etc) i cant claim that it works or it doesnt but i’m pretty happy with how the tent looks.
Just remember you terpene production is done in the daylight hours... so I probably wouldn't recommend going lower than 12 hours of light


Here is some great info.
Pic attached, this guy is heaven sent!!! Spread the news! I'm no scientist I've just been thru so many situations and why it's kinda a good idea to just do stuff with unwanted push them to the side.

I've flowered a plant in a closet of a veg room with only a black fiber shower curtain as a door. You can imagine the light leaks. I'm not worried to turn on my 60w ceiling light if I need to do something real quick in my flower room. I've done it forever. If you're worried about it buy a green light bulb but good luck with that, several years ago a bulb maker was making expensive green bulbs only to find out the green coating on the bulb was not the right type of coating and it was like using a regular bulb. In short, all green bulbs are not the same, I don't even know if they make legit green horticulture bulbs nowadays, don't care either.

When breeders sell you seeds then blame your inexperience if they herm, no matter what its on THEM and they should be ashamed for ripping people off but I digress on that topic because NONE of us have that much skill that we can herm plants by a little miscare. I've abused the heck out of plants, obviously, I've yet to have one herm yet I can be gifted a pack of Pancakes, grow ONE freeking plant amongst six different cultivars and the mofo seeded my whole room. I questioned it and saw with my own eyes the 'breeder' blaming inexperienced growers, a whole bunch of us. And of course other breeders come to their defense and blame growers too as they sell herm seeds also. I threw the whole pack in the trash because they should never be grown. Calling  me inexperienced...the nerve.

As for the OP...I forgot the topic...ah yes! Yes you can taper the light. It's not going to hurt anything and mimicking nature is fun! Experiment! I personally give everything 13 hours of darkness unless I'm growing long flowering 100% sativas then I'm giving them 14. Indicas will grow great under 11-12 hours of darkness.

Weed is very forgiving, don't stress or try being a scientist in a lab, just relax. Most growers think every aspect is critical and they couldn't be more wrong. The only things critical are PH and humidity and even they got some wiggle room.
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