Canna versus Hesi nutes

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Has anyone tried Hesi Coco? A mate of mine insists that Hesi has higher amounts of N in it, and gives greener crops compared to the Canna Coco nutes. I'm happy to try a test bottle on a few plants, but wondered if anyone had tried this already?

Sonic Seeds

Has anyone tried Hesi Coco? A mate of mine insists that Hesi has higher amounts of N in it, and gives greener crops compared to the Canna Coco nutes. I'm happy to try a test bottle on a few plants, but wondered if anyone had tried this already?

i also used to think canna coco gave liter plants , then i got some nitrogen in a bottle canna do all the nutrient elements , seperate in there own bottles , i did quite a few tests and found the lighter plants yield far more in coco , and the plants that were a perfect dark green , were just happy to grow , with out putting much effort into bud size , try it i am sure you will get the same results , maybe adding some isnt such a bad idea , just dont make um go dark and leathery ..... i agree canna coco can be a bit to lacking in n for some strains ....
if you have a long veg time say more than 2 weeks then add soem extra n ,
let me know what happens ..


Premium Member
I've never used Hesi but have used canna for around a year and a half and love it but I think organic always taste better .:)


Too much N in flower is a bad thing, it delays maturation, thus prolong flowering, it makes the flowers leafier, especially with sativas which often require very very little n in veg.

I say use Canna and if you get yellowing due to lack of N, give a single dose of veg ferts, Canna nutes in coco are pretty foolproof in my experience and always give good yield, when you get used to them and how to use them best, yields are fantastic. Yellowing is only a problem in the early and middle stages of flowering, I like to flush for 2-3 weeks, so I avoid any yellowing right up to the beginning of the flush then when the flush begins, I am actually trying to get them to yellow as much as possible by harvest time as the more yellowing, the more of the stored nutrients the plant has used up and the more chlorophyll has been lost, both of these things promote better taste.

Canna do not make seperate veg n bloom formulas, the idea is to add Pk 13-14 from the onset of flower production in order to change the rations of N-P-K to make the formula suitable for blooming, the way I do it is to mix my Canna nutes to ec 1.6 then add PK to take it upto ec 1.8 or 1.9, this seems to work great for me.

On the organic tastes better argument, I only agree partially, organic buds do taste better than chemically grown buds if the chemically grown buds were grown not that well, with good grow skills and adequate flushing, a beautiful tasting end product is easily achievable with chemical nutes, the plant cannot tell the difference between an organic salt and an inorganic salt, it is not the nutes themselves that are responsible for the inadequate taste of many chemically grown buds, it is bad growing practice. Many of the finest tasting smokes I have ever had were grown in coco with Canna nutes, no-one has ever been able to demonstrate to me an increase in taste purely from using organic nutes, it's all to do with how you use your nutes, the actual nutes you use is very secondary.


Premium Member
Don't get me wrong BH I don't want this to end up in the shark tank LOL . I love the way it taste I just liked my organic a tad bit more .:) I forgot to add I flush them out great and so its not my flush or over feeding.


This won't end up in the shark tank man, don't worry!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with differing viewpoints and debating their relative merits as long as it is done is a civil, reasoned manner, and that is what is happening here, so let's continue! lol

Only once have I been able to produce improved taste through the use of organics and that was with my Mexican, but I discovered that this was due to two factors - molasses and No mercy Liquid bat guano both are great flavour enhancers. I cannot match my canna yields with purely organics, the closest I can get is about 75% of the Canna yield using organics. So now I simply use the liquid guano and molasses in conjunction with my Canna nutes and feel that i have the best compromise - great yields but also great flavour. The 'secret' of the great taste of organic nutes like Bio-bizz for examples, is the molasses and guano (plus some other goodies) for me, however, the weakness of Bio-bizz is the lack of yield in comparison with inorganic nutes such as Canna. I have also used Plagron Alga organic nutes and like them very much indeed, even more than Bio-bizz, but again, I can't get the yield out of them. I've not used other organics such as EarthJuice so can't comment on the yield they give, perhaps there are organic nutes that can match the canna yield, but I have my doubts. I am keen to try out the Canna Bio nutes instead of the regular Canna Coco A+B sometime, but also reluctant to give up my trusted oh so reliable Canna Coco nutes, as I know when I use them I am guaranteed a bountiful harvest with great quality.

But hey, there are many ways to skin a cat and it's all a case of what you can get to work best for you in your setup with your methods and your genetics, I'm fairly happy I've found the best methodology for my particular needs although I'm always interested to hear other people's experiences and share knowledge and techniques.

A friend has been wonderfully kind and gifted me some bloom boosters to experiment with, and he says the Head Masta by Canadian Xpress produces tangible improvements in quality so I'm using that on my current grow, I'm interested to see what impact it has on taste and smell.


This won't end up in the shark tank man, don't worry!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with differing viewpoints and debating their relative merits as long as it is done is a civil, reasoned manner, and that is what is happening here, so let's continue! lol

Only once have I been able to produce improved taste through the use of organics and that was with my Mexican, but I discovered that this was due to two factors - molasses and No mercy Liquid bat guano both are great flavour enhancers. I cannot match my canna yields with purely organics, the closest I can get is about 75% of the Canna yield using organics. So now I simply use the liquid guano and molasses in conjunction with my Canna nutes and feel that i have the best compromise - great yields but also great flavour. The 'secret' of the great taste of organic nutes like Bio-bizz for examples, is the molasses and guano (plus some other goodies) for me, however, the weakness of Bio-bizz is the lack of yield in comparison with inorganic nutes such as Canna. I have also used Plagron Alga organic nutes and like them very much indeed, even more than Bio-bizz, but again, I can't get the yield out of them. I've not used other organics such as EarthJuice so can't comment on the yield they give, perhaps there are organic nutes that can match the canna yield, but I have my doubts. I am keen to try out the Canna Bio nutes instead of the regular Canna Coco A+B sometime, but also reluctant to give up my trusted oh so reliable Canna Coco nutes, as I know when I use them I am guaranteed a bountiful harvest with great quality.

But hey, there are many ways to skin a cat and it's all a case of what you can get to work best for you in your setup with your methods and your genetics, I'm fairly happy I've found the best methodology for my particular needs although I'm always interested to hear other people's experiences and share knowledge and techniques.

A friend has been wonderfully kind and gifted me some bloom boosters to experiment with, and he says the Head Masta by Canadian Xpress produces tangible improvements in quality so I'm using that on my current grow, I'm interested to see what impact it has on taste and smell.

ive been told the same about Head Masta by Canadian Xpress
it kicks ass . ive used regen a root for the last 2 grows and very happy with it. i think my next grow im going to try all of Canadian Xpress nutes (coco) and do a side by side grow with canna . they do a 1 part coco nute .


I hear Hesi is getting more of a rep than the original coco nutrients from Canna.
I just recently switched to coco and see much more benefits growing in it. I bought the whole range of Canna's nutrients, Boost the whole lot but am using Bio-Bizz at the moment since I am used to using it.
I'm considering purchasing the Hesi starter package and will try and also do a side by side by side (yes 3) grow with Bio-Bizz (for reference), Canna and Hesi and see which out of the 2 coco specific nutrients performs best.

Sonic Seeds

for me the best tasting organic i have smoked was grown in bio bizz soil and nutes , my friend never added any grow food with the flower like you are supposed to , it tasted amazing ....


compost teas

Only once have I been able to produce improved taste through the use of organics and that was with my Mexican, but I discovered that this was due to two factors - molasses and No mercy Liquid bat guano both are great flavour enhancers. I cannot match my canna yields with purely organics, the closest I can get is about 75% of the Canna yield using organics. So now I simply use the liquid guano and molasses in conjunction with my Canna nutes and feel that i have the best compromise - great yields but also great flavour. The 'secret' of the great taste of organic nutes like Bio-bizz for examples, is the molasses and guano (plus some other goodies) for me, however, the weakness of Bio-bizz is the lack of yield in comparison with inorganic nutes such as Canna. I have also used Plagron Alga organic nutes and like them very much indeed, even more than Bio-bizz, but again, I can't get the yield out of them. I've not used other organics such as EarthJuice so can't comment on the yield they give, perhaps there are organic nutes that can match the canna yield, but I have my doubts. I am keen to try out the Canna Bio nutes instead of the regular Canna Coco A+B sometime, but also reluctant to give up my trusted oh so reliable Canna Coco nutes, as I know when I use them I am guaranteed a bountiful harvest with great quality.

hey- what I believe is going on with the molasses and the guano is its feeding the microbe population, waking them from dormancy, and they in turn are consuming the guano's nutrients and making them more absorbable by the plant. Id like your opinion on this but either that is adding flavor by giving the plants a variety of nutrients and thus allowing for the plants terpens to develop fully, and or the increased microbe population is consuming all the remaining nutrients in the soil allowing for a more effective flush. Also- I've herd that simple sugars, like the ones found in molasses, are partially absorbed by the plant and converted into quick energy- somewhere in this process I believe that the sugar bonds with unbroken down nutrients and carry them out of the cells. So what pretty much seems be happening is a form of a compost tea. If you had any form of humus (earthworm castings, alaska soil, some liquid guano's too) that would contain dormant microbes - the molasses is a food source that awakens dormant microbes and liquid guano as well as any nutrients suspended in your medium are secondary food sources for the microbes. One product line I would add to an existing line, chemical or organic - is Bountea. They're a compost tea based complete nutrient line that can be used to add yeild and flavor. Specifically these guys have figured out which microbes are most important and the appropriate food sources to encourage a long life of breaking down nutrients to a more usable form to the plant. I use their bio-activator (a microbe food source) combined with their Alaska humus to make my base tea. From that I add fish mix and other guanos and things that I want broken down. They have products that do this as well. I've found an increace in taste over using the sensi a and b from advanced along side their bud candy/big bud, overdrive. Im now doing a run with the entire Bountea line side by side to a complete advanced nutrients line and going to chart my results. Anyway let me know what you think.


This won't end up in the shark tank man, don't worry!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with differing viewpoints and debating their relative merits as long as it is done is a civil, reasoned manner, and that is what is happening here, so let's continue! lol

Only once have I been able to produce improved taste through the use of organics and that was with my Mexican, but I discovered that this was due to two factors - molasses and No mercy Liquid bat guano both are great flavour enhancers. I cannot match my canna yields with purely organics, the closest I can get is about 75% of the Canna yield using organics. So now I simply use the liquid guano and molasses in conjunction with my Canna nutes and feel that i have the best compromise - great yields but also great flavour. The 'secret' of the great taste of organic nutes like Bio-bizz for examples, is the molasses and guano (plus some other goodies) for me, however, the weakness of Bio-bizz is the lack of yield in comparison with inorganic nutes such as Canna. I have also used Plagron Alga organic nutes and like them very much indeed, even more than Bio-bizz, but again, I can't get the yield out of them. I've not used other organics such as EarthJuice so can't comment on the yield they give, perhaps there are organic nutes that can match the canna yield, but I have my doubts. I am keen to try out the Canna Bio nutes instead of the regular Canna Coco A+B sometime, but also reluctant to give up my trusted oh so reliable Canna Coco nutes, as I know when I use them I am guaranteed a bountiful harvest with great quality.

But hey, there are many ways to skin a cat and it's all a case of what you can get to work best for you in your setup with your methods and your genetics, I'm fairly happy I've found the best methodology for my particular needs although I'm always interested to hear other people's experiences and share knowledge and techniques.

A friend has been wonderfully kind and gifted me some bloom boosters to experiment with, and he says the Head Masta by Canadian Xpress produces tangible improvements in quality so I'm using that on my current grow, I'm interested to see what impact it has on taste and smell.

There are a few hydro stores around town that only carry Head Masta. For good reason too. It's fantastic. I'm excited to try their Nilnat but it's price scares me a bit.

I use head masta in addition to my regular hydro nutrients.
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