Yep Kuz, you got it. Instead of regular metal hoseclamps though, I used the plastic 'snap-together' ratcheting clamps. I squeezed them on as tight as I could by hand, then used channel-locks (Big Pliers) and gave them an extra click or two to make sure they were tight.
The main reason I went with the PVC for the bucket drains was that I couldn't find the proper 'sump' hose, with the flat areas every 12" or so. I got some 1 1/8" pond hose, but it's very stiff and made me spread the buckets much farther from the drain in order for them to work right... I had no room to move in there then. Had a spent a bit more time mocking things up, I could have narrowed the system up another 4"-6", but I figured everything was already closer than I really wanted it. At least with the gap down the middle, the insides of the girls will get plenty of light for awhile.
I'd been kicking that idea around for awhile, of putting the inlets on the bottom. If you build something for your buckets to where there's easy access to at least part of the bottom, The advantage would be increased agitation in the buckets, with the caveat that with the water flowing straight up, there's going to be a higher risk of roots in the drains. Also, this method would require a check valve just after the main water pump, because as soon as the power goes out, ALL of the water in those buckets is going to be heading back to the rez. In my system, that would be BAD! I have 60 gallons in my system in the buckets, and right now, system running, there's 10gallons in the rez. Rez size is 25 gallons total capacity. I've played with my system... When I unplug my pump, the water in the lines runs back to the rez through the pump, and the level comes up about an inch. Still under where the 4" drain enters the rez. I don't use a check valve, as with the system built like this, the water in the buckets can't be sucked back into the rez. I've read that some folks have extended the inlet all the way to the bottom of the bucket. I'd think better for agitation, but if the power goes out, you'll siphon all of the water out of the buckets and have a flood.
I had thought of a way to decrease the risk of a flood and still run water to the a piece of pvc to the bottom, but drill 1/8" -1/4" holes in the sides of the pvc all the way along this piece, which would act both the start a venturi type effect in the bucket and an antisiphon. As soon as the top hole is uncovered, suction is lost and the siphon with stop. If the top hole in this down pipe was right at the water line, in theory, you'd still be safe when power is lost. If this grow goes well and I stick with Biobuckets, I'm going to make this mod and see.
Of course, it works well now, so why mess with it! ;)