Cbd Oil?

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Looking for some help/tips/info.....

A good buddy's mom has severe osteo and is on the smorgasboard of pills/narcos the doctors love to give out like candy. So much so...he says she's basically a zombie when she doses up. She hates it...and forgoes taking her meds and suffers intense pain when she ceases their use.

The thought is that MAYBE CBD oil will offer her some relief.

The problem is...in this new "industry" with it's country-wide legality (greed and profit motivated) ...there are a shit ton of profiteers and scheisters slinging this "oil".

That leads me to ask.....Can anyone send us in the right direction to a reputable supplier?

Any info appreciated. I'm just s stoner and this is out of my scope of daily use/etc....


Looking for some help/tips/info.....

A good buddy's mom has severe osteo and is on the smorgasboard of pills/narcos the doctors love to give out like candy. So much so...he says she's basically a zombie when she doses up. She hates it...and forgoes taking her meds and suffers intense pain when she ceases their use.

The thought is that MAYBE CBD oil will offer her some relief.

The problem is...in this new "industry" with it's country-wide legality (greed and profit motivated) ...there are a shit ton of profiteers and scheisters slinging this "oil".

That leads me to ask.....Can anyone send us in the right direction to a reputable supplier?

Any info appreciated. I'm just s stoner and this is out of my scope of daily use/etc....

I would not recommend a supplier.

I would recommend getting a high CBD low THC strain like Charlottes web, Harlequin, Hippies Disappointment, or any Ruderalis strain.

As seeds or clones grow your own medicine and press it into Rosin, then extract the cannabinoids left behind with the QWISO method.

The vid that taught me QWISO making was " Qwiso Jar Method " by YouTuber Ethanol King88

I don't do a multitude of 10-15 second washes. I do 1 Wash lasting 85-90 seconds, and get 17.2-24.5% yield.

So far 0 success with Rosin but buds may have been too Dry.


To be honest....I don't have the time or the desire to grow CBD plants or to make oil. I have a SHIT LOAD of trim here.....buds/leaves/stems/etc...but it's out of my scope to process....and I really don't wanna give my friend something that is gonna stone the shit out of his mom/that we have no idea how to dose with/etc. (my first suggestion was for her to just get high..but she doesn't like the feeling...thus..the CBD approach)

Thanks for the reply.


I heard about them through a local radio show based on natural health products.


Living dead girl
Good CBD is in incredibly high demand out here, most people have a hard time finding it. I wish I could be more helpful in that regard.
Paul Simon

Paul Simon

Raw juice has been as or more effective than oils for treating this. Throw nice clen fan leves into a masticating juicer. 1-2oz a day. Seen osteo more or less go awat in just a few days on juice. Combine it with oil and the treatment is even better.


My 2 MS patients, 1 cancer patient, and myself all use Cannatonic 4 cbd extract. I do a 50/50 cbd to thc mixture of extract for best results. My 2 MS patients dropped 8 pills daily each and have a 1000% better quality of life. I make them butter for edibles.

I vape .5 - .75g of the same cbd/thc extract daily for my RA. I've dropped my RA drugs completely. No more methotrexate or remicade meds for almost 2 yrs now.
Paul Simon

Paul Simon

My 2 MS patients, 1 cancer patient, and myself all use Cannatonic 4 cbd extract. I do a 50/50 cbd to thc mixture of extract for best results. My 2 MS patients dropped 8 pills daily each and have a 1000% better quality of life. I make them butter for edibles.

I vape .5 - .75g of the same cbd/thc extract daily for my RA. I've dropped my RA drugs completely. No more methotrexate or remicade meds for almost 2 yrs now.

Trying adding the juice in, you will be happy you did!


Looking for some help/tips/info.....

A good buddy's mom has severe osteo and is on the smorgasboard of pills/narcos the doctors love to give out like candy. So much so...he says she's basically a zombie when she doses up. She hates it...and forgoes taking her meds and suffers intense pain when she ceases their use.

The thought is that MAYBE CBD oil will offer her some relief.

The problem is...in this new "industry" with it's country-wide legality (greed and profit motivated) ...there are a shit ton of profiteers and scheisters slinging this "oil".

That leads me to ask.....Can anyone send us in the right direction to a reputable supplier?

Any info appreciated. I'm just s stoner and this is out of my scope of daily use/etc....

We tend to put too much hope on external remedies. We are > 70% water by volume, but due to poor drinking water (including bottled), low vibrational foods, beverages, and air quality it's common for out bodies to become distressed, and break down

Restore your body's balance and health issues will go away

Some basic things can be learned watching Dr Jack Kruse

as to the right kind of water go to www.pathogoras432.com


Yet....here we all are...on a site based on "external" remedies....:smoking:

I agree that diet is very important. I disagree that the aging process (she is 83) can be reversed..or that "health" will arrive for someone of that age merely by changing their diet. Sadly....we can't reverse time....

Thanks for the link though.....


The Beast Slayer
I also enjoy ingesting fresh cannabis.
Any chance I get I do it.

One time I put 40+ fresh leaves in the magic bullet Then drank it all.

Next day at work my farts smelled like straight up chronic. People kept looking at me funny.

Later that day the port-a-potty smelled as if someone stashed an ounce inside.


Looking for some help/tips/info.....

A good buddy's mom has severe osteo and is on the smorgasboard of pills/narcos the doctors love to give out like candy. So much so...he says she's basically a zombie when she doses up. She hates it...and forgoes taking her meds and suffers intense pain when she ceases their use.

The thought is that MAYBE CBD oil will offer her some relief.

The problem is...in this new "industry" with it's country-wide legality (greed and profit motivated) ...there are a shit ton of profiteers and scheisters slinging this "oil".

That leads me to ask.....Can anyone send us in the right direction to a reputable supplier?

Any info appreciated. I'm just s stoner and this is out of my scope of daily use/etc....

I can confirm that CBD Oil Helps, it helped me with migraines & muscle soreness post workout. Took me ages to find a website that would help me pick tho, but, I found a good one here that made me try it and I vape it daily now. CBD Strains are still much more useful for medicinal purposes.


cbdistillery has isolates if u really need 0 thc. and they can ship anywhere
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