Cheeseberry Haze and Hericules height issues

  • Thread starter SSHZ
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Pinch at the 4th and maybe 6th (or 7th) node........... Trim off the bottom 1/3 of the plants- they put off tons of low branching, most of it not necessary. You'll be giving up an extra large center cola but you'll get a crown of larger buds all around keeping height more manageable for your situation. They are not picky plants so don't over-do it with ferts (I avg. 500-800 ppm) and you'll end up with very nice budage. Weight is very good too. I expect about 20% more gms than normal. A solid choice hybrid with Herijuana and Haze genetics. For you Herijuana lovers out there- this is quite a bit stronger, better weight, ALOT tastier and feminized. It's a no-brainer!


SSHZ...sorry for the late reply:passingjoint:. The pheno i had was not short at all. i use scrog and After one week off 12/12 she broke her top off, lol bad girl, and the two new tops grew crazy kine long--i'd say almost 10 inches with a scrog about 4" above the soil :weed-sign:!!! I forget exactly how long i vegged for but i can't wait to run CBH with my 250.:fighting0084:


sshz ive cut my cheeseberry now still smells great and really sticky and sparkly is all bud the same when its cut ie not very potent is it the drying and curing that increases potency and flavour


Hey Kyzer- I started 8 plants and all but 1 are now cut and drying. The key, as always, is finding the right pheno. I've identified at least 4 phenos. As mentioned, they all smell and taste great- lots of fruity undertones, blueberry being most predominant:

Pheno 1: the earliest, well done at 9.5 weeks. Shortest plant, light yield around 1 oz, great taste but 6-10 in terms of high. 1 of 8 plants.

Pheno 2: takes the longest, still flowering in week 12. Most indica looking, solid main cola with ring of golfball nugs circling it. Long white hairs. Haven't tried so can't comment on high. Figuring it will go to 13.5 weeks. Buds now slowly browning. Kept it alive cause it's the nicest looking plant of the 8. One of 8 plants.

Pheno 3: Monster plants- 7.5 footers when flowered at around 20 inches. Kept growing in flowering for 4+ weeks. Gigantic main cola, not to dense though. Haze smell really comes thru on this pheno. I took 1 bud from four different plants and dried them over a few days in my warm garage. Had 2 friends over. One said it was the 2nd best thing I ever did in over 20+ years. The other friend curled up on the sofa with a blanket and passed out- after 2 hits. This is the pheno you want but takes at least 11.5 weeks of flowering minimum- and could use more but not sure it's necessary. 4 of 8 plants.

Pheno 4- the 6 ft. pheno, done around 11.5-12 weeks. More a mild mix of the cheese, haze and blueberry not leaning towards any of the 3 above. Not as hazey, and maybe 7 of 10 on strength scale. Nothing special.

Smell and taste are what make this strain special. Stay with the extreme Hazey pheno and you'll be very happy. The other pheno's I'd pass on.
mack 10

mack 10

High SShz , looks like you enjoyed your cbh, ;) tis very tasty can keep them under control by topping.i try and find some pics.


I actually thought the CBH was my least favorite item of the 3 strains I just grew. The Hericules is wonderfully potent- exactly like the Herijuana in high but better yield and flavor. His Madonna turned out nice too- very blueberryish- but not a heavy yielder.

Next up is Reserva Privada OG Kush X18, G13 Labs Pineapple Express, and TopDog NYC HP13.........


thanks for the info sshz i am pleased with how they turned out just a bit dissapointed with potency but i did only grow two out of the 5 seeds just did not have room to grow them all now ive got the other three started hopefully there will be a better one in there my killing kush is whats taking up my flowering room at the mo gona let them go to 10 weeks next in line is the long awaited hericules looking good in veg i know you said to pinch these at 4 5 6 node but ruffly how tall do you think i should let them go before flowering the mother does look quite short and seems to be a slow grower ive got about 6ft to play with


Yes I agree- the CBHaze is of average potency except for the occasional standout which is very noticeable. The smell and taste is what's special about this, not the high. It's a lazy, dreamy buzz perfect for mornings and early afternoons.

Hericules- I said pinch it back if you have height limitations and I think I was talking about the CBHaze. It's not necessary for you to pinch. I flowered at around 20 inches and they averaged 5.5 ft. Three were very short (3.5 ft.) and 2 were over 6 ft. The other 19 were very uniform. Figure on 10 weeks exactly in flowering. PEOPLE LOVE THIS ITEM AND EVERYONE HAS CALLED BACK FOR SECONDS!!!!! Night time, end of day smoke for sure. Smoke it any time other than that and you'll be napping (more like nodding out) in no time.


thanks for that man il leave them as they are then killing kush came down this weekend pretty happy with how they turned out not that strong but it was only the freebie i got with my last order


RMCG posted a link to this, very interesting read on the cheeseberry. +rep


yes good stuff in here. thanks for the info. i just ordered some CBH fems so i'll be referring back to this thread i'm sure!


Kyzer.......... this smoke is a morning/daytime smoke. It brightens the day, squints the eyes and is most noticeable when your out and about. All in the head, little body buzz. Drying process didn't increase buzz much. So, not strong enough for night time/sleep...


Also, be aware that Hericules throws off polen like crazy and has seeded my room the last 2 times I've grown it...... it's unstable so be on the look out!


Beach: If you LST or SCROG, or something similar to get many growing points exposed to high light, the stretch tends to be less for each individual top.

I grew Sannie's Jack like this, and had no height issues at all. 6 weeks in veg and after the stretch, the plant was no more than 3' from soil surface to the highest top.

Of course, if you sprout too many plants you'll have some lateral space issues. Most sannie's shop strains are robust growers.

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