Chopped Another Lady.

  • Thread starter Midnite Tokr
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Midnite Tokr

Midnite Tokr

My other Indica made it to harvest today. :) Since I took my last one at 50% hair change, I allowed this on to go to about 75%, and cut her down. It was grown in a 2 gallon flower pot under a 400 watt hps. After being trimmed, it yielded 7.55oz. Not too bad for 85 days of growing. It flowered for 6 weeks, 4 days. Below are some pics. My Sativa has about another month on it, for a 10 week flower. That has buds on it as tall as my head, and almost twice as many as this indica, so that will be a sweet harvest as well.
Chopped another lady
Chopped another lady 2
Chopped another lady 3
Chopped another lady 4
Chopped another lady 5
Chopped another lady 6


Usually to find out if the product is done we examine the tricombs not the hairs. If 50% of the trich's are clear and 50% are cloudy then it's about time to cut down. Unless you know the strain to be a short flower period strain id let it go till week 8 or nine. You will increase density and smell/flavor. Just make sure to cure it properly. Nice work keep it up!
Midnite Tokr

Midnite Tokr

Usually to find out if the product is done we examine the tricombs not the hairs. If 50% of the trich's are clear and 50% are cloudy then it's about time to cut down. Unless you know the strain to be a short flower period strain id let it go till week 8 or nine. You will increase density and smell/flavor. Just make sure to cure it properly. Nice work keep it up!
I know this, not my first barbeque, been doimg this since 1997 lol. I have a 50-100x magnifying lenses I check trichs with when I first grow a strain, or new phenotype of a beloved strain. Once you've grown it once, there is really no need, if you actually paid close attention, and kept logs, to have to go thru all that with subsequent grows. I know from past grows with this strain that before the pistils even change one fraction, 50% of trichs are already milky, at 50% pistil change, 100% have gone milky, and about 10% have ambered. Around 70% pistil change, gives you about 40-60. 40% white, 60% ambered. Roughly. So like I said, no need to waste time checking trichs with microscopes or lenses, as I keep very detailed grow logs, daily pics, trich pics as they relate to pistil change etc, of every single plant, I have ever grown, in the last 20 years, literally. :) also, it was an indica, they run 6-8 week flowers, and Sativa's usually run 10 weeks. I harvest at precise times, for my liking. I grow some smoke for the head high, others for the couch lock. Having all couchlock weed, in my opinion, is a waste, and pointless when you work 16+ hour days. Can't be sleepy and retarded, basically useless, u less you like the welfare line. So I grow half at white trichs, the rest at 60/40. Works for me, and I always have nice yields for the time grown, size container used etc. I smoke about 2 oz of dank ass kill a week, and I havent bought weed for 16 years....... And won't ever again, as I have no need.
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It's like that famous study where they left children alone in a room with a donut and a promise "if you wait till I get back you can have two donuts" The plebes always eat that lone donut...
Midnite Tokr

Midnite Tokr

It's like that famous study where they left children alone in a room with a donut and a promise "if you wait till I get back you can have two donuts" The plebes always eat that lone donut...


Dabbling in Oil
You got 7.5 oz dry or wet?
Did you trim it and put it straight into ziplocks?
G gnome

G gnome

Usually to find out if the product is done we examine the tricombs not the hairs. If 50% of the trich's are clear and 50% are cloudy then it's about time to cut down. Unless you know the strain to be a short flower period strain id let it go till week 8 or nine. You will increase density and smell/flavor. Just make sure to cure it properly. Nice work keep it up!

It's like that famous study where they left children alone in a room with a donut and a promise "if you wait till I get back you can have two donuts" The plebes always eat that lone donut...

Haha...i tried tellin em. Hes not interested


Yeah, kinda strange to bag wet weed...7.55 oz wet.
Typically when peeps say they harvest by the color of hairs, it sounds noobish...
If you are a seasoned grower at least communicate that in your post and you won't get the NOOB reference.
Not questioning your experience, but dude don't feed the
Midnite Tokr

Midnite Tokr

You got 7.5 oz dry or wet?
Did you trim it and put it straight into ziplocks?
It was only in ziplocks to weigh, I know better than to store wet smoke. It was trimmed, manicured, weighed, and hung to dry. I got 214.84 grams wet, a smidge over 7.55 oz. Grown in a 1.5 gallon flower pot, under 400w hps lamp.
Midnite Tokr

Midnite Tokr

Yeah, kinda strange to bag wet weed...7.55 oz wet.
Typically when peeps say they harvest by the color of hairs, it sounds noobish...
If you are a seasoned grower at least communicate that in your post and you won't get the NOOB reference.
Not questioning your experience, but dude don't feed the
Jesus..... y'all must be smoking to much.... has no one any common sense?? Why with 20 years of growing, would I store wet weed in ziolocks??? I wouldn't. Did you stop to think it may have just been weighed? How do YOU weigh bulk weed with a credit card sized digital scale........I'm waiting.......... probably in a bag with the bag weight tared out, right? Like I do, than hang my weed so I know what's lost thru drying/curing. Also, why would I need to communicate my experience??? Why should I start my posts with, this is my 1,567th harvest,been growing 20 years etc...... assinine at best. Also anybody who took the time to read what was put up before that talread knows I've grown this strain several times before. If you pay attention to your grow, and keep logs of pistils color in relation to trich change, you don't need to check trichs. So let me explain it one more time just for you. The only time to keep looking at resin glands is if you've never bring that plant before or if it's a new phenotype of a plant that you have grown before. I keep detailed logs with pictures of those pistols and resin glands I know exactly how every plant i ever grown performs I don't need to check trichs I'm not an amateur and amateur repeat checking trichs on something they've been growing for years not this guy if you've already grown it constant checking is a waste of your time that could be better spent doing something else
Midnite Tokr

Midnite Tokr

Weed that comes down that early doesn't taste, smell or look good.
Really, well that's OK, I am not growing for you sir. Like ive already told you, I grow for me. You may like vanilla ice cream, I may think it tastes like monkey shit. How do YOU know it was taken down early? Did you..... sneak in daily and monitor my grow? Indica's run 6-8 week flowers. Mine went 6.5 weeks. Had 100% trich change to white, and about 15% were ambered. No new pistil growth had occured for several days, and over 60% of hairs had withered. It was ready dude, and smells, looks, and will taste amazing, like every other harvest I've had in last 20 years. Thanks for your opinion, bit it is in fact just that, an opinion. You know what they say about opinions don't you? Everyone has them, and they all SUCK
Midnite Tokr

Midnite Tokr

Haha...i tried tellin em. Hes not interested
Why would I listen? Do you know me? Have we grown up together, smoking and growing and making extracts together? You know my personal preferences as they pertain to weed I like? We've hung for years, and you've seen what smoke I say is bunk, and which I like, and you know that exact cure level, and trich colors I prefer? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no. Do you think in 20 years of growing, I have never allowed a plant to go too 100% ambered trichs? I have harvested at every stage of trich change. I know what I like, and I grow for ME, not you and what you like, not the next guy and what they like, but ME. You don't have to agree with when I take downy ladies. But think of it like this. I hate sausage, it's disgusting in any form, hot, mild, sweet, Italian, loose, linked, parties,t o me, it's little better than dog food. You on the other hand happen to love sausage. You can try to tell me how to cook it to be your opinion...... but when I eat it.....I will still think it is nasty. Why would I listen to what you and others say when the result will be a product I do not like?!?! Wow..... good point huh. Smdh


I've been growing since 1971, and I've yet to find a strain that's truly finished in 45 days. I know plenty of older growers that harvest around that time, same strains I gifted them and mine left to go 60 days always has more of an intense high and a longer lasting high that the earlier taken plants. Might be the reason it takes 2 ounces a week of consumption for you to meet your needs.


What you post on here leaves it open to others opinions...can't take it. Meh! that's you. And if that strain you know so well, then why do you have to weigh it wet? you should be able to tell just by looking at it.
You asked a lot of questions about why you should post this and that... Reason why? So there wouldn't be posts like these last few. And if you don't won't to hear other opinions then maybe you shouldn't post on a FORUM!!!
People were just responding to that first post...And forming an opinion on said information and pics.
But only opinions, Nobody hating...
With the exception of Rasclis post of the children and the donut and a promise...WTF? Now that was McWeird.


First time I've ever heard of someone weighing it wet? What's the purpose of wet weight? Hella funny dude this guys is though. Not trolling just love the comments above. Gotta love an open forum!!
G gnome

G gnome

What you post on here leaves it open to others opinions...can't take it. Meh! that's you. And if that strain you know so well, then why do you have to weigh it wet? you should be able to tell just by looking at it.
You asked a lot of questions about why you should post this and that... Reason why? So there wouldn't be posts like these last few. And if you don't won't to hear other opinions then maybe you shouldn't post on a FORUM!!!
People were just responding to that first post...And forming an opinion on said information and pics.
But only opinions, Nobody hating...
With the exception of Rasclis post of the children and the donut and a promise...WTF? Now that was McWeird.

Well sed!!!

I must say i thought the donut anecdote was spot on
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