Clawing Leaves Perhaps?

  • Thread starter Zippy716
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Hi everyone, I’m deep into veg and it looks like my plants may be clawing. Can anyone please give me some words of wisdom?

Light: 20/4. two 300 leds

Seed: purple haze

Soil: ffof

Grow tent: approx 3x3x6

I have both an intake and exhaust fan going with a circulating fan inside the tent. I also have a humidifier in the tent.

Temps: approx 80 degrees and about 5 degrees colder for their nighttime.

Humidity averages around 50%

Ph 6.5

Clawing leaves perhaps
Clawing leaves perhaps 2


I have looked at the pictures several times and I am not seeing a problem. Are the leaf tips curling down slightly? If they are I am not seeing it. Anyway FFOF can be pretty hot in nitrogen at first and sometimes my smaller clones and seedlings will get a little tip burn before they get bigger and use up the initial nutrients that come in the soil. Are you feeding anything yet and if so what are you using and what strength.



Hi Dee, thanks for your reply. I am probably being paranoid but it looked like the leaves were turning into little boats. I using botanicare at 1/4 the labeled dosage-grow, cal-mag, liquid karma.
They’re about 5 weeks old, I started feeding them f-f-w-f-f about week 3. Maybe I’m feeding too much? Or maybe they’re fine and I’m a helicopter mom.


On the first pic you can see your new growth tips are yellow, how many PPM's are you feeding?


Well, now that you describe it differently, If you say they are clawing that usually means the leaves are curling downward along their length. If they are taking on a boat shaped (edges of leaves turning up so the leaves look like canoes) then that is normally referred to as tacoing. Taco shaped leaves can be caused by a number of issues but I am still not seeing anything seriously wrong.



On the first pic you can see your new growth tips are yellow, how many PPM's are you feeding?


Do you use that slight leaf tip yellowing as a guide to when you hit the max dosage (ppm)? In my grow I kinda watch for that and then back off just a little. I had a hard time seeing much of it in picture 1 but I am still trying to figure out the finer points. I have some plants in soil and some in Hydro and the hydro is easier because I can monitor their actual daily usage but in soil I find it a little harder to detect the max ppm without just judging by the leaf tips.




Do you use that slight leaf tip yellowing as a guide to when you hit the max dosage (ppm)? In my grow I kinda watch for that and then back off just a little. I had a hard time seeing much of it in picture 1 but I am still trying to figure out the finer points. I have some plants in soil and some in Hydro and the hydro is easier because I can monitor their actual daily usage but in soil I find it a little harder to detect the max ppm without just judging by the leaf tips.


Yes back off the nuits if you think its burning, but never flush, it's a bit of a tricky question you've asked, but looking at the first pic, I can see a calcium def, maybe a week to 10 days old, so maybe it's a calmag issue, if you get a Mag def, it too will make your leaf tips go yellow as the plant sucks in the Mag from the tip of the leaf first, then you get the tiger stipes between the veins, most of the time this is just the plant swapping over from veg to flower and will pass on it's own as the plant settles into flower with shorter light periods to gather what feed it needs. The tricky part of the question is, do you feed calmag, or wait until it levels out on its own? Because if you go the wrong way and cut your feed (burning), your plant will eat it's self alive, and if the problem levels its self out on its own, you will most likey have put more feed or calmag in when you didn't need it, and in turn you've just created another problem by over dosing that you didn't have before. So the only way to sort it is to go gently with your feed and watch your plant like a hawk.



Do you use that slight leaf tip yellowing as a guide to when you hit the max dosage (ppm)? In my grow I kinda watch for that and then back off just a little. I had a hard time seeing much of it in picture 1 but I am still trying to figure out the finer points. I have some plants in soil and some in Hydro and the hydro is easier because I can monitor their actual daily usage but in soil I find it a little harder to detect the max ppm without just judging by the leaf tips.


Forgot to say, I never hit the max dosage, I try to give only what the plant needs, but the yellow tips would make me think about changes I had made in the last week, if you dosed up your PPM's, then that would most likey be your first port of call for looking at, so you would back down and look for a colour change in your tips, most defs will show up with in around 3 days, but spotting them at this early stage under the sort of lights we use is a challenge even for seasoned growers, better to err on the side of caution and avoid defs, keep a log at home, and refer to it if you have the same problem on your next run, that way you can adapt your feed ratio's to suit your plants on your next run.


Forgot to say, I never hit the max dosage, I try to give only what the plant needs, but the yellow tips would make me think about changes I had made in the last week, if you dosed up your PPM's, then that would most likey be your first port of call for looking at, so you would back down and look for a colour change in your tips, most defs will show up with in around 3 days, but spotting them at this early stage under the sort of lights we use is a challenge even for seasoned growers, better to err on the side of caution and avoid defs, keep a log at home, and refer to it if you have the same problem on your next run, that way you can adapt your feed ratio's to suit your plants on your next run.


I am not the OP I was just curious about your opinion because I only grow in soil once a year and I find it harder to manage than hydro but that's just me. I have a bunch of girls in soil right now for the outdoor season here and I often struggle with issues like the OP is describing and it is easy to get paranoid about every little change. I keep a detailed diary ever day and add any changes I make to my notes. This also helps during the next cycle to compare what is happening.

Someday I would like to go to coco or organic soil but I just think that method of growing is very hard for me to understand.

Thanks for the feedback,



I looked at your pics and I dont see any eagle clawing, in my experience eagle clawing occurs when your plant needs water or is pot bound, and sometimes small leaves do it just beacuse, I see nothing wrong, you seem to know what you are doing, let it ride.



I am not the OP I was just curious about your opinion because I only grow in soil once a year and I find it harder to manage than hydro but that's just me. I have a bunch of girls in soil right now for the outdoor season here and I often struggle with issues like the OP is describing and it is easy to get paranoid about every little change. I keep a detailed diary ever day and add any changes I make to my notes. This also helps during the next cycle to compare what is happening.

Someday I would like to go to coco or organic soil but I just think that method of growing is very hard for me to understand.

Thanks for the feedback,


The thing that most people get wrong with soil is feeding it, you need to dig in plenty of good well rotted compost after your grow is harvested in the Autumn, this is the base feed for your next years plant that's going in the same hole, let it rot down through Winter, then replant in late spring, or when you deem it to be warm enough, all you should have to do is water your plant, or give it a quick feed if it starts to look peaky mid flower, and if it does, put more compost in next year.


Thanks everyone for your feedback. This is my first grow so I’m a little nervous about every little thing. Honestly, I understand ph, temps, humidity etc.. but for some reason I just can’t grasp ppm.
I moved my lights a few more inches away this morning (I was away for 4 days and they grew a bit-my Mom watered them but I wouldn’t let her do anything else).
I do keep a daily detailed log of temp, humidity, light distance, when I lst and exact amount of water and Nutes I use. I have been doing the feed feed water feed feed. Should I back off on the feed a bit?


Thanks everyone for your feedback. This is my first grow so I’m a little nervous about every little thing. Honestly, I understand ph, temps, humidity etc.. but for some reason I just can’t grasp ppm.
I moved my lights a few more inches away this morning (I was away for 4 days and they grew a bit-my Mom watered them but I wouldn’t let her do anything else).
I do keep a daily detailed log of temp, humidity, light distance, when I lst and exact amount of water and Nutes I use. I have been doing the feed feed water feed feed. Should I back off on the feed a bit?

PPM's are easy, but sound complicated. They're just a measurement of nuits to water, your plants will only go to a certain PPM before they burn, you need to find the optimum PPM for the plant your feeding, even clones taken from the same plant can have individual feeding needs. So you need to find a base to work from, so this run you will burn a few, next run you will cut back on your feed and they will stagger due to the lack of nuits. But on your third grow you'll go for the middle ground on your PPM's and produce a jungle, growing is an Apprenticeship, with in a year you should have it nailed, just put regular pix up on your grow log, and a myriad of good growers on Farmers will put you right, but above all, just enjoy your growing, you will reap a harvest, good or bad.


My plants do this every time I flip them. When they are in the stretch they grow fast and I often see this. I don't think it is a problem but I could be wrong.



No problem. It is normal. I have it in veg. Newer growth is usually lighter in color


Thanks to the both of you. I was hoping it was because they were having a growth spurt, since I saw no other issues with the plants.


I like soup
Thanks everyone for your feedback. This is my first grow so I’m a little nervous about every little thing. Honestly, I understand ph, temps, humidity etc.. but for some reason I just can’t grasp ppm.
I moved my lights a few more inches away this morning (I was away for 4 days and they grew a bit-my Mom watered them but I wouldn’t let her do anything else).
I do keep a daily detailed log of temp, humidity, light distance, when I lst and exact amount of water and Nutes I use. I have been doing the feed feed water feed feed. Should I back off on the feed a bit?
Stop feeding it.


If your trying to feed the yellow away you run a good chance of burning your leaves, they're lime green like yours when your plant gets a growth spurt on, and as the leafs develop chlorophyll they green up, so stick to what feed regime you were using before you noticed the problem.


Looks like taco ing. Not clawing. Raise your led a bit. Might be too much.

Led are focused beams. Is that 300w actual? 600w Total in 3x3 is a lot power for a small tent.

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