Clone Update

  • Thread starter Stumpy420
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Clone update 2
Hello everybody, I thought that since I couldn't find what I'm trying to do here, is start a thread for anyone who clones, to update the progress of there clones, I guess from when you cut it off of the mother to when you first transplant it. Just like a sharing thread for clones.

So here is an update! I had to drain alot of water out of my homemade aerocloner. I could tell they were drowning and and suffocating and very shortly after they started looking good again. I know they shouldn't be suffocating in an aerocloner but the water level was way higher than where I shaved it. These were the last to start growing and the farthest at the bottom of the plant. Just 5.9-6.3 ph tap water, and small dash of Great White.
Clone update


Here is another update. Not much has changed. Trimmed off the lower leaves. Not much has been happening up top still. Still waiting for roots to show out of the plug.


From the pic it looks like you have a plug in water? If that's the case I don't think your gunna have luck with a waterlogged plug, it's either a plug or in water imho. I'm not tring to be neg, have you tried rockwool?



For the aero cloner you just need a collar to hold the clone while the stem sits in a humid environment.



Update, the 2 originals are alive and rooted, 1 has nute burn. Changed res water and it is a mixture of 1/2 ml per gallon of only gh flora gro. I had added a ml of my flowering nute to give it something and almost lost one. Took 6 more clones.
these clones are monstercropped, the 6 newbies to the group. I'm still a 100% ratio!
Check it @Junk


p.s. If you are keeping (or making) a mother plant, I find they are easier to keep in soil.

It's a weird phenomenon, growing in hydro, in my opinion, is easier. But keeping mother plants in hydro, is too much work. You gotta make sure your solutions are good all the time, you're constantly mixing batches of solution. Air stones fail, air pumps fail.

With mother plants, you are going to be paying less attention to them. At least everyone I have spoken to says that they just naturally fall second in line.

& it's a lot easier to somewhat neglect a plant when it's in soil. It's easier to grow a killer plant in hydro in my opinion. But these plants (mothers) are not a race, they are a marathon. Less fail points in soil over a long period of time.

I find hydro easier because I'm only doing 4-5 plants. I'm on it, every day. If I had another 10-20 plants to keep up with for an indefinite amount of time, I'd put them in soil. They aren't being "grown" they are being "kept." For that purpose, I think soil is easier.

By the way, for monster crops, the two clones you took that are in that little tupperware cloner that are on the top left, & bottom right...that's how you want to take them. The bottom left will work too but not as crazy. The top right, I don't see a growth point on it?

If I'm right about the top right one, don't worry about it. I've seen people with more experience than you, on more than one occasion, do an entire batch of clones, that were just fan leaves (like they cut the fan leaves off, & tried to root them). I can't tell what the clone is the pic is hard to see. So ignore me if I'm wrong.

But for monster cropping, clones like the top left & bottom right - those are perfect.

** Edit - Nm, I zoomed in & it looks like one growth point per clone. That's how you do regular clones. Monster crops you want to take something more like this if you can.

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Yours will work perfectly too, but one like this, when it reverts, well, you don't need another mother for a long time. It's hard to see, but there are several growth points on this. ALL of those tips, once reverted, go crazy.

But it looks like you cloned them right. When shooting for monsters in the future try to find something that has a few growth points on it. You will have so many clones from that plant you won't know what to do with it.

& FYI, the damage to those leaves is from a cricket. So now you know what that looks like. They like to chew off the ends of the leaves. Old growth, new growth, they don't seem to care. Those little sobs will do a number on the leaves, & they are very hard to find/kill. I hate those little bastards. My cat can smell a mouse a mile away. We never have mice "living" in the house, because as soon as they get in, my cat takes em out. It's pretty amazing actually. This time of year, they all try to come in out of the cold. She spends half her day sitting & watching where they get in & just picks them off one by one.

I wish I could teach her to hunt crickets. She sees them, just doesn't care to kill them.
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Every clone I took only had like 2 ta 3 nodes. They were all stretched from the 2 weeks of flower I think. I changed the Tupperware water like once a week. Since the little cups aren't aerated how often should I change the water? You think they might be good for a week?


Every clone I took only had like 2 ta 3 nodes.


They were all stretched from the 2 weeks of flower I think.

I see that now. You are talking about the clones in the cups correct? Even if you don't use all these clones, it's good practice. (what are you going to do with 8 mothers of the same plant? You only have space for one plant at a time.)

I changed the Tupperware water like once a week. Since the little cups aren't aerated how often should I change the water?

I don't know what you mean by this. That tupperware has an air stone in it correct? If you were able to cover it up somehow so that light could not get in, you can change the solution every 2-3 weeks. If you are leaving it so that light can reach the water, once a week is probably the safest. If there is light available, algae can grow.

A couple questions though. When you are asking about changing the "water" in the "cups"...You are not leaving those cuttings in water are you? You've obviously cloned successfully before...but usually the water is just a short term solution. You take the cuttings & put them in water until you can get to the cloning station where you use whatever cloning products you like, put them in rock wool, peet, etc, & then under a dome for high humidity, a heating mat if it's under 80 degrees (I like 85 better) & 24 hours of light until they root.

So, if you are asking what I think you are asking, I confess to not knowing the answer. I've never left the cuttings in water for any significant length of time, so I don't know how long they could stay there. I don't imagine their much different than any other flowering plant, in which case, a week or so.

In our private conversations I've mentioned how in DWC, you can take a plant out of your nute solution, & put it just in straight pd'd water & it will thrive for weeks in oxygenated water alone.

That doesn't apply to cuttings. The only reason for the water is to keep them until you clone them. So if you are thinking you can just keep them in a cup of water...long term, I don't see how that works. Usually rooting hormone is used, & roots want to be in dark to do their thing. That's why when you see roots coming out of the sides of those plugs you have in the tupperware, it's time to put them in a permanent home.

You think they might be good for a week?
They may survive in those cups, but I would think your chances of successfully cloning them after that amount of time would be hindered. But like I said, I'm not absolutely sure...I've never done it.


Yeah I grew my first clone out of a cup with only water and Great white. It works fine. Once the extra 4 start growing roots I'm going to soil them and gift them to my uncle. He is gonna be getting his gear and set up ready and I want him to have somethin better then the crap he always smokin. And if he has them in hand he might get started sooner. Yeah they can grow in a cup like that just fine. Even with just water. That's how I cloned my first time was just water in a cup and light. Great white has alot of stuff other than myco so it works fine, really great imo. It's a pretty substantial list of ingredients. Shit is gonna be awesome in 8 weeks. That's for sure.


& it sprouts roots in light like that?

So I understand what you are asking now. Since the cups aren't oxygenated how often do you need to change them.

I don't know the science to give you a precise time period. I can tell you what I would do & I'm pretty certain would work.

Every time you check on your clones (it should be at least daily) just exchange the water with water in the tupperware which has an air stone in it. There will be enough oxygen for a day.

Air stones create big bubbles. Some of the oxygen it's creating is built upon breaking the surface tension of the water, & splashing the roots. Hmmm, more what I mean is, it's not infusing the water like an Aqua Lung does, or some of those soaker hose style ones. But I'm certain exchanging every 24 hours would be fine.
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Aww yeah man, they sure will. Rooting hormones help but you don't NEED them. Granny never heard of rooting hormones and she used to clone all the time with random plant s she liked.


Alright another update! The two rooted clones drank some water and left the unrooted clones thirsty. Had to add some water to raise it to the bottom of the plugs. Plants drink alot that's for sure! The four in the cups are hanging in there pretty well, no signs of stress or anything yet. My uncle told me I could bake soil to clean and disinfect it from bugs and larvae? He said add some peat moss to help it retain moisture after baking it in the oven. Anyone that is old school, have you ever done this?


Alright another update! The two rooted clones drank some water and left the unrooted clones thirsty. Had to add some water to raise it to the bottom of the plugs. Plants drink alot that's for sure! The four in the cups are hanging in there pretty well, no signs of stress or anything yet. My uncle told me I could bake soil to clean and disinfect it from bugs and larvae? He said add some peat moss to help it retain moisture after baking it in the oven. Anyone that is old school, have you ever done this?

Soma use the oven trick for soil..



Clone update. I got original two clones rooted, one is in soil now and will be mom for a couple harvests, the other one will go in a hemp bucket as soon as I get another net pot and some more lava rock. The 4 in the cups are starting to root. They have root "pimples" or white heads on the stems. Check it!
the little one in the above pic is the original. You can see its new growth is healthy.
can you see that this one above is about to root?


Clone update! My 2 flowing clones in the aerocloner have big fat healthy roots coming out of the plugs! My first successful "monstercrop" is about to be happening! The other 4 flowering clones are almost rooted. Their bottoms of their stems are all pimply with root nubs! Pictures when I get home!


Clone update! I have watered my babies once since transplant. They grew dramastically!
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it was time to water. Didn't water the big pot too much cause I don't want to over do it. The cups dry faster.

And those babies with the pipe cleaner holders I made...
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These are the ones that I had in the cups. 3 out of 4 pulled through. Lost one to my error of not checking the one that was in the cup and she drank all the water and dried up. But still great at cloning, I would be batting 1.000 if I wasn't staring off into the lights lol.

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