Cloudline 4 and 6 inch CFM Chart

  • Thread starter MercDod
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Its my understanding that we need to exchange the air in our tent at least once per minute and we do this by figuring the cubic feet inside our tent (width x height x depth) and adjusting our fan speeds to accommodate. The fan speed may also be adjusted to compensate for temperture and/or humity. I have a Infinity Cloudline T6 and thought I might share some information I found that may help others with the CFM.
Cfm cloudline series


Also from ACI's site:

"When it comes to ducting, the number and sharpness of its bends factor into the airflow resistance. This is because airflow reduces the further it must travel so the straighter the ducting route the better. The sharper the bend, the harsher the efficiency reduction; a 30° bend cuts the amount of airflow by 20% while a 90° bend diminishes airflow by 60%! Smoothing out any wrinkles can also improve fan performance and airflow. If you are using LED grow lights, you must also account for its heat output which further increases your required CFM by up to 50%."

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