Coco veg going wacky

  • Thread starter BCrocker
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Not sure what is going on with these plants. Never have they looked so pale and the stems been so dark or red.

Canna coco/perlite
RO water
Canna A+B @ 7 mL / gal
CalMG @ 5 mL / gal (had a problem with Botanicare recently, switched to Green Planet)
Rhizo. foiler
pH 5.8

Simple as always.. These are about 15 days and usually are nice little green bushes by now... not sure what the issue is. Plants aren't drinking too much...
Coco veg going wacky
Coco veg going wacky 2
Coco veg going wacky 3


Temp? humidity?
Did you flush the coco before use or after you noticed girls were acting wacky?


Living dead girl
^^^ Yeah, need to know those parameters. They look hungry, and as though they may be cold.


^^^ yeap enviro stats would be good.

Have you checked the EC/PPM of the runoff?
I would check that put to make sure they are not sitting in a high ec root zone. That would cause them to not drink.

Not familiar with green planets cal/mg.
May have OD'd em with the N in the green planet cal/mg. What are the numbers on the bottle?


Agree w seamaiden, look hungered games to me!

throw ur parameters down anyway...


Thanks for the reply.

Temp is 80
Humidity 65%

Coco and perlite was new.

I am pretty sure that procal has the same numbers as calmag+, 1.1-0-0

I will check the run off in the AM. These are now 3 weeks old. Roots look fine. white and smell OK.


Oh, and this room is always at 80 to 81 F... no cold periods.

Humidity is fairly high because of the cooler I am using, a 2 fan swamp chiller...


65% r.h is excellent imo... I never go lower, but most will disagree. Anyway, with a higher temp and more transpiration goin down, because of that, I get the feeling they are increasingly hungry.
After you test tds/ppm runoff, and ph runoff, throw in that here too.

Once you know its not those 2, make a nice fresh, stronger batch of food and water real well with it. DRENCH EM GOOD. I would also lower cal-mag to 2 ml and up ur feed strength. There are a lot of misconceptions about coco and calcium. You want 15+% runoff minimum, and Id flush 100% simply because if it is a slight lockout, the coco will flush easier with nutes. They should explode for you, unless you have bad nutes... I doubt they are.

Do you brew any tea? Tea will invigorate em and also has a ton of micro's.

Good call on dropping botanicare btw, I too had bad cal-mag, several gallons and its not cheap...


Living dead girl
I don't disagree, I enjoy the higher humidity and my girls enjoy it, too. I never get the same tumescence at lower RH values.

I would separate the Ca from the Mg, I got much better results, it taught me how to spot a Ca- as well as how to tell the difference between a Ca- and a Mg-, and it also allows you to push a good bit more of each because you can alternate them in feedings, thus allowing you to push total EC higher. I like BioLink's 6% Ca, and will use that in conjunction with MgSO4 (Epsom salts).

Also, like the man says, bump up overall feed higher. They should be lush and green at those parameters.


One thing I never liked about canna coco base was the very low K. I'm on my phone so I can only see the pics so well but red stems usually are a K or P deficiency and with your temps at 80 I doubt it's P. I agree with sea and hogan bump up the bases lower the calmag and make sure to get a lot of run off


lets hear those runoff numbers. dont like to disagree with those more experienced than myself but i think those girls are overfed. also would like to see some slurry test numbers. seamaiden helped me out with dialing in that process recently and no red stems anywhere with pH back in line. had drifted a little high on me even with 5.6-5.8 in at every watering.

assuming procal and calmag are the same here are some numbers...

7A/B + 5 calmag+ = 130N 35P 56K 138Ca 36Mg

5A/B + 5 calimagic (DWD formula on RO) = 88N 25P 40K 136Ca 35Mg

6A/B (my number but using tap) = 90N 30P 48K 84Ca 18Mg

i assume to get between 30-40 ppm Ca from my water supply. water test in transit to ward labs as i type this.

those last 2 profiles are numbers used on full size plants, 90+ w/sq ft, co2, proper temps, etc. look at how much more N is being given to your tiny girls.


OK, gave them some nutrients at 6mL/gal + RO water only. 5.8

Runoff EC = 1.2
Runoff pH = 6.0

This is from 4 plants spread throughout the room.

left leaf is from a middle, and other two are lowers.
IMG 20121201 092408


I've also noticed some of the perlite on top is green with algae. As is some that is showing through the bottom drain holes at the bottom of the pot.


Run off EC of 1.2 makes me think they are hungry. I dnt know what 6ml a/b gets your EC to but I doubt it's that high

I find with straight coco feeding at 1.6-1.8 works great for my strain I would do up the bases to 1.5-1.6. Also if the above nute profiles are correct than Im betting on K again. 56 K is really really low for my my strains would be starving. I dnt go below 150 K except for cloning

I remember reading somewhere that wih canna coco bases their cannazyme was important cuz it has some K in it, but I could be wrong on that the last time I played with canna was like 2 years ago and only for a bit


Run off EC of 1.2 makes me think they are hungry. I dnt know what 6ml a/b gets your EC to but I doubt it's that high

I find with straight coco feeding at 1.6-1.8 works great for my strain I would do up the bases to 1.5-1.6. Also if the above nute profiles are correct than Im betting on K again. 56 K is really really low for my my strains would be starving. I dnt go below 150 K except for cloning

I remember reading somewhere that wih canna coco bases their cannazyme was important cuz it has some K in it, but I could be wrong on that the last time I played with canna was like 2 years ago and only for a bit

Thanks for the reply. These are Bubba K's.. Ran em before without any issue.

6ml a/b got my EC up to about 0.9 from RO water. Do those leaves show some calcium def.?

What nutrients are you running?


my shit gets like that when i don't feed enough, also if i let my coco dry up a lil too much cuz of me wanting roots to search for water. i know u know but since i seem to 4get some times n go light on food i'll throw it out there....coco has nothing in it so it's good to go a lil strong at 1st once there nice n green back off some

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