Colorado MMJ: "we are going to stand on the backs of sick people... let em suffer"

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A huge misconception regarding all the new regulations: they are making mmj safer.

If they really cared about making our scene safer they would have rules not allowing clubs to sell speed cure flowers, PM & other molds, Bug Damage, none flushed, Eagle & other chems that are proven to cause cancer and such..... Whats the point? Maybe its if someone dies or gets really hurt from contaminated flowers they will pull the plug on the whole system?

With the right perspective lens It's almost like the seed to sales is in place so the clubs can sell bad shit. Its all about greed. No compassion what so ever. i.e. Its is very useful for people with aids because it allows them to eat while they are on heavy aids meds. Most of these sick peeps can barely afford chemo. Why should they haft to pay? We would not have mmj without them

The reality is MMJ is civil rights movement and the peeps who wrote these bullshit regulations that the citizens did not vote in are very aware of this and took as many rights as they can possibly take from us.

Time to stand up!


Even if the government is not able to protect you from the evil dispensaries, the marketplace dynamics will. The places selling infested, mouldy and nasty weed will eliminate themselves from the playing field based on consumer input if nothing else. The DOR and CDPHE can't even process the ridiculous volumes of forms that they mandate. How are they supposed to do any actual site inspections and regulating?

It the product is shit, the word gets around about your quality, and VERY quickly.

At least your last sentence I somewhat agree with. They want to make it so difficult that nobody can actually comply with their laws. Currently our binder with regulations is 2" thick printed on both sides.


dont look at the politicians. they dont care about you. just your vote. the dispensaries should be the ones that should be held accountable for selling the shit you describe as medicine. if they dont care then the only one left that does is you.


thats why I say fuck you and your medical guise.....underground for life


thats why I say fuck you and your medical guise.....underground for life

It's true underground non-warehouse is the ticket. Real Compassion and Quality. I would most certainly kick down free flowers to friends who are terminally ill and broke off. Most everyone on this board would do the same( well with the exception of few lame store owners/ warehouse growers). I honestly can think of only one or two stores in colorado i have seen that didn't have nug issues I stated in the first post.

compassion > greed
I know of a whole bunch of stores in cali that give free top shelf kush to people who are about to kick it and can't afford it. I even know a place that does that at an extreme level. The place also offers full refund/ exchange if you don't like what you bought. Pulls down whole lots of flowers if pm is found. HIV and other anti immune peeps don't mix well with moldy weed. Guy who runs the shop cares about his people and treats them more like friends. Medical to him(& me) means free of anything harmful. Pharmaceutical LOL

All I'm pointing out is the state really wanted to safely regulate mmj we would be under different reform. It's all about the money.


All I'm pointing out is the state really wanted to safely regulate mmj we would be under different reform. It's all about the money.

The state has testing embedded in their mounds of regulations. However they are so buried by the shitstorm of paperwork that they generated that they are unable to do anything but shovel piles of papers around. They can't even get employee badges issued, much less inspect and test a commercial garden.

It's up to the growers to have a conscience and the consumers to boycott places that sell bunk. You can't rely on the government for ANYTHING.

BTW, it's not just the "evil" dispensaries. There has been some awful bud come up from the moldy spider mite infested basements grows around. Being underground, or a small volume caregiver does not mandate a conscience nor provide immunity from pests and disease.

Your garden may be pure, but like dispensaries there are both good and bad growers in smaller scale.

Mr Dank

I hate going to the grow store and seeing people with their MED badges around their necks, a shopping cart with 5-gallon containers of chemical nutrients and every pesticide and fungicide the store carries filling their carts. My friend who works there always gives me the look, and rolls his eyes

grow your own. Unless you know the in's and out's of the commercial warehouse garden your are purchasing your meds from, you are taking a huge risk. Hell, even many dispensarys purchase meds wholesale, and they donn't even know how tainted the meds are they are providing their sick patients with
sky high

sky high

They can't even get employee badges issued, much less inspect and test a commercial garden.

It's up to the growers to have a conscience and the consumers to boycott places that sell bunk. You can't rely on the government for ANYTHING.

The patients should be up in arms over this crap. The State expects us to follow the 5 patient/no patient-to-patient sales restrictions in our gardens but at the same time ISN'T enforcing the law whatsoever in the gardens they are charged with regulating under 1284?

Fat chance muthafuckers, Fat chance.


i grow my own and im happy with what i grow iam disgusted at what the med scene has become in colorado crap meds overpriced bullcrap


Oh man... now that i've moved East... get to hear what the others think of CO medi scene... what a laugh... they get the bulk packaged crap, a lot of what you'd see in the jars out there (all the issues listed by the op)... and "oh, it's CO medical... da supa bomb, it's medical"... lmfao

man, now i just hope y'all get it together to help w the exports... fuckin eh... ;-)

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