Colorado Pot deaths...

  • Thread starter chickenman
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baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I didn't click the link but what's up with all these CO pot killers...
Cali has been eating potent edibles and whatnot since 96', nobody has died from cannabis as it is literally impossible.
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
i never click links either


Premium Member
Curious why not click link?
And please explain squig, over my head...


Living dead girl
He's saying that correlation DOES NOT EQUAL causation.

And I guess they're afraid of the Washington Post. That, or what it might say...? Maybe no one wants to be caught reading the WP. I dunno.

“We’re seeing hallucinations, they become sick to their stomachs, they throw up, they become dizzy and very anxious,” said Al Bronstein, medical director of the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center.

Anyone else here ever take too many edibles? I have, and I've seen others who have. You know what they do? They fall down, can't get up and sleep it off. I'd really like to know how violence is possible when you can't even make it to the fucking toilet, or are concerned about becoming comatose.

Ipso facto, anyone?


Yep, I ate way too much brownies once, stumbled home, sweated a bit and forced myself to toss cookies, felt fine in about 2 biggy.

I don't like clicking on links either as ya never know what's there....either a virus, long load times or a bunch of advertising pop-ups. I prefer the article posted. If I do click on a link and the article doesn't post up in a few seconds I click off of it.

So many folks smoke pot these days. It allows the mainstream media whores to directly blame MJ for deaths and other shit...when we all know most of that crazy shit comes from kids and people popping big pharma drugs (especially ADD meds and anti-depressants). Try as they may with their scare tactics and spin doctoring, more and more folks are finding MJ to be beneficial for so many things...from babies to old folks.


Premium Member
Was told not copy and post any thing that has pictures due to something or other messing up security......


My nephew is a battalion chief for a fire dept in san diego and he says that the only medical calls they get for weed are all related to edibles or the occassional BHO disaster,lol.


My nephew is a battalion chief for a fire dept in san diego and he says that the only medical calls they get for weed are all related to edibles or the occassional BHO disaster,lol.

THC causes mild tachycardia. Taking a lot of it at once can cause more pronounced tachycardia. This is something I must be aware of as someone with recently discovered heart issues.

In someone who is already sensitive (BP issues, heart issues, anxiety issues) high doses of THC can cause some pretty big problems for them. Not, generally, life threatening (though in a worst case scenario, it could be). The distinction that marijuana cannot cause death due to acute toxicity (overdose) is true. However, someone who is at risk for--say--a heart attack or something along those lines can possibly die as a result of the effects the drug does have.

This is not precisely an overdose, and that's why it's often said that you cannot overdose on MJ. From the coroner's point of view, it is also not possible to determine whether or not MJ exacerbated the cause of death--so they can't really comment on it from a medical standpoint. All they can say is THC was present in the person, not what it caused.

I expect the reality is that there are some people who were high risk individuals medically who have in fact died after smoking marijuana, earlier than they would have otherwise had they not smoked it--but you will never hear of an overdose, nor will you ever see any information that passes the test of "beyond a reasonable doubt".

It's worth noting, in this same vein, that most medical calls that fish is referring to have only begun in recent years as potency has gone up and up (and concentrates have become more and more common)--and almost universally they are connected with the tachycardia inducing properties of THC. There has, actually and demonstrably, been a fairly big wave of ER visits related to people smoking pot and having an elevated heart rate that has been growing in intensity year on year for at least the last 10 years or so.

I'm willing to bet my career that if we rounded up a bunch of high risk individuals for heart attacks and smoked them up with concentrates, we could watch one of them die in the lab. Of course that would be grossly unethical so we'll just never know unless some case is reported from a hospital (which could likely happen as MJ becomes more pervasive).

So yeah, there are some concerns here--but as far as these people:

One of them fell out of a building because they are dumb or were on some other drug.

Another one is a penis, or a whacko, who killed his wife and deserves what's coming to him. IDGAF if he took morphine or not, lots of people take morphine and smoke pot and don't kill people. If he's mentally disabled, I retract that, but I submit it has jack shit to do with weed.


They catch you off guard at times but that's ludicrous to imply that if not for the edible two lives may have been saved....


That shit is comedy gold--and yes quite a few of these ER trips are people just freaking out.

They are freaking out, though, because their heart is beating out of their chest and the chemicals your body realeases when your heart is doing that make you feel anxious as shit. So you get caught in that circle, it's not very different from a panic attack.

The problem is, if you have legitimate health concerns, you can legit die. That's a thing--it's just not an overdose is all.

I'd say probably like 90% of people going to the ER are just freaking out. They have strong hearts that can handle the extra work load (no different than going for a medium intensity run)--but there is severe psychological stress when your heartrate doesn't match your physical condition.

When your heart gets all jacked up and you didn't do anything physically demanding, it can mindfuck you severely.
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