Colorado, Probation puts MMJ license into fault.

  • Thread starter SweetIslandFunk
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My PO is immature, today i went to go see her and its the first time since she told me if i continue to use MMJ ill get my probation revoked. I didnt stop. She sees this as a personal vendetta against all drugs. I walk in with my lawyer and she wont let him come into the room with me, so why did I even bring him? As soon as I get in there she wants to argue, giving me everything shes got saying how dumb and immature i am. I may be young but I am certainly more mature then this women, I informed her that I want to keep this civil, calm, and that my argument is not with her, but she kept at it, at this point all her powers are useless and she knows that I know that. All in all i am going to court in march for this and in Adams county my defense of a MMJ license will not make me innocent, so an immediate stay will be requested so we can skip that step and go higher. hopefully, if i win, it will influence probation offices in colorado to back off of real MMJ users on probation.


AHAHAHAHA thats fucking awesome. The whole fucking thing.

SweetIslandFunk said:
I walk in with my lawyer and she wont let him come into the room with me, so why did I even bring him?

That's awesome dude. Seriously, I've worked with PO's before - that pissed her off like you wouldn't believe. Doesn't matter if he came in there or not. Nice work. Ya rattled the bitch.

SweetIsland said:
All in all i am going to court in march for this and in Adams county my defense of a MMJ license will not make me innocent, so an immediate stay will be requested so we can skip that step and go higher. hopefully, if i win, it will influence probation offices in colorado to back off of real MMJ users on probation.

Dude if your medical records are straight, armed with a competent attorney, you might just be able to make case law in Colorado.

I still haven't come across an even slightly decent explanation of how PO's can do this other than the aforementioned 'federal law violation -> law violation on probation' link . . . but it just doesn't pass the Amendment as far as I can ossibly tell, especially in light of everything else that has come to bar here.

Good luck - keep us posted.


To say the least I am EXCITED to see how this all comes out. If I can get enough people on my side then theres no stopping me. Everyone on the farm thats in colorado will be welcomed at any of my future court hearings I hope to see you there. just PM me However I don't expect any of this to get serious for a few months though.

thanks for the support


by sedate,
not suggesting you be the test case - but in strark contraindication to my previous advice - if i were you, smoke up, let the po violate you - and take a copy of that to court and read it aloud.

If your balls are large enough to do that - pm me so i can be in the courtroom.

We'll blaze afterwards.


my balls are huge!!!


first preliminary, aka bullshit, court appearance on friday. pretty sure nothing is going to happen but a stay. I'll let you know.


If I learn anything from this fiasco its that when the shit hits the fan that you cant lose yourself, prepare for the worst and hope for the best my friends...
Anyhow, today is the big day, but yesterday it had been proven to me that my PO is intentionally trying to make me look bad to this judge. Before I got my license I mentioned it to my PO and she basically said that we can cross that bridge when we come to it, then when I got it and started failing UAs she said that its PENDING and yesterday, THE DAY BEFORE, the 11 or so UAs that I failed when she was okay with it are now being used against me. BUT WAIT THERES MORE. Also I rescheduled about 4 or so meetings with her and she is now saying that I just didn't show up. Today will be a hell of a day and if I don't update this week, well you know why...



I just saw this thread... You still out there SweetIsland?

I'm wondering how your case went?


yea man Im still here, I find out whats going to happen on tuesday next week, the 30th of march. What I am now facing is 10 days in jail and a $1000 fine that I CANNOT FUCKIN AFFORD, not to mention i will probably lose my job if it does happen. But my Lawyer is preparing a brief that basically says my rights as a coloradan and a MMJ patient and discusses my allergy to opiates. I suffer from a REAL chronic pain from a broken arm I got from a playing hockey, and during all this I learned the hard way that I am allergic to opiates, also letters from the doctor and what not. I hope that this judge sees my side and not my cunt ass PO's side, but here in adams county MMJ and probation are NOT allowed so I am expecting a fight.


MMJ is a Constitutional Right in Colorado (Amendment 20), not just some fake legislation but a Constitutional Right. WTF gives with these PO's thinking that they can take your RIGHTS away? That def needs to be mentioned by your lawyer. That sucks to hear that ya may face jail time because some asshole wants to trample your RIGHTS!

Also keep in mind that if you were using ANY OTHER PRESCRIPTION drug there would be NO CASE against you.

I also found out about an allergy to opiates when I shattered my wrist. After I came to, from surgery, the anesthesiologist said I broke out with a bad rash after giving me morphine to KO me for the knife...

Good luck in the next couple of day SweetIsland.


Thank you MJ,
Thats what I keep telling her but so far the judge doesn't even know about my license yet. On the paper work there was no mention of it it just says that I failed a TON of UAs not to mention the ones I missed due to lack of transportation and the fact that I have a life. So tomorrow we are going to go through this with the judge but we may have to appeal due to the fact that jeffco and adams county for some reason think that they have the right to deny people on probation their constitutional rights but IDK this judge seems like he doesn't have his head up his ass so I believe we will be able to present our case without biased input. Hands down, I have no doubt in my mind that my PO is trying to fuck with me. She offered me 10 days in jail and a $1000 fine and if I took it it would be case closed right there. But thats NOT and offer thats what would fucking happen if I lost so I'm taking it to trial because at this point I have nothing to lose. I have to say is fuck MMJ regulation in colorado you can suck my dick because all these little people with nothing else to do after running for senate so they pick MMJ to make themselves look like they are just trying to do the "right thing" they DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT WHATS RIGHT AND WRONG. My PO carelessly tells me to seek other options for pain relief but the sad truth is that those other options may KILL me, not to mention the depression that they cause. and aside from painkillers she can name another option aside from the painful and expensive experience of physical therapy. Marijuana works for ME, meaning I can actually afford it, I dont have health insurance so I pay for everything and this what more affordable then anything else mainly bc I can grow it well. I'm starting to think that maybe Washington or Oregon is starting to sound nice. washington 15 plants 1.5lbs just personally.

I appreciate your feedback, it gives me confidence to hear that people are on my side because it feels like I'm alone on this.

Much love out to the farm, If I dont post tomorrow, you know why...



Todays the day ladies and gentlemen, about two hours from now i'll be in the westminster city courts fighting the good fight. If I lose I get 10days, normally I wouldn't care tooo much but I am in the last days of flowering right now. I pray that my girlfriend has it in her to be able to take care of them, and be able to harvest for me if need be. Preparing for the worst, and hoping for the best, Hasta Luega

Wish me Luck Farmers,


It's probably late but here's one for the best.

Hope things go your way.


You there?

Hopefully things went well yesterday! I hope your not sitting in the county, I just did 20 days and would not wish that on my worst enemies. "Well, maybe some... ;)" On a serious note, we do need clarification. Right now I am afraid to take my medication fearing a violation of Probation. Even if I wanted to, I cannot go to the doctor for prescription narcotics because I owe the hospital a ton of money and have no insurance. (like the rest of us) So, I have been a miserable man lately. Good thing the judges in this state are protecting our constitutional rights.


Back from jail!

Hello Farmers!
I am home from the Adams County Detention Facility. Overall...Not bad I guess, don't get me wrong I hated it but the people were cool, even some of the guards. It was minimum security and only ten days. My heart goes out to those who are still there and their families.

We have a traitor in the midst,
When I showed up for court last tuesday my PO had every page of this thread, can you imagine? Me sitting in front of the Judge while the Prosecuter reads every posting word by word? Words cannot explain.. If it wasn't for that I probably could have gotten house arrest or some sort of work release but instead, ten days in jail. All I can say is don't smoke on probation unless you have a very serious reason for your MMJ license in Adams County or Jeffco, as for the rest I wouldn't test the waters either. Thanks for all of the support everyone but now that I have been spotted on this site by them I will abandon this profile sooner then later in hopes that Logic will grant me some of those privileges. Like PMs and Farmer status??? If not whatever no big deal.

Thanks again everyone,
sky high

sky high

Holy fuck. That's insane. What would anyone gain by tipping them off about your posts here?

And what about FREE SPEECH? They hammer you for speaking your mind in a (supposedly) FREE COUNTRY?

Judgieboy needs to go back to law school and re-read the Bill of Rights.

"absolute power corrupts absolutely". George Orwell/ANIMAL FARM

Your last gasp here...if you decide they have more RIGHTS than you do...should be to post up that asshole judges NAME. These clowns are ELECTED.... and the voters of Adams county/etc should see who upholds the LAW on MMJ laws and who doesn't.

This chump obviously doesn't.

good luck. Stay strong.

s h


Thanks sky, but I'm a free man now no probation no fines only the jail to learn the lesson and I did. I just cant and wont fuck up again.


haha, yea it was some shit.

all i can do is laugh about it now its over
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