Concealed Weapons and mmj

  • Thread starter chickenman
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true grit

true grit

Of all the people I know with guns... can't think of a single occasion where they 'needed' it... though certainly appeared to make them feel better... and I have people around me every day slinging side arms...???

Have been around where guns were shown... which highly elevated the situation... couldn't say they really helped yo!

Thing is there is a big difference in a properly trained/informed concealed carrying individual and someone who just carries a gun to carry one in case. Those are the ones that elevate situations, not ccl holders. Most will never even know someone is concealed carrier. Back in Texas it was a big deal, and frankly even the instructors suggest carrying 2, not 1. Its a basic principal of you should never have to draw/use it, but if you do- shit has ALREADY hit the fan- better be prepared. And even as such, the instructors inform you the same- its easier to dissipate and run, etc than to draw your concealed- even with out drugs present, be ready for trials/fees/life fucked up. Even in self defense it will be an uphill battle.

I think there is a huge misconception between carrying a gun and people who have been through class to carry a gun and realize ALL of the implication that comes with that, local jurisdiction and laws, etc- and not being joe blow with a gun all the time cuz its cool, or makes them feel safe.

Still very sad to think if you had to protect yourself, you couldn't due to a plant. But obviously how it goes and not worth the risk IMO.


There are so many facets to Home/Self Security, that most people don't realize that improper education, storage and handling of a gun/owner is more a liability than asset.

Under proper use and preparation, it is the 'great equalizer', but if it comes to that, didn't you have a hiccup elsewhere, earlier?

P.S. I loved my Glock. Just decided it wasn't worth the risk now that my Puppies are becoming Dogs. But had to be able to keep the family safe.

Plus, I got my eye on a Kimber Custom for my next sidearm purchase. Shot some random's once, and it was Sweet. Fucking awesome birthday present to get from your Dad, must say I was a bit jealous.


So it looks like its guns or ganja....was stupid for me to post this. I really am not THAT gun crazy and may have gone overboard saying I pack 2 pistols and carry concealed. Thanks for not rippin me to shreds too bad, I deserve some shit for being a dumdass and posting this in the 1st place, wanted some opinions on this subject, good points made, thanks all, will be more thoughtful in future before I post, however this is a good topic, ....will take my ganja over the guns any day all day....Thanks PEACE!!!CM

Cool hope I didn't come off as too big of a dick I can be real grumpy first thing in the morning just be careful.

It would be interesting to see the state stance on firearms thou, especial when dispensaries are hiring armed security guards seem like a double standard to me.

"Kimber's" 1911's are real nice Dooby and very fast too and hold very tight groups but it better for how much they cost :). I would still love to get my hands on a "Detonics Combat Master" in 38 super they are the cats meow for concealed 1911's IMO.
wobbly goblin

wobbly goblin

kimbers are fine but a cheap kahr pm9 that you can carry in your butt crack or armpit works for me as nobody knows you have it
winter time it can hide in your smelly sock and summer time it hides in a fold under the beer belly :)
it may not kill anything but it will certainly slow down the bad attitude

btw: it's never been pulled or it's predecessors in 3 decades



kimbers are fine but a cheap kahr pm9 that you can carry in your butt crack or armpit works for me as nobody knows you have it
winter time it can hide in your smelly sock and summer time it hides in a fold under the beer belly :)
it may not kill anything but it will certainly slow down the bad attitude

btw: it's never been pulled or it's predecessors in 3 decades

LOL ya their nothing like a cocked and loaded handgun with no manual safeties on it, in your butt crack LMAO its like people who carry Glocks (safety on the trigger :)) for concealment. Kahrs are a good firearm and very well made but their was a reason they have fallen out of favor.


Living dead girl
So what about a varmit shotgun? Got to have something to take care of ferel cats, skunks,:worried:worried:worried coons, possums etc...Probaly if hidden in barn ready for use no problem eh? Had to dispatch a cat recently that was eating chickens, close range a 357 is pretty effective, cat was DEAD instantly, no twichin at all...
My attorney told me to not even touch our pellet gun! We have bad kitties around here, not to mention them thar varmints. But he was crystal clear with me--DON'T TOUCH IT! Well hell, I'm not that great a shot anyway, but fuck, it's fun to plink on cans and whatnot.
Dogs.... man's best friend, feral cat's worst enemy! We have two, they're 100 lbers... big enough to take care of themselves without becoming a snack.....

I smirk everytime I see a sign on a tree... "Lost Dog - 8 lb Yorkshire Terrier....."
Somewhere a fox, coyote, mt. lion is picking Yorshire Terrier out of his teeth!
My dog is cat-protective in the extreme. I don't know why, but as far as she's concerned them are HER cats and nobody's gettin' to 'em, especially another dog.

Hawks take a lot of small dogs, too.

I have pepper spray (not mace), the kind that's supposed to be able to stop a bear (again, not mace, apparently that'll just piss 'em off). I carry it when I'm hiking because we have mountain lions, and I have a bottle at the house because I'll use that before I'll ever think about picking up a gun to defend myself. A gun, even around here where people have them in gun racks in their pick-ups, would just bring me too much trouble and it's not worth it when I live in an area where you can leave for weeks and not have to lock your front door.


G.O.D. SO you dont even keep your guns in your home? Shit I guess I am gonna have to get a storage unit for mine and just hope the rippers dont kick in the door. As far as the debate on the best sidearm fuck a 1911. Sure they are loud and will stop a small horse but I rock a FN five seven. 20 round mag (and I got a 30 too) and armor piercing. Im sure if the po-pos kicked in my door they would not go easy on me if they found that gun because they are really hated by leo. (In mexico they call it the mata polica or cop killer). I guess it is time to go all pulp fiction and get a samurai sword. Damn this sucks though I dont think I have ever lived in a home without a firearm.


current revolver of choice - Taurus 608

8 shot .357 with a 6" barrel


Living dead girl
Speaking of po-po kicking in the door, y'all hear about Jose Guerena in Arizona there? Shot 60 times by SWAT officers who raided his house without announcing themselves. Truly fucked up situation, well and truly.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
There is an old farmer cat in my little town that carries a revolver on his hip in a badass hand tooled leather belt and holster and it looks used lol...cracks me up...this was just the other day when i saw him eatin an ice cream cone

Just thought that was funny


SLO Grown

Take it for what it is worth folks. But know that each State might view Gun/MJ issue in a different light...."Law" has not been tested at the Federal level yet.

Ore. court rules medical pot users can have guns
(AP) – 1 day ago

GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) — The Oregon Supreme Court unanimously ruled Thursday that a retired school bus driver can have her medical marijuana and a concealed handgun, too.

The ruling upheld previous decisions by the Oregon Court of Appeals and circuit court that determined a federal law barring criminals and drug addicts from buying firearms does not excuse sheriffs from issuing concealed weapons permits to people who hold medical marijuana cards and otherwise qualify.

"We hold that the Federal Gun Control Act does not pre-empt the state's concealed handgun licensing statute and, therefore, the sheriffs must issue (or renew) the requested licenses," Chief Justice Paul De Muniz wrote in the ruling issued in Salem.

Cynthia Willis, one of four plaintiffs, welcomed the ruling.

"I feel like a big girl now," Willis said. "I feel like a real human being now, not just a source of revenue to the county."

Leland Berger, the attorney representing Willis and other medical marijuana patients in the state, said the ruling was important in the continuing national debate over making marijuana legal to treat medical conditions.

"I am hopeful we will end cannabis prohibition the same way we ended alcohol prohibition, which was by refusing to enforce federal laws within the state," Berger said.

Berger noted that acceptance of medical marijuana continues to grow, with Delaware last week becoming the 16th state to make it legal.

Willis, 54, has carried a Walther .22-caliber automatic pistol for personal protection since a messy divorce several years ago.

She volunteers at a Medford smoke shop that helps medical marijuana patients find growers, and teaches how to get the most medical benefit from the pound-and-a-half of pot that card carriers are allowed to possess.

She uses marijuana cookies, joints and salves to treat arthritis pain and muscle spasms.

Elmer Dickens, a lawyer representing the sheriffs of Washington and Jackson counties, said the ruling provided needed clarification on whether the defendants should follow federal or state law on what has been a cloudy issue.

Dickens did not anticipate an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, because the ruling focused so tightly on state law.

"Every sheriff knows now what the rules are, and we got what we needed," he said.

The ruling also said Congress has no constitutional authority to require states to use gun licensing statues to enforce a federal law like the prohibition on handguns for marijuana users.

Allen St. Pierre, executive director of NORML, said the Oregon justices "didn't drink the Kool-Aid" by adopting the view that marijuana should be treated differently than 400,000 other drugs used as medicine.

He noted that during Prohibition, many people could buy alcohol by claiming a medical benefit.

Oregon Attorney General John Kroger had argued in favor of the medical marijuana patients and against the sheriffs of Jackson and Washington counties who withheld handgun permits.

Oregon became one of the first states in the nation to authorize people to use marijuana to treat medical conditions when voters approved an initiative in 1998. The state has also moved marijuana down the list of illegal drugs from the top ranking to No. 2.

Nearly 40,000 Oregonians hold medical marijuana patient cards, with more than 36,000 of them for severe pain, according to Oregon Medical Marijuana Program statistics. Another 22,000 are registered as growers, and 21,000 as caregivers.

The ruling came the same day that the Oregon House was holding a hearing on a bill crafted by retired state troopers in the Legislature that would make it tougher for doctors to issue medical marijuana cards.

Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
true grit

true grit

There is an old farmer cat in my little town that carries a revolver on his hip in a badass hand tooled leather belt and holster and it looks used lol...cracks me up...this was just the other day when i saw him eatin an ice cream cone

Just thought that was funny


Its nuts, if you actually look at CO gun law, open carry is safer in some spots and not illegal than concealed carrying (by law anyways)...believe only Denver metro and few surrounding cities requires carrying to be "concealed".


Its nuts, if you actually look at CO gun law, open carry is safer in some spots and not illegal than concealed carrying (by law anyways)...believe only Denver metro and few surrounding cities requires carrying to be "concealed".

indeed, :harvest:

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